Thursday 30 April 2020

दरिया गांव को सील किया गया: कर्फ्यू पास वाले ही कर सकेंगे प्रवेश

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 30, 2020:-करोना महामारी से बचाव के लिए आज ग्राम दरिया को सील कर दिया गया है। इस गांव में प्रवेश करने के लिए केवल दो ही गेट खुले रहेंगे, बाकी अन्य गेट पूरी तरह  से बंद हैं। गाँव के पूर्व सरपंच व भाजपा नेता गुरप्रीत सिंह हैप्पी व भाजपा किसान मोर्चा के महासचिव धरमिंदर सिंह सैनी आदि की मौजूदगी में ये कार्यवाई की गई।
हैप्पी ने बताया कि करोना महामारी के बढ़ते खतरे के मद्देनज़र गाँव में बाहरी लोगों की ऐंट्री पर सख्ती बरती जाएगी व केवल पास धारक व्यक्ति को ही प्रवेश करने दिया जाएगा। उन्होंने बताया कि ये फैसला सभी गाँव वालों ने सर्वसम्मति से लिया गया है ताकि गांववासी सुरक्षित रहें। उन्होंने सभी गांववासियों से कहा कि सभी अपने घरों पर रहकर लॉकडाउन के नियमो का पालन करे l
धर्मेंद्र सैनी ने बताया कि जो गेट खुले हैं वहां पर लोगों को ड्यूटी पर तैनात किया गया है केवल कर्फ्यू का पास वाले लोगों को आने की इजाजत होगी।
दरिया पुलिस चौकी के प्रभारी मोहित बेनीवाल ने भी बताया कि बढ़ते संकट को देखते हुए स्थानीय पुलिस सख्ती बरत रही है व बिना इजाजत घूमने वाले 18 लोगों के खिलाफ कार्यवाही कर चुकी है। उन्होंने लोगों से अपील की है कि इस लाइलाज महामारी से बचाव के लिए सरकार द्वारा जारी निर्देशों का पालन करें तभी बीमारी को रोका जा सकेगा।
उन्होंने बताया कि उनकी उनके एरिया के अंतर्गत सख्ती बढ़ा दी गई है। दोपहर 2 बजे के बाद जो व्यक्ति घूमता हुआ पाया जाता है उस पर सख्त कार्रवाई की जाती है। बेनीवाल ने बताया कि उनके पुलिस मुलाजिम ग्राम दरिया की मार्केट और गलियों में निगरानी रख रहे हैं ताकि वहां लोग नियमों  की अनदेखी न करें। उन्होंने बताया कि चौकी द्वारा 24 घंटे नाका लगाया गया है।  उन पर कड़ी कार्रवाई कार्रवाई की जा रही है जो लोग बिना कर्फ्यू पास के पाए जाते हैं। 
गांव को सील करने के दौरान हरबंस सिंह, हरजीत सिंह,  सुरजीत सिंह,  राजू,  हरनेक सिंह आदि भी उपस्थित थे।

Nissan Launches Free Anti-Microbial Sanitization Campaign

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 30, 2020:- India on Thursday launched an anti-microbial sanitization campaign for the safety and wellbeing of all its customers.

In this initiative, all Nissan dealers will perform a free of cost anti-microbial sanitization of all interior and exterior areas of the car that are frequently accessed or touched, including door handles, steering wheel, gear knobs, etc.

In addition to the above, customers will also be offered full sanitization of the vehicle using interior fogging treatment, which ensures disinfection of the AC duct system, carpets etc., followed by exterior sanitization by spraying, at an affordable cost.

Rakesh Srivastava, MD-Nissan Motor India said that at Nissan India, our utmost priority is the well-being of all customers, employees and dealer partners. In these challenging times, it is important that we step up all types of sanitization services as a precautionary measure to collectively overcome the challenges in the society. The anti-microbial sanitization package is the continuation of our endeavor to provide best services to all the owners of Nissan & Datsun vehicles.

Nissan and Datsun customers will also receive invites via phone calls, e-mailer and SMS from the dealership for the 'We Sanitize to Protect U' Camp, which starts from May 15th to June 30th. Customers can avail the special anti-microbial sanitization service during the camp. Nissan is also communicating with all its customers on the upkeep of their cars during the duration of the lockdown through its website, social media channels and email.


Bharat Financial Inclusion Limited Contributes One Crore Rupees to the PM CARES Fund in Fight against COVID-19

By 121 News
Chandigarh, April 30, 2020:-Bharat Financial Inclusion Ltd. (BFIL), a 100% subsidiary of IndusInd Bank, has contributed 1 Crore Rupees to the Prime Minister's Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations Fund (PM CARES Fund). The fund was set up in March by the Government of India to help fight the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. G. Kishan Reddy, Minister of State for Home Affairs, Government of India received the cheque from BFIL representatives at the North Block office in New Delhi yesterday. He appreciated the company for coming forward and strengthening the fight against COVID 19.    

In addition to this contribution, BFIL has been tirelessly working to help state governments in Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka to get access to essential medical equipment like testing kits, PPEs, and other sanitation requirements and also train frontline health workers to protect themselves against the virus.

MR Rao, MD & CEO, BFIL said that we are witnessing an unprecedented crisis and the entire BFIL family stands in solidarity with the nation. With this contribution to PM CARES Fund and many other initiatives at the grassroots level, we are providing all possible relief to needy people in villages and small towns across India.

The PM CARES Fund will be used to fight the health emergency brought about by COVID-19, ramp up research and strengthen healthcare and pharma facilities in India.

29 दिन में 20000 लोगों तक पहुंचाया खाना:, दीपक शर्मा

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 30, 2020:-नेशनल करप्शन कंट्रोल एंड हूमन वेलफेयर ऑर्गेनाइजेशन के नेशनल चेयरमैन, उद्योगपति व बीजेपी टैनामेंट कॉलोनी प्रकोष्ठ के स्टेट कन्वीनर भी है।
  दीपक शर्मा माता चिंतपूर्णी शिव मंदिर सेक्टर 32 के सदस्य कश्मीरी लाल राजकुमार के सहयोग से आज लगातार 29वें दिन से  औद्योगिक क्षेत्र फेस-2 में रही हर एक लेबर तक खाना पहुचाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं।
दीपक शर्मा  ने बताया  की इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया फैक्ट्रियों में काम करने वाले लेबर के लोगों तक खाना लगातार पहुंचाया जा रहा है। इसके साथ साथ  बीटबॉक्स के आसपास,  फेस-2 के सारे ट्रांसपोर्टर को, घोड़े वालों को , पासपोर्ट ऑफिस के आसपास तकरीब सारे इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया कवर किया जा रहा हैं इसके साथ साथ शिव मंदिर, सेक्टर 47,  सेक्टर 45,  मलोया, सेक्टर 29 , सेक्टर 31 के सर्वेंट हाउस में और सेक्टर 32 के कुछ घरों मे भी पहुचायां जा रहा हैं। लगभग रोज 700 और आज तक 20000 खाने लोगों तक पहुचा चुके हैं। और आने वाले 3 मई  तक रोजाना पहुचाने का प्रयास करगें। दीपक शर्मा ने बताया कि वह उद्योगपति होने के साथ-साथ भारतीय जनता पार्टी में टैनामेंट कॉलोनी प्रकोष्ठ के स्टेट कन्वीनर भी है

लेबर सेल कमेटी जरूरतमंदों को बांट रही भोजन: इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया शमशान घाट के कर्मचारियों को भी बांट रहे भोजन पैकेट

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 30, 2020:-चंडीगढ़ लेबर सेल कमेटी चेयरमैन रविन्द्र सिंह बिल्ला के मार्गदर्शन में पिछले एक महीने से भी अधिक समय से शहर की विभिन्न कॉलोनियों और पिछड़े क्षेत्र में जरूरतमंद में भोजन बांट रही है। कमेटी की तरफ से चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन द्वारा अधिकृत मौली जागरा फारेस्ट एरिया, ट्रांसपोर्ट एरिया के अलावा इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया फेज 01 में स्थित शमशान घाट के स्टाफ में सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग का ध्यान रखते हुए फ़ूड पैकेट का वितरण किया जा रहा है। 
लेबर सेल कमेटी के चेयरमैन रविन्द्र सिंह बिल्ला ने बताया कि कमेटी की तरफ से शहर के विभिन्न एरिया में फ़ूड पैकेट बाँटे जा रहे है। जब उन्हें पता चला कि इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया फेज एक मे स्थित शमशान घाट में रह रहे कर्मचारियों के गुजर बसर में दिक्कत आ रही है तो उन्होंने  समाज के प्रति अपनी जिम्मेदारी को देखते हुए उन्हें भोजन देने का प्रण लिया।उन्हें इस बात से संतोष प्राप्त होता है कि प्रभु की असीम कृपा से उन्हें जरूरतमन्दों की मदद करने का अवसर प्राप्त हो रहा है।
रविंदर सिंह के अनुसार जब तक लॉकडाउन जारी रहेगा युनकी संस्था की तरफ से जरूरतमंद की मदद का ये सिलसिला जारी रहेगा। 

Scholarship Worth Rs 11 Crores and Donation Drive in Revered Memory of Late Mata Jarnail Kaur

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 30, 2020:-Desh Bhagat University declared scholarships worth 11 crores and started a seven day Sanitizer and Masks donation drive on the first death anniversary of Late Mata Jarnail Kaur , loving mother of Dr. Zora Singh, Chancellor ,Desh Bhagat University  Dr. Zora Singh, Chancellor and Mrs. Tejinder Kaur, Pro-Chancellor, Desh Bhagat University remembered the departed soul and added, last year scholarships worth Rs. 8.2 cr was given in the memory of Mata Jarnail Kaur .This year we have decided to increase the funds for deserving candidates due to this economic block down. He added, due to the unprecedented demand and urgent need for hand sanitizers and masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, this small contribution will be helpful to the community.

Sr. Hardev Singh, Ex ACA, PUDA ,appreciated the efforts of DBU, took personal interest and motivated the team DBU.

Under the drive sanitizers and masks are proposed to be distributed at various locations, comprising of Amloh , Mandi gobindgarh, Bhadson and Fatehgarh Sahib.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

चण्डीगढ़ पुलिस का एक और सराहनीय काम: बेजुबान की बचाई जान

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 29, 2020:-चण्डीगढ़ पुलिस इस आपदाकाल में खूब चौके-छक्के लगा रही है। इसका ताज़ा उदाहरण आज मलोया थाने के तीन पुलिसकर्मियों ने दिया जब उन्होंने एक पिल्ले की जान बचाई व इसके लिए गर्मी में खूब पसीना भी बहाया। प्राप्त विवरण के मुताबिक हुआ यूँ कि मलोया में पुलिस को सूचना मिली कि एक बदजुबान यहां लोहे के पाइप में फंस गया है व मारे तकलीफ के तड़प रहा है। इस पर थाने में तैनात तीन कांस्टेबल रोहतास  प्रवीण व अरुण मोके पर पर पहुंचे व काफी मेहनत के बाद आखिर बेजुबान को सकुशल-सुरक्षित बाहर निकाल लिया। तत्पश्चात उसे खुराक भी दी। ये कारनामा करने के बाद उनकी ख़ुशी, संतुष्टि व उत्साह देखने लायक था। क्षेत्र के निवासियों में भी इन कर्मठ व दयालु पुलिसकर्मियों की मेहनत की चर्चा थी व खूब प्रशन्सा की।

चण्डीगढ़ पुलिस का एक और सराहनीय काम: बदजुबान की बचाई जान

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 29, 2020:-चण्डीगढ़ पुलिस इस आपदाकाल में खूब चौके-छक्के लगा रही है। इसका ताज़ा उदाहरण आज मलोया थाने के तीन पुलिसकर्मियों ने दिया जब उन्होंने एक पिल्ले की जान बचाई व इसके लिए गर्मी में खूब पसीना भी बहाया। प्राप्त विवरण के मुताबिक हुआ यूँ कि मलोया में पुलिस को सूचना मिली कि एक बदजुबान यहां लोहे के पाइप में फंस गया है व मारे तकलीफ के तड़प रहा है। इस पर थाने में तैनात तीन कांस्टेबल रोहतास  प्रवीण व अरुण मोके पर पर पहुंचे व काफी मेहनत के बाद आखिर बेजुबान को सकुशल-सुरक्षित बाहर निकाल लिया। तत्पश्चात उसे खुराक भी दी। ये कारनामा करने के बाद उनकी ख़ुशी, संतुष्टि व उत्साह देखने लायक था। क्षेत्र के निवासियों में भी इन कर्मठ व दयालु पुलिसकर्मियों की मेहनत की चर्चा थी व खूब प्रशन्सा की।

गुरुद्वारा को भेंट किए 21000 रुपये:. जरूरतमन्दों के लिए भोजन में लगाए जाने के लिए किए भेंट

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 29, 2020:-वैश्विक महामारी कोविड 19 से उपजी संकट की इस भीषण आपदा में आज हर कोई अपने सामर्थ्य अनुसार जरूरतमन्दों की मदद कर रहा है। वहीँ इस सबसे प्रेरित होकर  सेक्टर 35 निवासी एस के अग्रवाल ने भी जरूरतमंद दिहाड़ीदार मजदूरों को लंगर/भोजन की सेवा में  21000/-रुपये गुरुद्वारा श्री गुरु सिंह सभा सेक्टर को भेंट स्वरूप दिए है। उन्होंने ये राशि गुरुद्वारा साहिब सेक्टर 19 के प्रेसिडेंट तेजिन्दरपाल सिंह को सौंपी और इसे जरूरतमन्द लोगों के लिए लंगर सेवा की मदद में लगाने की अपील की।

प्राइवेट डेंटल प्रैक्टिशनर्स एसोसिएशन ऑफ पंचकूला ने बनाई कोरोना सेना टीम

By 121 News
Panchkula April 29, 2020:-प्राइवेट डेंटल  प्रैक्टिशनर्स एसोसिएशन ऑफ पंचकूला मैं कोरोना महामारी को देखते हुए दंत चिकित्सकों ने कोरोना  सेना नाम से टीम बनाई हुई है । जो अलग-अलग  होम शेल्टर्स में जाकर  तकरीबन 1 महीने से  लोगों को  सेवा कर रही है। 
एसोसिएशन के उपप्रधान डॉक्टर कविता शर्मा ने बताया कि टीम में डॉ विमल कालिया ,डॉ मनील ग्रोवर, डॉ नीलम शौरि, डॉ अनुभव नरेश,डॉ साकेत चक्रवर्ती ,डॉ हिमांशु गुप्ता, डॉ अनुपम कक्कर पूरी लगन से अपनी अपनी सेवाएं दे रहे हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि शेल्टर होम में रुके हुए प्रवासियों को योगा व नाच गाकर उनका मनोरंजन कर रहे हैं और इनको इस बीमारी से निजात पाने के लिए प्रेरित कर रहे हैं ।

PCA Donates Masks to Press Club

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 29, 2020:-Members of Property Consultants Association (Regd) Chandigarh consisting of Kamaljit Singh Panchhi, Kamal Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Naresh Sharma & Jatinder Singh today donated 2000 Surgical masks and 100 Sanitizers for Media Personnel and handed over to President press club at Sector-27 club premises today.
Kamaljit Singh Panchhi, Chairman & Kamal Gupta President of the Association said that we have decided to provide medical support for media personnel while conducting their duties in these tough hours. We saluted and applauds the untalented support given by Media Personnel in this hour of the crises. Corona Warriors are on Job. 
President of the club Appreciated the Contribution of Association, 

SONY SAB TV: “I Am Finally Able to Grow My Hair”: Krishna Bharadwaj

By 121 News.
Chandigarh April 29, 2020:-Television actors have currently got some 'much needed' time to rest and spend quality time with their families. Similarly, Krishna Bharadwaj, who has entertained everyone with his exceptional performance as Pandit Ramakrishna in Sony SAB's show Tenali Rama, too is utilizing this time-off to watch his favourite films, catch up on sleep and more importantly grow his hair back.

Krishna Bharadwaj, who plays Rama in Sony SAB's show Tenali Rama, is glad he has got time to grow his hair back now that he isn't shooting often. Krishna said that he is here in Mumbai and did not go back to his home in Jharkhand as he wanted to take utmost precautions and keep others safe. Here, he ha s got time to catch up on his sleep that he has lost in these 3 years. These days, he has been eating, sleeping and binge-watching on some world cinema as he is a big fan of world cinema.He also cooked his favourite, Gatte Ki Sabji recently. What he is liking the most is that he is finally able to grow his hair now. He has always had to shave his head, every day, for the role of Rama in Tenali Rama and now that we are not shooting for a while, he is able to grow his hair back.

Krishna Bharadwaj also said that while it is a very critical time for everyone,  he is trying to help the daily wage workers across the country. He is associated with an organization where we are collecting groceries and money from people who are willing to help and are delivering these essential items to people in the slum areas, staying under the government guidelines and taking every safety measure seriously.

Talking about how he is keeping himself positive, Krishna said that he is glad he has got some time to explore his spiritual side again as he has been meditating a lot, which he couldn't do earlier due to hectic shoot schedules. This helps stay calm and keeps the mind healthy. If we look at the positive side of this situation, then he would say Mother Nature has got time to heal itself. So, his message to everyone is that let's take this time to work upon ourselves, do everything that we wanted to do all these years and most importantly, spend time with our family because that is what matters the most.

CII Shares Exit Strategy for Chandigarh from Lockdown 2.0 with Administration

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Chandigarh April 29, 2020:-The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Chandigarh UT Chapter has drafted 'Strategy for Exit from Lockdown 2.0 : Chandigarh Tricity Perspective' and has shared with the Chandigarh Administration including V P Singh Badnore, Hon'ble Governor of Punjab & Administrator, UT Chandigarh and Manoj Kumar Parida, Adviser to the Administrator, UT Chandigarh.  The document also dwells on Standard Operating Procedures for industries, sector-specific protocol and sector wise suggestions to the UT Administration.

Talking about the proposed exit strategy, Dr S P S Grewal, Chairman, CII Chandigarh UT Council & CEO, Grewal Eye Institute said that Chandigarh should not be looked into as standalone UT, but along with its neighbouring cities of Mohali and Panchkula.  Thus, the tricity of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula should be considered as one entity, while taking any decision on way forward. This should be noted that if Chandigarh remains closed and Mohali and Panchkula are opened, it will result in making trade and industry uncompetitive and unviable in UT.  At the same time, it may be noted people from the Tricity commutes daily either to city or out of city to do business or to earn livelihood.  In this backdrop, it is very critical to devise common strategy for Chandigarh along with the bordering districts.  In this regard, CII has suggested formation of Coordination Committee- comprising of DCs of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula to plan, review and address implementation challenges.

On the issue of entire UT been declared as Red Zone & Containment Zone, Dr Grewal  said that livelihood of lot of citizens are at stake, including the vulnerable and weaker section of the society. With complete lockdown, many of the businesses are staring at massive losses. The MSMEs are facing the major burnt, and if lockdown continues for few more weeks, the risk of their businesses getting wiped off increases significantly.  Therefore, CII has suggested for distinction between Red Zone and Containment Zones within the UT. In Chandigarh, specific Containment Zones should be identified and barricaded, the rest of the areas in the UT should be allowed for to open in a calibrated and staggered way. The industrial operation in the permitted list with proper health & hygiene protocols and adhering to social distancing norms may be allowed in phased wise manner.

In its suggestion submitted to Chandigarh Administration for supporting trade & industry, CII had emphasized that companies are facing the double whammy of almost zero revenue and fulfilling the social obligations viz. CSR and payment of salaries & wages, hence, supporting the trade and industry is the need of the hour.

Dr Grewal said that, CII has requested the UT to consider complete waiver of the fixed electricity charges for industrial units during the period of lockdown on the lines of Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.  Amongst other suggestions shared, CII has requested for waiver of Property Tax for 6 months; extending the current excise year by a month from the day complete lock down is lifted, whichever is later; temporary waiver of Excise, License fees, VAT on liquor and all other State Taxes applicable on all services provided by Hotels & Restaurants.

Dr Grewal complimented the phenomenal work being done by the Chandigarh Administration to deal with COVID 19. CII and its member companies are supporting the needy people across the country by way of providing packed foods, dry ration kits etc. We are also providing masks, sanitizers, PPEs to frontline workers across the country.

Nissan’s New KICKS 2020 to Feature Most Powerful Engine in Its Class

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New Delhi, April 29, 2020:-The all-new Nissan KICKS 2020 to be launched soon in India.  It will feature the most powerful engine in its class - the Nissan Turbo – and Nissan's widely-acclaimed X-tronic CVT.

Rakesh Srivastava, MD-Nissan Motor India said that the all new Nissan KICKS 2020 is built with Japanese engineering and technology and has high build quality with purposeful and intelligent technology with class-leading premium-ness. The New Nissan KICKS is powered by best-in-class turbo engine and best-in-class X-tronic CVT offering higher fuel economy and acceleration.

The HR13 DDT 1.3L four-cylinder, turbo-charged, petrol engine can deliver 156 PS power and 254 NM torque. The HR13 DDT engine also uses the cylinder coating technology, which is borrowed from the Nissan GT-R's engine. This technology boosts efficiency of the engine and offers higher fuel efficiency and performance.

Paired with the new Nissan X-tronic CVT, the Nissan KICKS CVT also has the best-performing automatic transmission in its class. The X-tronic CVT offers an eight-step M mode which provides MT like experience at choice. The next generation Nissan X-tronic CVT offers 40% less friction contributing to higher fuel economy and acceleration response.

The model will be a complete vehicle package with an exceptional combination of Intelligent Technology and class-leading premium-ness.

स्वर्गीय माता जरनैल कौर की प्रथम पुण्यतिथि पर किया सैनिटाइजर और मास्क का दान

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Chandigarh April 29, 2020- देश भगत यूनिवर्सिटी के चांसलर की प्रेममयी माता जरनैल कौर की प्रथम पुण्यतिथि पर पूरे परिवार ने कोविड- 19 की मौजूदा परिस्थितियों को देखते हुए किसी भी सामाजिक सभा से बचने का फैसला किया है।कर्म करने के लिए समाज की भलाई के लिए दान करने का निर्णय लिया गया। जिसके लिए पंजाब के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री, बलबीर सिंह सिद्धू से संपर्क किया गया, उन्होंने दिलचस्पी दिखाई और योगदान देने के लिए खुद यात्रा करने का फैसला किया। उन्होंने परिवार के प्रयासों की सराहना की।इस अवसर पर चांसलर डॉ. जोरा सिंह देश भगत विश्वविद्यालय; मेसर्स ज़ोर बाइट इंटरनेशनल, चंडीगढ़; हरदेव सिंह पूर्व एसीए, पुडा; मंतव फाउंडेशन मोहाली;  गुरमेल सिंह एवं परिवार; प्रिंस स्टाइल मेन्स बुटीक, श्री मुक्तसर साहिब ने योगदान दिया।
विश्वविद्यालय के चांसलर डॉ. जोरा सिंह प्रो.चांसलर डॉ. तेजिंदर कौर  ने अपनी प्रेममयी माताजी को याद करते हुए पंजाब के स्वास्थ्य मंत्री बलबीर सिंह सिद्धू का आभार व्यक्त किया और उन सभी को धन्यवाद दिया जो योगदान के लिए आगे आए हैं तथा कहा कि कोविड-19 महामारी के  समय यह छोटा सा योगदान समुदाय के लिए मददगार होगा।स्वर्गीय माता  जरनैल कौर की पुण्यस्मृति में देश भगत विश्वविद्यालय द्वारा माता जरनैल कौर छात्रवृत्ति योजना की घोषणा की गई ।

Bank of Baroda Conducts Unique ‘Mega MSME Outreach Programme’

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Chandigarh 29 April, 2020:-Bank of Baroda today conducted a 'Mega MSME Outreach Programme' in a unique initiative to connect with MSME borrowers across entire country at a time when the sector is passing through an extremely difficult phase on account of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown.
A large number of MSME borrowers along with the Bank's concerned General Managers, Zonal Managers, Regional Managers, Branch Managers and Heads of SME Loan factories participated in the live webinar, which was hosted by Executive Director Vikramaditya Singh Khichi. It was an exercise to address the concerns of MSMEs and inform them about various hand-holding measures being taken by the Government of India, Reserve Bank of India and Bank of Baroda in particular, to support them in their efforts to overcome their challenges.

The Mega MSME Outreach Programme' is a unique, pro-active initiative by Bank of Baroda and probably a first in the industry, considering the scale of outreach across India. An important objective of the webinar was to educate MSME borrowers about various facilities/options made available by the Bank for their benefit. The Bank's Executives also suggested a road-map with suitable advice and guidance as to how they may utilize these facilities for surmounting the difficulties. Through a Chat Box facility, the participating borrowers were able to raise doubts/queries and bank received approximately 22,000 queries through the Chat Box. Further, the MSME borrowers were made aware of the business opportunities that are likely to arise in certain segments in the post COVID-19 scenario.i

Vkramaditya Singh Khichi, Executive Director, who hosted the webinar from his desk said that the MSME sector, which is the backbone of the economy and country's biggest employer, has been severely affected by the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown. MSMEs have always been an area of priority for Bank of Baroda, hence the need was felt to have a direct communication with the MSME borrowers to assure them about our continued support in terms of additional facilities in these testing times. As a face-to-face interaction was ruled out, this Mega MSME Outreach Programme was conceived wherein we connected online with almost 49,000 customers apart from bank officials from Metro, Urban, Semi-Urban and Rural centres across the country.

The Department of Financial Services, MoF, GOI is very keen to ensure that the MSME industry remains in good health, as it is one of the growth engines of our economy. This outreach programme was part of our Bank's continuous and committed efforts to contribute to the national cause. We hope to fructify this initiative with focused and result-oriented measures including liquidity management through special COVID Emergency Credit Line, moratorium on loan instalment/ interest payment, re-assessment of limits, restructuring of loans etc. that would enable our MSME borrowers not only to mitigate the damage caused by COVID-19, but also to regain prosperity.

Amazon Launches the ‘Local Shops on Amazon’ program: More Than 5000 Local Shops and Retailers Already Enrolled

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Shimla, 29th April 2020:-Amazon.intoday announced the launch of 'Local Shops on Amazon' The program brings 
the benefits of ecommerce to local shopkeepers and retailers of all sizes. It helps supplement the existing footfalls with a digital presence and expands their reach beyond their normal catchment. As part of the program, Amazon will use its technology, training and enablement capabilities to power local shops and retailers of all sizes from 
across India to sell online.Shopkeepers joining "Local Shops on Amazon" use their existing delivery setups to deliver faster within the city and can choose to expand their serviceable areas by using Amazon's fulfilment 
services. Additionally, these shops can sign up for Amazon's other programs that include I Have Space to act as 
delivery and pickup points, and 'Amazon Easy' to offer expanded selection to their walk-in customers to earn 
additional income.Over 5000 local shops and retailers from across India have already enrolled for this program and hundreds of them are selling products that are essential to customers during these challenging times. Bringing the best of online and offline shopping experience together, the program is designed to help customers 
shop from their favourite local shops near them from the comfort of their homes; benefit from a wider selection, 
faster deliveries as well as in-built value-added services like demo and installation, contact transfer from old phone to new amongst others. However, due to the current prevailing situation, customer can only shop for essential items from the local shops and retailers under this program. 
For the last 6 months, Amazon has been running a pilot for this program with over 5000+ local shops and offline retailers. These retailers are from top metros as well as tier 1 and tier 2 cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Pune, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Surat, Indore Lucknow, Saharanpur, Faridabad, Kota, Varanasi amongst others. Shops from the pilot are from different product categories like Kitchen, Home, Furniture, Apparel, Automotive, Beauty, Electronics, Sports, Grocery, Lawn & Garden, Books, Toys, Jewellery, Large Appliances etc. Some local shops and retailers who are already a part of the program include Delhi Electronics Plaza (Consumer Electronics, Delhi), my sleepy head (Mattresses, Krishnagiri), Green Soul (Furniture, Mumbai), Sangeetha Mobiles 
(Mobile Phones, Bengaluru), Arya Organic Products (Grocery Consumables, Bengaluru), Comfort Bedding 
(Bedding & Mattresses, Delhi), Shoe Mistri (Shoes Care, Delhi) , Electro Kart (Delhi NCR), Madhuram Electronics 
(Ahmedabad) The Mattress Hub (Delhi NCR, Electronics Shoppe (Delhi NCR), Adith Electronics, Raw Pressery 
(Beverages, Mumbai), We guarantee (Grocery and Healthcare, Lucknow) amongst others.
Gopal Pillai, VP, Seller Services –Amazon India said that local Shops on Amazon is in line with our focus on enabling every motivated seller anywhere in the country to reach customers across India and the world. It empowers local shops and retailers of all sizes to benefit from a larger addressable customer base, while leveraging their existing resources and assets. At the same time, customers get the convenience of buying from 
local shops in their cities with integrated value added services and faster delivery of products.Gopal further 
added that over the last few weeks, we have been faced with an unprecedented challenge. We focused all our 
efforts to only serve products that are essential to our customers during this time. It was heartening to see 
hundreds of retailers from the Local Shops program play an important role to help people across India practice social distancing while addressing their needs for essential products. As the situation improves, they can continue to help people maintain social distancing while jumpstarting their livelihoods and open up a long-term opportunity for themselves.
This program can help local shops and retailers to embrace technology and transform themselves into digital and 
hybrid stores. Amazon India is pledging INR 10 crores to expand the pilot to on-board and train any motivated retailer and shopkeeper from across the India.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Burger King: Burger King India & Delhi Police Partner to Provide Burgers to Orphanages

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Chandigarh, April 28, 2020:-Burger King India partnered with Delhi Police to distribute burgers to children in orphanages and community clusters amidst the current COVID-19 crisis. The Don Bosco Ashalayam and Auxilium Snehalya in Palam Village and Asha Grah Children Home for Boys and Girls in Dwarka were served with burgers as mid day snacks. Further, kids of JJ clusters in the area of Vikas Puri, GTB Enclave, Madhu Vihar, R.K Puram and Kalkaji were also served burgers. As part of this partnership, Burger King distributed 5000 burgers.

Burger King India's 'Crown Standard Delivery' ensures safe delivery of food from the kitchen to the communities. The staff delivering the meals wear protective gear like masks and gloves to ensure safety. Since Covid – 19 outbreak, Burger King has further strengthened its robust restaurant procedures around food safety, cleanliness and hygiene and increased its sanitization frequency in all restaurants across the country.

Srinivas Adapa, CMO Burger King, said that we work closely with police officers in our communities on a regular basis and in these unprecedented times, we would like to salute them for their selfless service to the nation. We are honoured to partner with the Delhi Police to provide safe and hygienic food to children in this hour of need.

The Delhi Police also appreciated the brand gesture and were happy to partner with this initiative which brought a smile on the faces of young kids.

Max Life to be 70:30 Joint Venture Between Max Financial Services and Axis Bank

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Chandigarh April 28, 2020:-Axis Bank Limited (Axis Bank) and Max Financial Services Limited (MFS) announced the signing of definitive agreements to become joint venture partners in Max Life Insurance Company Limited (Max Life).  Axis Bank will hold 30% stake in Max Life post transaction closure. The development will result in a mutually beneficial and enduring relationship between Axis Bank and Max Life and bring the stability of a long term partnership to India's fourth largest private life insurance franchise. The joint venture arrangement will significantly improve Max Life's competitive position vis a vis its competitors, including the other large bank owned private life insurers.

The Boards of Axis Bank, MFS and Max Life approved the transaction late on 27th April 20. This is an outcome of the inter-se discussions after the three companies had signed a confidentiality and exclusivity arrangement on 20th Feb 2020 to explore the possibility of a long-term strategic partnership between Axis Bank and Max Life.

Max Financial Services presently holds a 72.5% stake in Max Life and Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance (MSI) owns 25.5% stake. Axis Bank also has a minor stake in the life insurer.

The aforesaid transaction with Axis Bank follows the ongoing swapping by MSI of 20.6% stake that it holds in Max Life with a 21.9% stake in MFS. MFS also plans to purchase MSI's balance stake in Max Life.  Post completion of the series of transactions, Max Life will become a 70:30 joint-venture between MFS and Axis Bank. The proposed transactions are subject to approval of requisite corporate and regulatory authorities (including RBI, IRDAI and CCI). 

Announcing the transaction, Amitabh Chaudhry, MD & CEO, Axis Bank, said that we continue to believe in the long term prospects of India's under-penetrated life insurance space, current environment notwithstanding. We see this joint venture creating immense value for our stakeholders given our long standing, high performing partnership with Max Life. We believe this transaction will allow us to deepen our working relationship leading to better integrated teams and infrastructure and a superior alignment in our approach.

Welcoming the development, Analjit Singh, Founder and Chairman, Max Group, said that this move is an emphatic signal that Max Life will become an even more formidable player in the Indian life insurance space. We at Max Group have had a long standing record of having successful joint ventures. We achieve this by choosing partners with complementary skills, a matching belief system and a shared vision for the future of the business. I believe that in Axis, we have found an exceptional partner and we have conviction that this will make Max Life fundamentally stronger, better performing and will bring stability to the franchise. We will run the organization as if it's an equal partnership, a philosophy which has held us in good stead earlier as well.

Pralay Mondal, Executive Director - Retail Banking, Axis Bank, added, "This transaction would enable Axis Bank to take its partnership with Max Life to the next level. Max has been a well-managed, professional organization with product and distribution capabilities that can be significantly augmented by this partnership, thus leading to greater customer value.

मशीनों को ऑलिंग करने के लिए फैक्टरी खोलने की दी जाए 02 दिन की इजाजत: मशीनरी हो सकती है कंडम: दीपक शर्मा

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Chandigarh April 28, 2020:-चंडीगढ़ इंडस्ट्री से इंडस्ट्रियलस व इंडस्ट्रियल यूथ एसोसिएशन के उपप्रधान दीपक शर्मा ने मेल के द्वारा चंडीगढ़ एडवाइजर मनोज परिंदा व प्रशासक बीपी बदनोर जी को चंडीगढ़ इंडस्ट्री से संबंधित एक समस्या से अवगत कराया।
 दीपक शर्मा ने मेल के द्वारा चंडीगढ़ एडवाइजर प्रशासक को बताया की आज लगभग 40 दिन दिन से लॉक डाउन (कर्फ्यू) के कारण चंडीगढ़ की इंडस्ट्री बंद पडीं है। और आगे भी अभी इंडस्ट्री खुले के चांस कम है।दीपक शर्मा ने बताया फेक्ट्रियो में बहुत महंगी मशीनरी है जैसे सीएनसी बीएमसी लेजर लेजर कटिंग और बहुत अलग अलग तरह की मशीनें है जिनकी कीमत करोड़ों में है जिसके द्वारा अलग-अलग तरह के सामान बनाया जाता हैं। और ऐसी मशीनरी को 10 से 15 दिन में ऑलिंग की जरूरत पड़ती है। जो कि नहीं हो पा रही है। जिसके कारण करोड़ों की मशीनें खराब हो सकती हैं। उन्होंने कहा की उद्योगपतियों को 2 दिन फैक्ट्री खोल कर ऑलिंग की इजाजत दी जानी चहिये। मशीनों को ऑलिंग करने के लिए केवल मालिक और एक वर्कर का पास बनाकर दिया जाना चाहिए। जिससे उद्योगपति मशीनों को ऑलिंग करके मशीनों के खराब होने के भारी नुकसान से बच सकते हैं।
दीपक शर्मा ने बताया यदि खड़ी-खड़ी मशीनें खराब हो गई तो फेक्टरी मालिकों को भारी नुकसान का सामना करना पड़ सकता हैं। और जिससे आने वाले समय में औद्योगिक वर्ग पर भी प्रभाव पड़ना निश्चित है।

नारी सम्मान और गरीब बच्चों के उत्थान के लिए समर्पित तथा सदैव प्रयासरत "तथास्तु चैरिटेबल सोसायटी"

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Chandigarh April 28, 2020:-नारी सम्मान और गरीब बच्चों के उत्थान के लिए समर्पित तथा सदैव प्रयासरत "तथास्तु चैरिटेबल सोसायटी" अतीत में कई तरह के कार्यक्रम कर चुके है। जिसमें कि नारी सम्मान के संबंध में आयोजित कार्यक्रम की बात करें तो अलग-अलग महिला डॉक्टरो को, महिला पुलिस कर्मियों को, अपने-अपने क्षेत्रों में समाज सेवा में कार्यरत् महिलाओ को तथा बिजनेस वुमन को अपने "तथास्तु चैरिटेबल सोसायटी" के मंच पर सम्मानित किया। अभी हाल ही मे इंटरनेशनल वुमन डे पर लुधियाना में रंगारंग कार्यक्रम मे महिलाओं को उनके संबंधित क्षेत्रों में प्राप्त उपलब्धियो के लिए सम्मानित किया। इस मर्तबा भी मदर्स डे पर समाज को अपना योगदान देने वाली विशिष्ट महिलाओं को एक मंच पर लाकर न केवल सम्मानित करने का विचार था बल्कि अन्य लोगों के समक्ष उनके संघर्ष की कहानी भी लानी है ताकि उनके अनुभव से आने वाली पीढ़ियाँ तथा आसपास के लोग भी लाभान्वित हो सके, किंतु कोरोना के फैलाव को रोकने के लिए सरकार की ओर से किए गए " लोकडाउन " के चलते (जिसका समर्थन तथास्तु चैरिटेबल सोसायटी भी करता है) तथा अपनी नैतिक और सामाजिक जिम्मेवारी समझते हुए इस बार अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर  आनलाइन मदर्स डे मनाने का फैसला लिया है।तथास्तु चैरिटेबल सोसायटी की संस्थापक डाक्टर सरबजीत कौर ने भी आनलाइन मदर्स डे का समर्थन किया। जिसके तहत न केवल देशभर से बल्कि विदेश से भी मदर्स को न्यौता है कि वे अपने मातृत्व यानीकि अपने मां बनने की पूरी कहानी बताएं यदि तस्वीरों के साथ कहें तो सोने पर सुहागा होगा। इस बारे मे आगे जोड़कर बोलते हुए कहा कि हमारी सोसायटी का एक तथास्तु वुमन एम्पावरमेंट विंग भी है जिसकी स्टेट हेड अनुपमा रावल (लुधियाना) तथा चंडीगढ़ विंग से सविता रावल के अतिरिक्त हरेक विंग की अध्यक्षा ने कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने के लिए हर तरह का सहयोग देने का वायदा किया। बाल विकास व महिला विकास आपस मे जुड़े हुए हैं यदि महिलाएं सक्षम तथा सुरक्षित होंगी तो बच्चों का बेहतर विकास होगा जो अच्छे और सभ्य समाज की महत्वपूर्ण आवश्यकता है।

Desh Bhagat University School of Ayurveda and Research Distribute Sanitizers and Masks

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 28, 2020:-The Health club of University School of Ayurveda and Research , Desh Bhagat University in association with Unnat Bharat club of the university distributed 120 sanitizers and  100 masks to the civil hospital Amloh.  The senior medical officer of the hospital Dr. Lajinder Verma was all praise for the services of the University clubs. While disclosing this  Vice Chancellor Desh Bhagat University said that this program was organised under the community engagement and development programme of the university . It is pertinent to mention here that the herbal based sanitizers were produced by the herbal incubator of the university.Its 70% Alcohol n Neem based.

Dr. Zora  Singh Chancellor and Dr. Tajinder Kaur Pro Chancellor of the university informed that they are committed to the well - being of the society and have started a campaign for distribution of masks and  sanitizers to the needy. The community development cell of the university has launched the helpline number 98724 20447 to do to the community development activities.

The University has distributed around 1000 masks and 500 sanitizers so far.

The university is doing its bit in the social responsibility by giving employment to the rural women who are making masks and earning while being at home.

Dish TV India Partners with MX Player to Iffer Seamless Video-on-Demand Content to Its Customers

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Chandigarh, April 28, 2020: In a bid to offer unmatched video-on-demand content, Dish TV India Limited, India's leading DTH Company, has announced its partnership with MX Player that recently emerged as India's #1 entertainment app of 2019 as per the annual FICCI Report. With this strategic association with MX player, Dish TV India has further strengthened its portfolio by adding one more app in the app zone on its Android-based connected devices, namely Dish SMRT Hub and d2h stream for its DishTV and d2h users respectively. Users will now be able to stream an exciting slate of popular MX Originals, TV shows, Music Videos and Movies across multiple genres and languages. DishTV and d2h already offer the most popular apps including its streaming app 'WATCHO'.

Commenting on the partnership, Anil Dua, Executive Director & Group CEO, Dish TV India Limited, said that our partnership with MX Player makes it easy for our Android box users to access large content library spanning over 10 languages through this in-built app and further enhance their TV viewing experience. Offering unique and unparalleled content to our customers is always a top priority for us and through this partnership, we have taken one more step to fulfill our promise. .

Abhishek Joshi, Head of Marketing & Business Partnerships at MX Player further added said that our core proposition is to distribute premium original content in local and regional languages for the 100s of millions of Indians for whom smartphones are the first screen. But with the Dish TV association, we are looking at widening our existing base of viewers and extending a superior entertainment experience to Indian audiences across genres and through a screen of their choice – be it their mobiles, tablets or TV screens.

In addition to MX Player, the Android box offers a host of features including built-in Google Assistant, Chromecast, Google Play and access to all popular featured OTT platforms like YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, Zee5, Watcho, Voot, ALTBalaji and many more. Coupled with the ease of using voice commands via Google Assistant, the Android-based set-top box is compatible with any television set. 'Dish SMRT Hub' and 'd2h stream' are internet-enabled Android-based HD Set Top Box, available for INR 3,999 for new subscribers & INR 2,499 for existing subscribers.

Coca-Cola India to Contribute Over INR 100 Crores Towards COVID-19 Response

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urugram, 28th April 2020: As the need to step up relief efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic continues, Coca-Cola in India has committed an initial support of INR 100 + crores towards helping the healthcare system and communities to combat the crisis and contain the spread of the pandemic. The relief programs initiated by Coca-Cola in India aims at benefitting and positively impacting over 10 lakh lives across the country.

In keeping with its purpose of refreshing the world and making a difference, Coca-Cola India will ensure immediate support to enhance the country's healthcare infrastructure, including testing facilities and Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) for health workers. The company is also working very closely with its NGO and bottling partners to provide aid to the most impacted communities such as unemployed and migrant workers by distributing meals and beverages during the lockdown period. 

The company is contributing over INR 100 Crores towards COVID-19 response to support the most vulnerable communities and has implemented the following measures..

Monday 27 April 2020

World Design Day Celebrated

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Chandigarh April 27, 2020:- Every year, On 27th April, World Design Day is celebrated. The aim of the World Design Day is to create awareness for design in multiple demographics across the globe. World Design Day program was especially established to promote design for a better, brighter future where good designs serve mankind through improvements in the quality of life by socio-cultural, economic, and environmental innovations.

On this occasion, Revathi Kant, Chief Design Officer, Titan Company Limited has shared a quote. It would be great if you could consider it for your esteemed publication.

Design has transformed the outlook and approach on solving problems and the impact of design is going to be even more radical in the near future. Every product undergoes a design transformation in its product life cycle.  Design is  a key differentiator. Design innovation has a power to take the user into a unique, creative and more comfortable path which is yet undiscovered and unexplored to its full potential.

The convergence of sustainable design and technology is the future. We need to add more facets to continue to reinvent ourselves to remain relevant. There is a need to constantly innovate and create products that have a strong aspirational value. As a part of Design philosophy and aesthetics, we must include various methodologies and tools coming from future thinking and strategic foresight such as, trend mapping, system thinking and scenario planning which will lead to a better user experience.

Panchhi Writes to Prime MiNister

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Chandigarh April 27, 2020:-You have Locked Down All states from 21-March to 14-April & Requested All Shops, Offices & Manufacturing Units to close down also. Lockdown was futher Extended from 15-April till 3-May But Cases for Corona Virus are Increasing on daily Basis.
He further mentioned that you have Raised a Ray of Hope In Every Indian  as Poor & Dependants have been credited Money from your side during this Lockkdown as a Helping Hand which is very well appreciated in this need of Hour and we as Indian are really Thankful for this Gesture.
He further wrote that we Small as well Large Businessmen & Middle Class People don't get any kind of Favour in this pandemic from Govt Side as we have have to Run our Businesses by Working Hard Every Day Only. We also Have to meet:
1.- Our House Hold Expenses
2.- school fees for children
3.- tution fees
4.- electricity bills for office we well home
5.- employee salaries
6.- GST Changes
7.- Accounting Charges
8.- Bank Charges
9.- EMI for Housing Loan as well office
10.- Office rent
11.- property Tax for shop as well House
12.- Transpotation Charges for School Children
13.- registration Charges for Car as well Insurances
14.- Family Insurances
15.- School Stationary as well Books Charges
More over since Online Businesses have come as Bolt from Blue for Businessmen. Sir Because of Corona Virus Businessmen have suffered the most as Businesses are Closed but daily expenses are going as such. Banks are also not waiving off Loans but extending the EMI's only. We Middle Class we well Business people Appeal to you to kindly wave off these expenses for six months only.

NUFAB Launches Nonwoven Fabric for Front-Line Warriors; to Reduce the Infection Risk Considerably

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 27, 2020:-NUFAB Technical Textiles Pvt. Ltd., a start-up based  out of Ambala has developed a unique non-woven fabric, which will significantly reduce infection risk to frontline medical workers, who are facing heightened risk amid the Covid pandemic.
The newly developed fabric is soft, comfortable, light weight, impregnable, permeable and above all breathable, which will help frontline medical workers immensely by reducing the infection risk upto 90%.
The value-added fabric is certified and approved by DRDO and is extremely useful in making  Coveralls Gowns - personal protection equipments used by our Health Warriors.
Commenting on the launch of nonwoven fabric, Salil Goyal, Director of NUFAB said that our new offering is a specialised product and is certified from DRDO. Besides being lightweight, the fabric is breathable and thus, reduces chances of infection substantially. The product is our way of acknowledging the immense contribution of health warriors. We salute them for their efforts day in and day out.
He added that the other benefit is that it is recyclable and eco-friendly.
Nonwoven Fabric can be termed as a miracle fabric. The fabric made without warp and weft weaving and knitting is called nonwoven fabric. It is commonly used for making surgical masks, gowns, sanitary pads, diapers, etc.
Apart from being used in hygiene products, nonwoven fabric is also used in Automotive, Agriculture, Packaging applications etc.
Founded by Salil along with other directors Rishabh Bansal and Sanjay Modi, the Company specialises in producing technical textile and is rapidly augmenting its product portfolio. With joint ventures in place and gunning for foreign investments NUFAB is leading the path to put India on the world map for technical textiles and nonwovens.

Report on Earth Day Celebration in Lockdown Situation at Desh Bhagat University

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Chandigarh April 27, 2020:-Eco Club of University School of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Desh Bhagat University celebrated Earth Day in association with Unnat Bharat Club, through Google Classroom. The initiative was taken by Director and faculty of department to motivate students to participate in the activities. Around 80 Students of Bsc (Hons) Agriculture participated through various activities like poster making, slogan writing, article writing to share their ideas of love towards Mother Earth over Google classroom and set an example of celebrating life with positivity and enthusiasm in present scenario of lockdown due to Covid 19. Students gave motivating slogans like " We belong to the Earth", "We do not inherit earth from our ancestors we borrow it for our children", "Make Every Day Earth Day… we can beat it together # covid 19". Students also took pledge to save and love Mother Earth and Mother Nature and shared their messages by sharing motivating self videos.

Efforts of students were appreciated by Vice Chancellor, with a message to celebrate each day of life with positivity no matter what the situation is.

 Chancellor Dr. Zora Singh and Pro Chancellor Dr. Tajinder Kaur appreciated the use of digital platform and devoting quarantine time to self educate and connect to nature.

CEOs from CII Northern Region anticipate Government support towards payment of wages to industries impacted by the lockdown

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 27, 2020:-A recent snap poll conducted by the Confederation of Indian Industry to assess the impact of the lockdown due to COVID 19 amongst the CEOs from CII Northern Region suggests that COVID-19 and resultant lockdown is likely to have a deep impact on Indian businesses. However, on the positive side, three-fourth of respondents were of the view that India is better placed as compared to other countries in terms of handling this Pandemic. This is not surprising, given the fact that even without enough test kits, the 1.3billion-population country is using a gigantic surveillance network to trace and quarantine infected people.

Many experts are of the opinion that lockdown has greatly helped in containing the spread of the infection. Post the 3rd of May, more than four-fifths of the respondents were of the view that the Government of India should consider staggered opening of the economy, to put the economy back on growth track and at the same time control spread of the virus. When asked to rank pressing challenges faced by India Inc, a majority (58 per cent) of the respondents have cited liquidity crunch as their biggest concern, followed by supply chain bottlenecks and labour shortage.

Substantiating the fragile economic recovery, majority of the respondents expects significant decrease in their companies topline and bottom-line during the year, 2020 – 21. On the labour market scenario, the majority of the respondents believe that employment opportunities may contract by more than 10 per cent post lockdown, highlighting tough times ahead.

The most important expectation India Inc has from the Government is support in the payment of wages to industries impacted by the lockdown, with 54 per cent of respondents expecting government support. This was followed by (32 per cent) waiver of fixed utility charges & lower interest rate as other expectations from the government. For the MSMEs, India Inc (45 per cent) feels that cost & availability of funds is the biggest impediment to their growth during COVID times, followed by market disruption (32 per cent) and the issue of delayed payments (23 per cent).

Commenting on the Snap Poll, Nikhil Sawhney, Chairman, CII Northern Region said that the results of this poll indicate the mood and sentiments of India Inc. The pandemic along with resultant lockdown has severely impacted the economy and livelihood of millions. The SME sector, which provides significant amount of employment opportunities, is greatly impacted by this lockdown. Government of India along with the Reserve Bank of India has announced some measures to alleviate the pain of the industry. However, we at CII believe that Indian industry requires massive stimulus from the government as has been done in other developed countries to put the economy back on growth track.

He added that at the same time, we at the CII compliment the critical role being played by the Central Government as well as each of State Governments as 'Team India' to take on the challenge posed by COVID-19 Pandemic, expressed Nikhil Sawhney. Going ahead, all will have to work in tandem to address the issues faced by the industries and offer required assistance to trade and industry to put the economy back on track.

This Snap Poll was conducted over virtual platform, participated by 70 plus CEOs from North Indian States. The CEOs belonged to a wide range of sectors.

CII Northern Region comprise 7 States including Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and 3 Union Territories-Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh

गुरु का लंगर और समाजसेवी सुभाष नारंग ने संजय कॉलोनी में बांटे सैनिटरी नैपकिन

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 27 2020:- गुरु का लंगर आई हॉस्पिटल के जनरल सेक्रेटरी एच एस सभरवाल के नेतृत्व  और चंडीगढ़ के अग्रणी व्यवसायी सुभाष नारंग के सहयोग से आज इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया फेज 01 स्थित संजय कॉलोनी में महिलाओं में लगभग 2500 सैनिटरी नैपकिन बाँटे। इस अवसर पर उनके साथ गुरु का लंगर आई हॉस्पिटल के प्रवक्ता रविन्द्र सिंह बिल्ला और सुभाष नारंग जी की धर्मपत्नी सविता आनंद, हरनीत सिंह सहित अन्य सदस्य भी उपस्थित थे।
सुभाष नारंग ने बताया कि  गुरु का लंगर आई हॉस्पिटल और उनके आपसी सहयोग से शहर की अलग अलग कॉलोनियों में महिलाओं में सैनिटरी नैपकिन वितरित किये जा रहे है। उन्होंने बताया कि वितरण के दौरान महिलाओं को व्यक्तिगत स्वच्छता के साथ साथ सोशल डिस्टेन्सिंग और घर से बाहर निकलते समय फेस मास्क के प्रति जागरूक किया जाता हैं।

लेबर सेल कमेटी रोजाना 700 जरूरतमंदों को बांट रही भोजन: अब तक 35000 फ़ूड पैकेट का कर चुकी है वितरण

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 27, 2020:-चंडीगढ़ लेबर सेल कमेटी चेयरमैन रविन्द्र सिंह बिल्ला के मार्गदर्शन में पिछले लगभग 36 दिन से शहर की विभिन्न कॉलोनियों और पिछड़े क्षेत्र में जरूरतमंद में भोजन बांट रही है।कमेटी की तरफ से चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन द्वारा अधिकृत मौली जागरा फारेस्ट एरिया, ट्रांसपोर्ट एरिया के अलावा इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया फेज 01 में स्थित शमशान घाट के स्टाफ में फ़ूड पैकेट का वितरण किया जा रहा है। कमेटी की तरफ से महीने से अधिक समय मे आज तक लगभग 35000 फ़ूड पैकेट का वितरण किया जा चुका है।
लेबर सेल कमेटी के चेयरमैन रविन्द्र सिंह बिल्ला ने बताया कि प्रभु की असीम कृपा से उनकी संस्था की तरफ से 22 मार्च से शहर में जरूरतमन्दों की मदद हेतु लंगर फ़ूड पैकेट वितरण शुरू किया गया था। 20 अप्रैल तक उनकी संस्था की तरफ से रोजाना 1000 फ़ूड पैकेट बाँटे गए। उसके बाद 21 अप्रैल से अब ये लगभग 700 फ़ूड पैकेट रोजाना वितरित किये जा रहे है।उनकी संस्था की तरफ से अभी तक लगभग 35000 फ़ूड पैकेट बाँटे जा चुके है। रविंदर सिंह के अनुसार जरूरतमंद की मदद का ये सिलसिला लॉकडाउन तक जारी रहेगा।

एम ओ एच वर्कर्स को सौंपे सैनिटाइजिंग पम्पस, पी पी ई किट्स और मास्क्स:

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 27, 2020:-वार्ड नबर 17 की पार्षद आशा जसवाल के नेतृत्व में भाजपा जिला -01 के प्रेजिडेंट जतिंदर मल्होत्रा सहित अक्षय मित्तल और समाजसेवी सुमिता कोहली ने आज एम ओ एच वर्कर्स को 05 हैंड सैनिटाइजिंग पम्पस, 10 पी पी ई किट्स और 80 हाथ से तैयार फेस मास्क भेंट किये गए।
वार्ड पार्षद आशा जसवाल के अनुसार वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना वायरस से लोगों को सुरक्षित रखने के उद्देश्य से एम ओ एच वर्कर्स को ये हैंड सैनिटाइजिंग पम्पस वार्ड को सैनिटाइज करने के लिए वितरित किये गए है। एम ओ एच वर्कर्स खुद भी सुरक्षित रहे, इसके लिए उन्हें पी पी ई किट्स और फेस मास्क बाँटे गए है।

Nissan Releases Glimpse of New, Bold Datsun Redi-GO

By 121 News

Chandigarh, April 27, 2020:-Nissan India today released teasers of the new Datsun Redi-GO. The new Redi-GO will offer bold, progressive, and sporty exteriors to offer a strong road presence.

Datsun is committed to strengthen its portfolio with best-in-class features and advanced technology towards fulfilling expectations of its customers. Powered by Japanese engineering and craftmanship, the new Datsun Redi-GO is a complete package of bold design, power, and performance.

The new Datsun Redi-GO will be launched in the market soon.


Sunday 26 April 2020

जूस डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर ने खालसा ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल जत्था को भेंट किये जूस के 02 टेम्पो

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 25, 2020:-वैश्विक  महामारी कोविड 19 के खिलाफ जंग लड़ने में देश की मदद कर रहे कर्मवीर योद्धाओं की सहायता हेतु चंडीगढ़ में रियल जूस के डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर ने खालसा ट्रैफिक कंट्रोल जत्था चंडीगढ़ के प्रेजिडेंट कृपाल सिंह को 02 टेम्पो जूस के भेंट किये।
कृपाल सिंह के अनुसार रियाल जूस के डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर का मानना है कि देश मे कोरोना वायरस जैसी संकट की इस आपदा को हराने में यहाँ सरकार तो पूरी तरह से प्रयासरत है ही, वहीं डॉक्टर, नर्स, पुलिस, और सफाईकर्मी कर्मवीर योद्धाओं की तरह दिन रात डटे हुए है, तो उनकी सहायतार्थ व फ्रेशनेस के लिए वो ये जूस जत्थे को भेंट करते है।

ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब द्वारा मीडिया कोरोना योद्धाओं को पीपीई किट देना सराहनीय कदम: स्पीकर विधानसभा गुप्ता

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 26, 2020:-ट्राईसिटी प्रेस क्लब ने कोरोना कॉल में कार्यरत मीडिया कर्मियों को उनके कर्तव्य का पूरी निष्ठा से निर्वाह करने को लेकर पीपीई किट देने की सबसे पहले शुरुआत की । ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब के चेयरमैन विक्रांत बाबा ने बताया कि मिडिया के कोरोना योद्धाओं की सुरक्षा हेतु पीपीई किट हरियाणा विधानसभा के स्पीकर ज्ञान चंद गुप्ता ने वितरित करके शुरुआत की । क्लब के अध्यक्ष डॉ स्वास्तिक शर्मा व संगठन सचिव हरदीप सिंह ने बताया कि लगभग 50 पीपीई किट जो फील्ड में इस वक्त मीडिया कर्मी कार्यरत है उनको उनके स्थान पर जाकर वितरित की गई है ।
लॉकडाऊन का पालन पूरी तरह से करते हुए ज्ञान चंद गुप्ता ने कहा ने कि ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब ने सबसे पहले अपने कोरोना योद्धा मीडिया कर्मियों की सुरक्षा हेतु पीपीई किट बांट कर सराहनीय कार्य किया है और प्रशंसा करते हुए कहा कि ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब समय-समय पर मीडिया कर्मियों की समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए अच्छे कार्य करते रहते हैं। 
इस अवसर पर क्लब के अध्यक्ष डॉ स्वातिक शर्मा ने कहा कि जो मीडिया कर्मी फील्ड में कार्यरत हैं उनमें से कुछेक को तो पीपीई किट मौके पर दी गई जबकि अन्य को उनके स्थान पर जाकर दी गई । 
क्लब के संगठन सचिव हरदीप सिंह व सर्व जीत सिंह ने कहा कि मौके पर चंद्रपाल राणा दैनिक सवेरा ,शिव कुमार वर्मा ट्राइसिटी न्यूजलाईन, अच्छेलाल विश्वा हिमाचल दस्तक, मनोज शर्मा पोलखोल पोस्ट, राहुल अर्थ प्रकाश, हरदीप सिंह टीपीसी न्यूज़ , सर्वजीत सिंह हिंददर्शन हलचल को पीपीई किट वितरित की गई । इनके अलावा विजेश शर्मा भारत 9चैनल, मोनिका शर्मा अल्फा न्यूज़, डॉ विनोद शर्मा चंडी भूमि , श्री कांत हिम प्रभा , राणा ओबराय राष्ट्रीय खोज, कुलवीर दीवान जी न्यूज़ , अजीत कौशल व अनील आज समाज, तारा एम एच 1, कुलवान सिंह बीबीसी, प्रदीप , सवरपाल स्टार न्यूज़ ,राजीव दिल्ली दूरदर्शन , विशाल ऐंगरीश , न्यूज़24, विजय बराड़ न्यूज़18, यशपाल रावत टाइम्स नाउ, वैशाली चौधरी पीटीसी ,सुखविंदर सिंह आज दी आवाज को सुरक्षा हेतु पीपीई किट दी गई हैं । और आगे फिर भी फील्ड में कार्यरत मिडिया कर्मियों को शीघ्र ही ओर पीपीई किट्स वितरित की जाएंगी। इस अवसर पर ट्राइसिटी प्रेस क्लब ने एक नारा दिया भारत जगाओ कोरोना भगाओ।

Fascino 125 FI a Style Statement for Young Riders

By 121 News
Chandigarh, April 26: All new Fascino 125 FI sets its impression as the style statement for young riders. The new Fascino is a complete makeover with a bigger BS VI-compliant engine and exciting features.

Slimmed waistline, finely textured look, high class exterior design, the body of the new Fascino has those flow lines and surfaces that revs in style. A complimenting headlight with concave lens sets a sharp looking gaze to the overall appearance of the Fascino and shapes its noble attitude. The new Fascino 125 FI from Yamaha is street-ready to rev hearts.

The price of the new Fascino 125 FI starts from Rs. 67,230 (Ex showroom Delhi).

बलरामजी दास टंडन चैरिटेबल फाउंडेशन के द्वारा गरीब लोगों को मुहैया करवा जा रहा राशन: संजय टंडन संकट की घडी में गरीबों के बने मसीहा

By 121 News
Chandigarh April 26, 2020:-बलराम जी दास टंडन चैरिटेबल फाऊंडेशन के सहयोग से बीजेपी टैनामेंट प्रकोष्ठ के कन्वीनर दीपक शर्मा के द्वारा टैंनामेंट कालोनी सेक्टर 32 सी के 35 जरूरतमंद परिवारो को राशन की किट उपलब्ध करवाई गई। इस अवसर पर विशेष पूर्व सीनियर डिप्टी मेयर व पार्षद गुरप्रीत सिंह ढिल्लों और ओबीसी मोर्चा जिला नंबर 3 के प्रधान राज यदुवंशी व उप महासचिव नयन ढिंगरा विशेष रूप से उपस्थित रहे।
टैनामेंट प्रकोष्ठ के कन्वीनर दीपक शर्मा ने बताया कि सेक्टर 32 सी के कुछ परिवारों को कनक ना मिलने के कारण उनको खाने की समस्या आ रही थी। जब इस समस्या को भारतीय जनता पार्टी के पूर्व अध्यक्ष संजय टंडन के सामने रखा। तो संजय टंडन की तरफ से इसका तुरंत समाधान करके जरूरतमंद लोगों के लिए राशन की किट का प्रबंध करवाया गया। जरूरतमंद परिवारों को राशन किट का वितरण एरिया पार्षद गुरप्रीत सिंह ढिल्लों, राज यदुवंशी और नयन ढींगरा के हाथों से वितरण कराया गया। सेक्टर 32 सी के परिवारों ने पूर्व अध्यक्ष संजय टंडन का धन्यवाद किया।

Saturday 25 April 2020

La Trobe University, Australia Supports Its Students by Offering AUD 12 Million

Chandigargh April 25, 2020: La Trobe University a multi-campus university in Victoria, Australia has distributed AUD 12 Million (INR 60 Crores) to supports its students in  the current Covid-19 emergency.  This is in addition to La Trobe's normal scholarships and support.   To ensure students have the maximum opportunity to start their study in 2020 La Trobe has also introduced more flexible online study options for prospective students and created additional start dates.  

Initiatives taken by LTU during Global Crisis

Ø  Upsurge in course Intakes for students

Ø  New Scholarships i.e. upto 30% of the entire tuition fees of the program

Ø  Financial Aid provided to students

COVID-19 has had an unprecedented impact on educational deliver and the wider impact remains uncertain. According to Vice-Chancellor and President of La Trobe University Professor John Dewar AO, the University's main priority has been to provide quality education while ensuring the wellbeing of its students, staff and partners.

La Trobe was amongst the first Australian universities to 'pause' teaching activities to ensure that the right decisions were made on how to best deliver quality education. The first step was to migrate courses and Student Services online where student can continue their studies by attending classes online with similar support from academic and engagements with academics and fellow students.

To further support our students, La Trobe has taken many initiatives:

More intakes/ course start date options launched for students to initiate their courses online without delaying their plans


La Trobe has introduced Terms alongside our Semesters. Each term is six weeks in length, which provides three possible start dates for students in the second half of 2020.  This means that students can start their study doing two subjects in a six-week term, offering the most flexibility for students who need to start later or take fewer subjects in each teaching period. This also provides the best chance for smooth entry to university study, helping students to remain on track to complete their degree on time. Courses in Business, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Public Health and Biotechnology will be offered online in terms this year. The University has as its absolute priority the health and safety of our students, and so our courses and most subjects will continue to be delivered online until the University is allowed to resume face to face delivery. Subjects available fully online will continue to be delivered online until the end of the relevant term.  In addition, we have introduced a flexible refund policy to support recruitment of students enrolling in online subjects, including full refunds for withdrawals before Census Date.

New Scholarships launched by the University

In order to support students, La Trobe has launched a new suite of scholarships and expanded eligibility criteria for existing scholarships. These scholarships have been confirmed for the upcoming intakes including for students commencing online. These scholarships are up to 30% of the entire tuition fee of the program. Add link