Sunday 31 October 2021
स्टेप्स ग्रोइंग अकैडमी की स्टूडेंट कनिष्का भगत ने ऑल इंडिया ब्यूटी पेजेंट्स द फर्स्ट मिस इंडिया क्वीन 21 में जीता मिस कॉन्फिडेंट का खिताब
चंडीगढ़ बटालियन एनसीसी के कैडेटों ने चलाया स्वच्छ भारत अभियान
चंडीगढ़ कांग्रेस ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री इन्दिरा गांधी को श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की
Book on Postural Medicine Released, Postural Medicine is a Revolutionary Therapy: Guru Manish
Introducing the science of Postural Medicine, Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury said that it gives faster relief than Allopathy, is safer than Ayurveda, more economic than Homeopathy and easier than Naturopathy. HIIMS near Chandigarh is the first hospital in India to provide medical treatment to patients through Postural Medicine. It is also the first NABH Ayurvedic Panchkarma hospital in India. Medicines are not used in HIIMS Clinics, instead the patients are cured by lifestyle changes and natural methods. Postural medicine therapy is based on extensive research.
Ayurveda & nature cure expert Guru Manish said that we will provide the facility of Postural Medicine at our 100+ Shuddhi Clinics across India. HIIMS hospital at Dera Bassi near Chandigarh has also got NABH accreditation.
Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury said that this is probably the first book in the world to be written on postural science, using the Earth's greatest force, gravity, as a medicine. After reading this book you will surely believe that Postural Science is the fastest, safest and evidence based science as compared to existing medical systems like Allopathy (Modern Medicine), Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Naturopathy etc. Moreover it is free of cost.
The book introduces postural medicine based on the GRAD (Gravitational Resistance and Diet) system, which enables a person to self-manage 27 major emergencies and life-threatening conditions. The book is available through the Sridhar University Certified Expert Network with over 1000 members and over 100 HIIMS clinics across the country.
पूर्व मेयर कमलेश ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी की पुण्यतिथि पर श्रद्धांजलि की अर्पित
Students of Infant Jesus Convent School Made 'Water Floating Lamp
Praising the students, Principal of the School Sr. Vanitha Veena said that the students have displayed creativity. We always encourage exploration in our school students so that they are well prepared to solve global problems.
आरडब्ल्यूए-105 ने आयोजित किया दो दिवसीय दीपावली उत्सव
दो दिन चले इस दीपावली उत्सव के दौरान सोसायटी के निवासियों ने उत्सव में आयोजित विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम, जायकेदार फूड व अन्य शानदार संगीत का खूब आनंद उठाया। इस अवसर पर मुख्य अतिथि के तौर पर उपस्थित हुए राजा कंवरजीत सिंह सिद्धू को एसोसियेशन के सदस्यों द्वारा स्मृति चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया। जिसके उपरांत मुख्य अतिथि द्वारा लक्की ड्रा के विजेताओं को पुरस्कार देकर सम्मानित भी किया।
मुख्य अतिथि राजा कंवरजीत सिंह सिद्धू ने समाज के युवाओं को खेल गतिविधियों में खुलकर भाग लेने के लिए मार्गदर्शन और प्रोत्साहित किया। उन्होंने कहा कि खेल बच्चों को फिट होने, कौशल विकसित करने, दोस्त बनाने और भावनात्मक उतार-चढ़ाव को प्रबंधित करने में मदद करता है।
ब्रिगेडियर (सेवानिवृत्त) जीएस संधू, 1965 के युद्ध के दिग्गज, हमारे देश के एक एथलेटिक्स नायक, भारतीय हॉकी महासंघ के पूर्व उपाध्यक्ष और सेना के खेल नियंत्रण बोर्ड के पूर्व अध्यक्ष, जिन्हें खेलों के प्रचार और विकास के लिए विशिष्ट सेवा पदक से भी सम्मानित किया गया था, ने इस मौके पर अपने संदेश में स्वस्थ भोजन पर जोर दिया।
चंडीगढ़ कांग्रेस ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी की पुण्यतिथि पर दी भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि
Saturday 30 October 2021
वार्ड 12 से सुरिंदर शर्मा ने निगम चुनाव लड़ने का दावा किया पेश
बेनी दयाल का कू क्रिकेट एंथम वायरल, फैन्स ने कहा 'कू पे बोलेगा'
By 121 News
Chandigarh Oct. 30, 2021:- चल रहे क्रिकेट अनुभव को कई दर्जे ऊपर ले जाने के लिए कू(Koo) ऐप ने एक रोमांचक क्रिकेट एंथम - कू(Koo) पे बोलेगा - लॉन्च किया है जो फैन्स के उत्साह, जोश और तीव्र ऊर्जा के साथ प्रतिध्वनित होता है क्योंकि वे टीम इंडिया के लिए टी20 वर्ल्ड कप 2021 के दौरान उत्साहित होते हैं ।
लोकप्रिय गायक बेनी दयाल द्वारा रचित और गाया गया, हाई-ऑक्टेन एंथम ने सोशल मीडिया पर फैन्स की कल्पना को आकर्षित किया है। बेनी दयाल के फॉलोअर्स इस सप्ताह की शुरुआत से ही, एंथेम के लॉन्च के बाद से मंच पर गायक के साथ कूइंग कर रहे हैं और उनसे जुड़ रहे हैं। बेनी दयाल को 16 भाषाओं में 2,000 से अधिक गीतों का श्रेय प्राप्त है, और कू(Koo) के लिए यह एंथेम भारतीय भाषाओं में यूज़र्स की प्रतिक्रियाओं के साथ गूंज रहा है।
क्रिकेट एंथम का वीडियो शेयर करते हुए सिंगर ने कू करते हुए कहा, "क्रिकेट का बुखार चढ़ रहा है! एक बार फिर हम नीले कपड़ों में पुरुषों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए अपनी स्क्रीन से जुड़े हुए हैं। अब चाहे हार हो या जीत, पूरा देश अपने चैंपियन के लिए #KooParBolega कू(Koo) एंथम के साथ। जोश कम ना हो, आइए सीज़न के सबसे मज़ेदार ट्रैक के साथ सबसे ज़ोर से जयकार करें और एंथम पर अपने कदमों के साथ मेरे साथ जुड़ें!"
#WorldCup #CricketWorldCup #KooPeBolega #KooKiyaKya #shormachaocuplao
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देशी भारतीय भाषाओं में स्व-अभिव्यक्ति के लिए एक मंच के रूप में, कू(Koo) ऐप क्रिकेट फैन्स को एक समृद्ध, इमर्सिव और हाइपरलोकल अनुभव प्रदान करता है। क्रिकेट एंथम के अलावा, कू(Koo) ने लोगों को अपनी मातृभाषा में विचारों को साझा करने और एक-दूसरे के साथ जुड़ने के लिए प्रेरित करने के लिए हैशटैग #KooKiyaKya के इर्द-गिर्द अपना पहला टेलीविजन अभियान (TVC) भी लॉन्च किया है। यह टीवीसी - जिसमें अनोखी पंक्तियों, परिहास और मज़ाक के साथ छोटे फार्मेट वाले विज्ञापनों की एक सीरीज शामिल है जो मूल भाषाओं में स्व-अभिव्यक्ति के लिए सोशल मीडिया का उपयोग करने की यूज़र्स की इच्छा को दर्शाता है। कन्टेन्ट निर्माताओं के लिए मैचों के आसपास मीम्स, वीडियो या रीयल-टाइम #Koomentary के माध्यम से अपनी क्रिएटिविटी का प्रदर्शन करने और रोमांचक पुरस्कार जीतने के लिए मंच ने एक आकर्षक यूज़र्स प्रतियोगिता -कू क्रिएटर कप की शुरुआत की है।
कू(Koo) के एक प्रवक्ता ने कहा कि एक माइक्रो-ब्लॉगिंग प्लेटफॉर्म के रूप में, जिसका उद्देश्य प्रत्येक भारतीय को अपनी मातृभाषा में जोड़ना है, हम हर उस चीज की शुरुआत करते हैं जिसे भारत मनाता है। हमारे लिए क्रिकेट एक भावना है, एक अभिव्यक्ति है जो उत्साह का कारण बनती है। हम बेहद प्रतिभाशाली बेनी दयाल द्वारा हमारे क्रिकेट एंथेम को सबसे शानदार तरीके से तैयार करने के लिए सम्मानित हैं। यह एंथेम हमारे टीवीसी अभियान, कू क्रिएटर कप (Koo Creator Cup) और दिग्गज क्रिकेटरों द्वारा रीयल-टाइम कमेंट्री के साथ, यूज़र्स को एक आकर्षक अनुभव प्रदान करेगा क्योंकि वे #KooKiyaKya के माध्यम से जुड़ते हैं।
BPTA Festival-2021 Kick Starts with Rare Convergence of Indian-Irish Traditions
By 121 News
Chandigarh Oct. 30, 2021:- A literary potpourri was exhibited at Macèdoine, A Medley BPTA(Books, Poetry, Theatre & Arts) Festival-2021, a virtual festival in which a galaxy of luminaries from the world of art and literature from two nations -India & Ireland participated on the opening day. The two day BPTA Festival-2021 will conclude on October 31. The festival commenced with the address of Ambassadors of the Irish and Indian Embassies – Brendan Ward and Akhilesh Mishra respectively.
Nisha Luthra, Founder Director, BPTA, said that the festival is being organised virtually in its first edition due to COVID restrictions but we will endeavour to organise it in the traditional form with one-on-one in person interactions from next year onwards. The idea is to make the BPTA an annual calendar event to showcase to the world India' and Ireland's rich cultural and artistic legacy.
The renowned Irish poet and diplomat Emer Davis, is BPTA's Festival Director.
Sharing his thoughts about the festival, Irish Ambassador Brendan Ward said that two countries share a rich cultural, literary and artistic legacy, which needs to be preserved and taken to the next level of excellence and acceptance among new generations as well. "BPTA Festival-2021 will prove a milestone in that direction," added Ward.
Akhilesh Mishra, India's Ambassador to Ireland, said that India and Ireland both have extremely rich traditions of literature and poetry, which provides us a valuable foundation on which to build a broader and people centric and people led dialogue, and exchange for enhancing mutual understanding and enrichment.
Nisha Luthra, Founder Director, Macèdoine A Medley BPTA Festival-2021, added that the virtual festival is an amalgamation of books, poetry, theatre and arts from both the countries. A tap dance from an Irish group will also be performed. A lot more is happening to mark the celebration at BPTA Festival-2021.
The first day of the BPTA Festival-2021 saw Indian diplomat Akhilesh Mishra in a live chat with Emer Davis and Nisha Luthra, discussing different facets of Indian-Irish literary and cultural traditions. There was a book cover launch of a book by famous Irish writer of historical fiction Nicola Pierce by Vivek Atray, a former IAS officer and motivational speaker. The others who participated on the inaugural day deliberations of BPTA Festival-2021 were Anna Tannon, Sumita Mishra, Sanjay K Roy, Pat Boan, Latif Khan, Mariana Clack, Fiona, Srilata, and Yameema Mitha. The first day of BPTA Festival-2021 ended with a tap dance by Irish artists.
Sumita Mishra, a serving IAS officer and poet, recited the poems of Rabindranath Tagore and WB Yeats. Irish poet Fiona too recited a piece. Fióna, a poet, writer and facilitator who has lived mainly in Ireland and India, and Srilata were in a chat with Emer and Nisha. Latif Khan and his Group regaled the audience with Rajasthani folk music , Qawwalis & Sufi music. Sanjoy K Roy, Managing Director of Teamwork Arts, which produces over 25 highly acclaimed performing arts, visual arts and literary festivals across 40 cities including the world, shared his thoughts through a recorded video.
The concluding day of the festival also has a lot packed in. The highlight will be a performance by renowned Bharatanatyam proponent Revantha Sarabhai who is famous Indian classical dancer Mallika Sarabhai's son. Kutle Khan's performance is also being looked forward to along with Fauzia Dastango and Danish Iqbal's live performance of dastangoi - an art of story-telling. Author Jupinderjit Singh's upcoming book's cover will also be unveiled by President of Griffith College, Duirmuid Heagrty.
MCM Celebrates World Food Day
By 121 News
Chandigarh Oct. 30, 2021:- The Department of Food Science at Mehr Chand Mahajan DAV College for Women, Chandigarh celebrated World Food Day with various inter-college competitions. The competitions included Extempore, Poster making and Food Quiz. The event witnessed enthusiastic participation as 150 students registered for it. The programme began with Extempore wherein the participants shared their views on topics related to food safety, hunger, malnutrition, food labeling, probiotics, sustainable green packaging, etc.
The second session included various thematic rounds under the Food Quiz that tested the food related knowledge of the participants. In the Poster making competition, the participants conveyed their ideas through posters on topics related to hunger, food insecurity, malnourishment, recent trends to tackle these issues, etc. The events enabled the students to sharpen their scientific communication skills. The event concluded with prize distribution ceremony wherein the winners were presented prizes.
Principal Dr. Nisha Bhargava lauded this endeavour of the Food Science Department aiming at raising awareness about the problem of global hunger and drawning attention to the issue of access to safe and nutritious food. She added that this occasion should be utilised to educate masses about the need to have a robust food system that provides healthy and sustainable diets for everyone.
Punjab Petroleum Dealers Association Gears Up Against the Illegal Sale in The Name of Biodiesel
By 121 News
Chandigarh Oct. 30, 2021:- Punjab Petroleum Dealers Association (PPDA) has urged the state government that not only petroleum dealers are facing financial losses but government revenue is highly affected due to the Oil base/chemical oil/industrial grade product being sold illegally through mobile vans in the market in the name of biodiesel.
An Executive Meeting of the PPDA held at Hotel Parkview, Sector 24, on Saturday wherein petroleum dealers from across the state reviewed this issue and laid suggestions to the government to deal with it.
Association President Sandeep Sehgal said that in the last few months, the concerned authorities have raided the illegality involved in the distribution of unlicensed bio-diesel. Due to the availability of this form of fuel at less price than diesel, most of the vehicles have shifted to biodiesel. Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) have also registered a massive cut in the sale of High Speed Diesel (HPD). Motor Speed (MS) and High Speed Diesel (HPD) vehicles have also shifted to the BS-6 category despite huge government investment. Due to the negligence of the government, low grade oil is being sold illegally in the market to meet the demand of the market, which needs to be curbed; otherwise the loss of government revenue will continue.
Sandeep Sehgal said that the service of delivering fuel door-to-door had been started which has given a massive blow to their fraternity. According to OMCs, this service is valid for those heavy machines or vehicles which cannot reach the petrol pump. But it is being seen that government and OMC orders are being flouted openly and their access is being extended to motorable, passenger and agricultural vehicles, which is directly causing loss to the petrol pump owners.
The association has made this demand while suggesting to the government, action should be taken against the non-licensed person, establishment (institution) who illegally buys diesel from mobile vans.
The association also expressed its concern over the higher VAT rate in Punjab as compared to Chandigarh. Association's general secretary Rajesh Kumar said that about 1000 petrol pumps of Punjab adjoining Chandigarh and other states are on the verge of closure. The association also demanded that no hike was made on the pending commission since the year 2017, which the OMCs should increase soon. Association members argued that their investments have multiplied and dealers cannot survive on the same commission.
Chitkara International School, Panchkula Bags the Coveted "Platinum" Ranking From IGBC
By 121 News
Chandigarh Oct. 30, 2021:- Chitkara International School (CIS), Panchkula, became the only school among the schools of six states listed in the Chandigarh Chapter of CII, to successfully achieve the highest-level 'Platinum' ranking for outstandingly following an exemplary protocol that meets the Green School Standards under the IGBC Green Schools Rating System (New School).
The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), part of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) was formed in the year 2001. The vision of the council is, "To enable a sustainable built environment for all and facilitate India to be one of the global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025". IGBC's School Rating System is unique in the sense that it addresses eco-education, Health & hygiene besides the infrastructural facilities, energy efficiency, water conservation and waste management. Aspects like nutrition, physical activity & safety are also addressed.
Outshining in the 52 parameters categorized under the requirements like Site Selection & Planning, Sustainable Water Practices, Conserving & Harvesting Energy, Eco-Friendly School Material, Indoor Environment Quality, Health & Hygiene and Green Education, the school stood immensely proud to receive a fantastic rating of 89.
Eminent dignitaries from IGBC, Ar Jit Kumar Gupta, Chairman, IGBC, Chandigarh Chapter and Nilesh Kumar Rana, Executive Officer, CII, IGBC presented the prestigious award to Ar Sukumar Jairath, Principal Architect, Studio by Design, Dr Madhu Chitkara, Chairperson, Chitkara International School, Dr Niyati Chitkara, Director, Chitkara International School, Chandigarh and Panchkula at the Felicitation Ceremony organised at Panchkula Campus of the school.
The ceremony commenced with the salutation and orientation programme that comprised of welcoming of the esteemed personages of IGBC and the diligent members of CIS and a comprehensive school tour. The programme was followed by an informative presentation by Ar Sukumar Jairath that highlighted Chitkara International School's standpoint on the significance of Green Schools. Next, Ar Jit Kumar Gupta addressed the audience and appreciated the school for taking such noteworthy initiatives for revolutionizing the educational process that supports global sustainability in every way.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, said that the entire Chitkara Fraternity, works towards enriching the learning experience of the students starting from pre-primary level to doctoral level and devises methods of successful transformation from one level to another keeping in mind the need of the changing & demanding industry. The green initiatives undertaken at Chitkara Institutions bespeak their commitment towards the preservation of the environment's health and conservation of resources for a healthier tomorrow.
In addition to this, the generation next educationist, Dr Niyati Chitkara, Director, Chitkara International School, Chandigarh and Panchkula, asserted that going green isn't just a choice, but a judicious act of prioritising the health of community members, environment and the entire planet. CIS understands it and thus believes in being a Green School. The school is also doing every bit to get a step closer towards accomplishing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
Chitkara International School is a green school that begins with the future in mind, fabricating a teaching-learning experience that promotes a healthier, cleaner & greener environment. The school thus, exemplifies an outstanding case-study for the other existing and upcoming schools of the region.
70 Railway Senior Citizens Attend Health Talk on Arrhythmia Problems
By 121 News
Chandigarh Oct. 30, 2021:- As many as 70 members of Railway Senior Citizens Welfare Society attended a health talk on arrhythmia (heart rhythm) problems at Govt. Museum and Art Gallery, sector 10 here today.
The workshop was organized by Ayu Health Hospitals which is a hospital chain started in Chandigarh in 2019 by three IIT and IIIT graduates. It is now the largest hospital chain in Chandigarh tri-city region and has branches in Ludhiana and Patiala as well.
Addressing talk, Dr. Devendra Bisht, senior iinterventional cardiologist & electro-physiologist stated that many patients who are visiting our heart clinic are suffering with heart rhythm disturbances. The patients present with symptoms of palpitations, shortness of breath, fainting, chest pain, paralysis and in extreme cases cardiac arrest.
EP study is a test performed to assess one heart's electrical system and is used to diagnose abnormal heartbeats. The test is performed by inserting catheters and then wire electrodes, through blood vessels that enter the heart, which measure electrical activity, he informed.
Dr. Devendra Bisht informed that once the diagnosis of pathological beats is confirmed it can be cured by RF energy passed by a catheter. The test is performed under local anesthesia and patients can be discharged a few hours after the test.
Among others, TS Kalra, chairman, KP Singh, president and Harchandan Singh, secretary general of Society were also present during the occasion.