Friday 31 October 2014

Doon Public School Organises Interaction Session with Canadian Educationist

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 31st October: --- A session was organized to acquaint students of Doon Public School (A CBSE New Generation Sr.Sec.School), Panchkula with the Canadian Education System. An introduction to the same was given by Daniel, Director of Canadian University Application Centre along with his team, who visited the school's campus in Sector-21 Panchkula. 

Sanjay Anand, SM, Principal, Doon Public School, Panchkula, said that the idea behind the interaction was to expose students, mainly the senior ones to Global education trends. The students learnt a lot about higher education opportunities available in Canada. Daniel enlightened everybody & offered the senior students guidance about their future education prospects in Canada. He stressed that Canadian Universities can help them to become Professionals and the main thrust was laid on making students aware about the avenues of education available in Canada, considering their abilities and Capabilities

16 Officers Retires From PGI

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 31st October: --- Prof. Savita Malhotra, Sub Dean, PGI honored sixteen officers/officials on their superannuation today by presenting mementoes to them.  Chetan P.S.Rao, DDA and Sushil Thakur, Financial Adviser handed over beneficiary cheques comprising GPF, gratuity and group insurance. Respective Heads of Departments wished them well in life by presenting bouquets to them.

Land To Be Given To Mohali Press Club:Sikandar Singh Mluka

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 31st October: --- Îî¯ÔÅñÆ êz˾à Õñ¾ì 鱧 Õñ¾ì çÆ ÇÂîÅðå ìäÅÀ¹ä ñÂÆ ìñ½º×Æ ÇòÖ¶ ã¹¾ÕòÆ æ» ÁñÅà ÕÆåÆ ÜÅò¶×Æ  å» Ü¯ î¯ÔÅñÆ êËz¾Ã Õñ¾ì çÆ ¦î¶ ÇÚð» 寺 ÁÅ ðÔƺ î§× 鱧 ê±ðÅ ÕÆåÅ ÜÅ ÃÕ¶ Áå¶ ÃðÕÅð ò¾ñ¯º Õñ¾ì çÆ ÇÂîÅðå ñÂÆ òÆ Çò¾åÆ ÃÔÅÇÂåÅ êzçÅé ÕÆåÆ ÜÅò¶×ÆÍ ÇÂé·» ÇòÚÅðÅ çÅ êz×àÅòŠ궺ⱠÇòÕÅÃ å¶ ê¿ÚÅÇÂå î§åðÆ ê¿ÜÅì Ãz: ÇÃÕ§çð ÇÃ§Ø îñ±ÕÅ é¶ Ç×ÁÅé ÇÜï¯åÆ êìÇñÕ ÃÕ±ñ ë¶÷-B ç¶ ÁÅâÆà¯ðÆÁî ÇòÖ¶ î¯ÔÅñÆ êz˾à Õñ¾ì çÆ éòƺ ü¾äÆ ×ÂÆ àÆî ç¶ Ã¶òŠçíÅñ ÃîÅ×î 鱧 çì¯èé ÕðÇçÁ» ÕÆåÅÍ À¹Ô ÇÂà ÃîÅ×î Çò¾Ú ìå½ð  î¹¾Ö îÇÔîÅé ôÅîñ Ô¯Â¶Í Ãz: îñ±ÕÅ é¶ ÇÂà î½Õ¶  Õñ¾ì  駱 Çå§é ñ¾Ö ð¹ê¶ çÆ Çò¾åÆ ÃÔÅÇÂåÅ ç¶ä çÅ ÁËñÅé òÆ ÕÆåÅÍ

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Videocon Telecom Young Manch, Concludes 148 talent hunt Events across 51 cities,

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 31st October: --- The youth connect initiative "Young Manch 2" of  Videocon Telecom, the versatile, friendly and dynamic telecom brand of the $4 billion worth Videocon Group, is now inching towards city finales stage.  The initiative taken last year by the Telco to engage youth to showcase their talent got a overwhelming and splendid response from the students. Owing to the success of the program, the Telco rolled out season 2 of the initiative last month with events done across 148 colleges/institutes in 51 cities in Punjab and Haryana.  The program, which is now inching towards city finales witnessed a record participation from over 11,000 students, connecting with over 5 lakh students. Now, the winners from various institutes will compete in the city finales to secure their position to compete in the grand finale, which is planned in Nov 2014. The winners from these colleges and institutes are being selected through a powerful on-ground event and social media voting platforms including Facebook and YouTube.

 Today's event at LPU Jalandhar and GCG 42 Chandigarh witnessed enormous enthusiasm and participation.  The event saw a spectacular combination of buzz and excitement in the institute auditorium and observed huge partaking from students in various engaging activities like dancing, singing, playing musical instruments, ramp walk and others.

 Arvind Bali, Director & CEO, Videocon Telecommunications Ltd said, that Videocon Telecom is a young and vibrant brand, and youth is a very important segment for us.  Most of our product and brand communication is centered on connecting with youth segment and through initiatives 'Young Manch' our intent is to create a strong connection with the youth at ground level. Pleased with the overwhelming response that the program received last year, we are now in season 2 of the program, and the response is even better and bigger. I myself have been to couple of these college level programs and was actually delighted to see the enthusiasm and talent of the younger lot. I am looking forward to the City Finales and the Mega Grand Finale.




By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 31st October: --- Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal paid tributes to Sant Baba Wariyam Singh and Mata Ranjit Kaur at 'Gurmat Ruhani Samagam' organized by Sant Baba Lakhbir Singh said that Sant Wariyam Singh was one of those saints who spent his whole life to enlighten the people with the blessings of God.

Addressing the congregation on the second day of three days samagam, Sukhbir Singh Badal gave a clarion call to Sikh sangat to save younger generations from the menace of drugs besides imbibing Gurbani teachings among them and maintain unity in the community. He said that parents should convey the teachings of great Gurus to their kids to tread the path of welfare of all communities. Deputy CM proudly said that Sikhs were touching the heights in all spheres world over and appealed the community to educate their wards for overall progress. He said that history witnessed that only those communities' touches high that maintained their unity. Highlighting the contributions of Sant Lakhbir Singh to society, Sukhbir Singh Badal said that the selfless services rendered by him in the field of education were appreciable.



Thursday 30 October 2014

Annual Conference of Indian Association of Sexually transmited disease and AIDS on 31st October

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 30th October:-  The 38th annual conference of Indian Association of Sexually transmited disease and AIDS (ASTICON 2014) will be organized by the department of Medical Microbiology, PGI from 31st October to 2nd November. The department has recently been awarded an advanced centre for research and training in sexually transmitted infections(STIs) by NACO . Dr Sunil Sethi, Professor in the department said that "STI are the neglected diseases in our country   but they can increase the transmission of HIV many times . So for the control of HIV, adequate and proper treatment of STIs is very important as all STIs can lead to increase in the transmission of HIV. Most of the patients are treated inadequately by quacks and they ultimately lead to drug resistance. There is great stigma attached with STI so most of the patients instead of coming to STI clinic prefer to go to quacks where they are inadequately treated  which lead to emergence of superbugs like Multiple drug resistance N. gomorrhoeae which will then become untreatable . So proper diagnosis  and treatment of STIs is very  important to prevent the spread of HIV    Potentially preventable and curable, infections like genital chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhoea still cause tremendous morbidity in patients. Initial infections are sometimes asymptomatic and hence go unnoticed. However they go on to produce chronic complications like pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. Early diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals is required to prevent the spread of the disease and severe sequelae." So the theme of conference is Diagnostic and Therapeutic advances in STI,s and HIV. During this conference, leading microbiologists and clinicians specializing in STIs from all around the world will discuss the latest developments in the clinical picture, various diagnostic modalities, prevention, treatment, drug resistance and control measures.


By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 30th October:-  The Department of Radiotherapy, Regional Cancer Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh is organizing a poster exhibition on 1st November 2014 for general public in order to increase the awareness about cancer among the people of this region. The venue of this exhibition is NEW OPD BLOCK, GROUND FLOOR. The purpose of this exhibition is to make the public aware about the common causes of cancer, the early warning signs, methods of early detection available and treatment facilities. In addition to this, volunteers from the department will interact freely with the visitors and answer their questions.  Every year, the department registers more than 5000 new cancer patients, mostly in advanced stages. As early diagnosis and treatment significantly improves the chances of cure, this exhibition will stress on screening programs and warning signs of cancer. Interested members of the public are encouraged to visit the exhibition for more information between 9:15 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Reshmi Ghosh, visits the city of Chandigarh to talk about her role in the show…

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 30th October:- He's an unassuming boy-next-door who is oblivious to the larger-than-life plans destiny has in store for him! Zee TV's latest weekend offering 'Maharakshak Aryan' is a gripping narrative of coming-of-age and a walk into the darker realms of fantasy where a hero will face his worst fears, rewrite destiny and emerge a winner. Zee TV is strengthening its original programming with this series, and Aryan is a fun hour of television with the right mix of action and drama, coming to your television screens from this Saturday 1st November, every Saturday and Sunday at 7 pm.

Aryan is the first amongst Zee TV's superhero trilogy 'Maharakshak' that will showcase the triumph of good over evil. The good is represented by Aryan, played by the promising debutant Aakarshan Singh and the bad by Triloki -the ultimate embodiment of evil, essayed by the talented Vikramjeet Virk. Triloki, is trapped in the center of the earth, under various layers, surrounded by molten Lava. He wants to bounce back to power and rule the world but the only way he can do so is by reclaiming the MANI, which is the ultimate source of energy available in the world. So to procure the MANI, Triloki will send his super villains – Vishkanya, Challa, Kumbha  amongst others.

 Playing the role of Vishkanya on the show is the beautiful Reshmi Ghosh.  She will be seen as a sensuous, venomous villain. Vishkanya and her sirens live in a green, luscious world and will be sent to earth by Triloki – the ultimate embodiment of evil, to lock horns with Aryan, the protector of the world.  In Chandigarh today to speak about her character in the show, Reshmi said, that she is thrilled to play the role of Vishkanya on Zee TV's upcoming superhero series – Maharakshak Aryan. As the name suggests, her character is lethal and sultry, half-snake and half-human. The look and costumes are simply breath-taking. She is blessed with the power to change forms to deceive anyone and can convert humans into snakes by releasing snakes into their bodies. She arrives on earth with an agenda of unleashing menace and destruction. Hope the audiences will love my character and love and support the show just as much.



By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 30th October:- Putting the Swachh Bharat Mission on fast track, Local Bodies Minister Anil Joshi has designated Nodal Officers in all ten Municipal Corporations of the state. These Nodal Officers would be of Chief Engineer level and would monitor the ongoing Swachh Bharat Mission.

Disclosing this today, Anil Joshi, in a press release issued here today, said that this decision has been taken so that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of a cleaner India is successful. He further informed that these Nodal Officers would be appointed in the Municipal Corporations of Ludhiana, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Patiala, Bathinda, Moga, Pathankot, Phagwara, Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar and Hoshiarpur. These officers would not only monitor the ongoing Swachh Bharat Mission, but would also involve city residents for the success of Mr Modi's vision. He said that public participation is necessary for the success of the Swachh Bharat Mission and people from all walks of life should join hands for its success. The Minister also issued directions to Nagar Councils and Nagar Panchayats to appoint dedicated staff for the success of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.




By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 30th October:- To give Wedding shoppers an option of picking up 'What's in' this Marriage Season, Couturier Rupam K. Grewal who owns the label Jaamawar Minx (JM), unveiled her Wedding collection at JM's chic outlet in Elante Mall, Chandigarh.

Rupam Grewal said that, the Indian wedding is a grand affair with the bride being the focus at many events preceding the D-Day as also following tying of the nuptial knot. There is a trend towards long & flowy designer wear for Weddings and associated events this season. Her latest collection for the Wedding season caters to this demand being made by young would be brides. She added that as the Wedding Season is approaching and there will be a surfeit of marriages seen in November & December. So they  are readying themselves to cater to demand for Bridal Wear from both within North India as well as the Diaspora.

Keeping in mind the kind of Couture that customers are looking for this season, Jaamawar Minx's latest Wedding ensemble was showcased. The highlight of the range certainly are different styles of 'Shararas'. The attractive pieces shown -- included long jacket types with front open & those that boast of intricate 'Zardozi' work.  The there are Short shirts with embroidered Shararas. The fabric used is Georgette & Silk which gives that ***. Then there are Indo Western long collar shirts with Sharara Pants, even the collars have beautiful handwork done. The entire collection has a nice mix of traditional as well as Indo-Western Wedding Couture available. Beautiful Wedding bridal suits and Lehengas too are part of Rupam's Bridal collection. The work on these which mainly is 'Gotta Patti', 'Zardozi' & 'Aari' provides the collection a 'bling' that certainly gives the wearer a feeling that she is adorned in something that's ethereal.

The event also saw Ms. Preeti Choudhary, a beautiful young would be bride who is tying the nuptial knot on Nov 3, displaying the customized Lehenga that Rupam has crafted. Preeti, said that she had got her wedding trousseau done from Jaamawar Minx. Her wedding day dress is a beautiful Lehenga with an attractive combo of colours. She is  looking forward to wear it.


Punjabi film ‘Yoddha – The Warrior’ opens this Friday all over the world:Team visits city for promotion

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 30th October:- Those who oppose or threaten aren't yet aware of the sharpness of a warrior's weapon. This Friday sees the most anticipated Punjabi action film of the year 'Yoddha – The Warrior' which is another gem from the super-successful team of 'Sadda Haq'. Walking on the same lines, this team brings out the social menaces with their own creative perspective and shows how goodness wins over cruelty. Directed by Mandeep Benipal, this hard-hitting sensation of OXL Films and SR Cinebizz  is a fictional tale full-house packed with drama, action and entertainment. With actor-writer-producer Kuljinder Singh Sidhu in the lead role, the film stars Unnati Davara, Rahul Dev, Girja Shankar, Nasir Khan and Hardeep Gill.

Penned by Kuljinder Singh Sidhu and Amardeep Singh Gill, Yoddha is produced by Kuljinder Singh Sidhu, Dinesh Sood, Rajiv Kumar and Sanjeev Joshi. Executive Producer of the film is Nidhi Sidhu. The film is making waves since it is a production of a team which has been praised earlier for their historic effort with 'Sadda Haq'. Kuljinder told that the movie is set against the backdrop of the border area of Punjab where Drug Mafia rules and everyone including some police officers are involved in this racket. In these circumstances the hero Ranjodh Singh, who is an NRI from UK and is visiting India, survives from a big fight and hence is transformed to a new avatar of 'Yoddha - The Warrior'.

Unnati Davara, the leading lady, is a television face and fully excited about her Punjabi film debut. Having worked earlier with national award winners Rituparna Sengupta and Ananya Chatterjee in well-known Bengali film '3 Kanya', Unnati comes from Raipur and has won a number of titles on ramp as a model. She said, that working with this team was a dream comes true as I was always hearing about the immense growth of Punjabi cinema while being there in Mumbai. I am honored to have worked with such creative people and I'm now eyeing on going deeper into Punjabi cinema even being not a Punjabi.

Playing a negative role, Rahul Dev's all praise for the film's team. He said that my director made me realize that I can look even more negative in my role. I love Punjabi cinema as always and really excited about this project. Audience will see a new Rahul in this film. All credits to Kuljinder and Mandeep who were like brothers to work with.

Co-producer Dinesh Sood believes that their production company has started with a journey of a different cinema within the boundaries of Punjabi film industry. He said that we have a different flavor altogether in our productions which no other film offers. With the love and support of audience we hope to carry forward this journey and keep entertaining them all.

Director Mandeep Benipal is the one who directed 'Sadda Haq' and believes that he understands each and every nerve of this team he has worked with. He told that the film is a result of a long research which started immediately after the success of their last venture. Yoddha travels through different faces of emotion and all in all is going to be a complete action-packed thriller which will not stop entertaining the audience for full two and a half hours. The macho action hero Kuljinder, with his sheer characterisation of his role would make the audience see the spirit and soul of a true warrior.



By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 30th October:- With the aim of ensuring punctuality and discipline in the Schools Special teams of the Education Department of panjab, has conducted a surprise checks in the 855 Schools of the panjab state, on the directions of Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema, Education Minister Punjab. Three Circles namely Jalandhar, Faridkot and Nabha (Patiala) were visited by the special teams at the same time. Divulging the details a spokesperson of the department said that during the special checking total 47 teachers were found absent while 68 teachers were late whereas 37 teachers were found long time absentees. He said that immediately after opening the schools special teams visited 357 schools of Jalandhar Circle, 280 schools of Nabha (Patiala) Circle and 218 schools of Faridkot Circle. He further said that 23 teachers were found absent in Jalandhar Circle and 40 were late comers while 10 found long time absentee. In Nabha (Patiala) Circle 17 teachers were found absent, 10 late comers and 12 were long time absentee. Similarly, in Faridkot Circle 7 teachers were found absent, 18 late comers and 15 were found long time absentee.

Dr. Daljit Singh Cheema, Education Minister said that to maintain discipline and punctuality in the Government Schools special and surprise checking would continue in future also. He also directed to the senior officers that 100 percent attendance of the teachers would be ensured. He said that all the explanations of absentee teachers would be called for and those found absent from the schools since long time would be charge sheeted.



Health Minister Distributes Appointment letters To 302 Ayurvedic Medical officers


By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 30th October:- âÅÕàð ÁÅêäÆ ÇâÀ±àÆ ÃîðÇêå Áå¶ Ã¶òÅ íÅòéÅ éÅñ Õðé ÇÕÀ¹ºÇÕ îðÆ÷» çÅ âÅÕàð» å¶ Áå¹¾à ÇòôòÅà Թ§çÅ þ,ÇÂé»· ÇòÚÅð» çÅ êz×àÅòÅ ÇÃÔå å¶ êÇðòÅð íñÅÂÆ î§åðÆ ê¿ÜÅì ùðÜÆå Õ¹îÅð ÇÜÁÅäÆ é¶ ê¿ÜÅì þñæ ÇÃÃàî÷ ÕÅðê¯ð¶ôé ÇòÖ¶ ÁÅï±ðòËÇçÕ îËâÆÕñ ÁëÃð» Áå¶ ñËì àËÕéÆÇôÁé» é±§ Çéï¹ÕåÆ ê¾åð ò§âä î½Õ¶ ÕðòŶ ׶ ÃîÅ×î 鱧 çì¯èé ÕðÇçÁ» ÕÆåÅ Í À¹é»· ÇÕÔÅ ÇÕ ê¿ÜÅì ÃðÕÅð ðÅÜ ç¶ ñ¯Õ» 鱧 ÇìÔåð ÇÃÔå öòÅò» êzçÅé Õðé ñÂÆ ê±ðÆ åð»· òÚéì¾è þÍ

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Wednesday 29 October 2014

‘Google Girl’ of Hallmark School:Displays her unbelievable skills

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 29th October:-   Most of us are aware of Kautilya Pandit, the 'Wonder boy' a k a 'Google Boy', whose mental feats were emblazoned across India by the National dailies as well as Electronic Media. Now there is our very own girl next door – Nine-Year-Old prodigy Jiya Phutela whose mental prowess matches that of the 'Google Boy'. Jiya is a student of Grade V at Hallmark Public School, Panchkula.  

Mrs. Kavita Wadhwa, Principal, Hallmark School, said that this girl might be little but her brain is a big powerhouse of knowledge, superlative memory & unique skills. With her amazing memory, she can talk about chemical reactions, formulae, periodic table, inventions, general-knowledge & current affairs. She also has complete information about calendars of the last 300 years. She draws exactly whatever she sees, can recite formulae after a couple of readings and is fond of dress designing.

A very interesting session was held at the media meet. Journalists gave dates of their choice to Jiya and she immediately told the correct corresponding day. A periodic table was placed at the venue and she effortlessly gave out the Atomic Number on being told the element and vice versa. The activity which left everyone startled was the one in which she was blindfolded and made the same movements as another person. A table of different numbers was also drawn on a board with a series of rows and columns; she had a glance at the same and was able to correctly tell the numbers as assembled journalists asked her to decipher these.  

According to Jivtesh Garg, Director, Hallmark School, that after her extraordinary mental capabilities were noted her talent was nurtured with the help of Neuro–Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is an approach to communicationpersonal development, and psychotherapy . Under NLP there is a connection between the neurological processes ("neuro"), language ("linguistic") and behavioral patterns learned through experience ("programming") and these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life. NLP brings out positive belief in children." Said Jiya, "I am the youngest NLP Practioner of India and want to take this great system to different schools, institutions and even IITs of the country. I believe that NLP can really help bring out the genius in even ordinary students.

Holy Wonder smart School Organise Fancy Dress Competition

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 29th October:-   The Holy Wonder Smart School organised a fancy dress competition of  junior students. The students presented a wonderful show by adorning themselves in various characters like mother, father, teachers, actors, presented mono acting & fashion show. Some children were feeling shy in their fancy dress, some beaming with joy looking all confident to win the competition were the attraction in the school. Besides the traditional – all-time favourite ideas for fancy dress like fairies, Army officer, Bride-groom, Jhansi ki Rani, Soldier, Phoolwali, Policeman etc. While some were dressed up to convey messages like save Mother Earth, Save the Girl Child & Save water. It was indeed a delightful competition, which was enjoyed by both participants and the audience. Director Ashween Arora congratulated the participants for the wonderful show put up by them. 

Anti Encroachment Drive:MC Issues Challans to the 119 Violators

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 29th October:-   In a special anti encroachment drive the enforcement wing of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh today removed encroachments from various markets of city and issued challans to the 119 violators.

 According to the Official spokesperson of the MC, during the course of drive the enforcement team removed encroachments from sector 19 Market, sector 18 Electronic Market, Sector 20 labour chowk, sector 21 & 32, Chandigarh. During the drive various unauthorized items including iron racks, ladies suits/garments, readymade garments, Gas Cylinder, bag, jack, rehries, reams and different types of pharies etc. were removed and seized from the Municipal land

Illegal encroachments near main roads to be removed immediately:Sidhu

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 29th October:-   A special Campaign  to remove the mistletoe from the road side trees & hedges to be initiated in district SAS Nagar, as the mistletoe causes difficulty in the growth of these trees & hedges. These directions were given by Deputy Commissioner Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu to the officers of Municipal Council & GMADA, while he was addressing the meeting at Municipal Council meeting hall to review the various rural & urban development works. He said that the mistletoe should be completely removed from its position so that proper growth of roadside trees & hedges could be ensured.

Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu directed the Executive Officers to take action to remove illegal encroachments and also directed to advise the shop owners to rearrange their goods which are lying outside the shop as it causes inconvenience to the normal passage. He further said that the cleaning works started under Swach Bharat Abhiyaan will be continued in future and any kind of dereliction in this regard will not be acceptable. He said that he in-person will conduct surprise visit for the same. Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu directed the officials of PWD to remove the illegal shops on sides of National Highway, as it may cause some kind of mishap. SDMs concerned directed to conduct surprise visit for ensuring the same.  During this, Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu directed the officers of PWD to expedite the work of premix carpeting and to complete the same at the earliest. He directed to complete the other development works in stipulated time. Tejinder Pal Singh Sidhu directed the District Development & Panchayat Officer and Secretary Zila Parishad to take action with the help of BDPOs to cover the main link roads under PMGSY (Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojna) and for this approval of the land owners should be ensured so that requisite land could be acquired. For the first phase one main link road should be taken up. During this he also directed the officers to timely submit the Fund Utilization Certificate.


Tuesday 28 October 2014

Teaching Staff Donates Fund For Prime Minister Relief Fund


By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 28th October:- ÃðÕÅðÆ ÕÅñÜ î¯ÔÅñÆ  ë¶÷-F ç¶ àÆÇÚ§× ÃàÅë ò¾ñ¯º Ü§î± ÕôîÆð ç¶ Ô¾ó· êÆóå»  ñÂÆ BE Ô÷Åð ð¹ê¶ çÆ ðÅôÆ çÅ ÚË¾Õ êzèÅé î§åðÆ ðñÆë ë§â ñÂÆ ÕÅñÜ çÆ Çêz§ÃÆêñ ÃzÆîåÆ Ã¹îé ×»èÆ, òÅÇÂà Çêz§ÃÆêñ ÃzÆîåÆ Ã¹éÆåÅ Áìð¯ñ Áå¶ ÁËé.ÁËÃ.ÁËÃ. ç¶ êz¯×ðÅî ǧÚÅðÜ êz¯: î¶Ôð ÇÃ§Ø î¾ñÆ é¶ ÇâêàÆ ÕÇîôéð å¶Çܧçð êÅñ ÇÃ§Ø ÇÃ¾è± é¹±§ À¹é·» ç¶ çøåð ÇòÖ¶ Ã½ÇêÁÅÍ ÇÂà ðÅôÆ Çò¾Ú àÆÇÚ§× ÃàÅë Áå¶ êz¯ëËÃð÷ ò¾ñ¯ ï¯×çÅé êÅÇÂÁÅ Ç×ÁÅÍ ÇÂà î½Õ¶ ÁËÃ.âÆ.ÁËî (â¶ðÅì¾ÃÆ) çÜÆò Õ¹îÅð òÆ î½Ü±ç ÃéÍ

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Benefit of Centre Sponsored schemes should be provided at grass route level: Prof. Chandumajra

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 28th October:-   Awareness regarding schemes sponsored by Centre Govt. should be generated at grass route level so that the general public could get more benefits from these schemes. This was stated by member Lok Sabha Sri Anandpur Sahib and Chairman District vigilance & Monitoring committee Prof.  Prem Singh Chandumajra while he was presiding over a meeting of district vigilance & monitoring committee at meeting hall of Municipal Corporation  at SAS Nagar.

Prof. Chandumajra directed the officials concerned to organize block level camps to generate awareness regarding centre sponsored schemes, so that they could became more familiar with the schemes & its benefits. He said that due to lack of proper awareness and guidance, many people remain untouched with the benefits of such schemes.  He said that the funds issued towards these schemes should be utilised efficiently. During this, after analysing the progress of ongoing schemes he expressed his satisfaction.

Before this, Deputy Commissioner cum Member Secretary District Vigilance & Monitoring Committee Tejinder Pal Sing Sidhu explained about the centre govt. sponsored schemes which are running satisfactorily in the district and said that proper utilisation of funds for these schemes is being ensured. He said that the officers concerned have also been directed for proper implementation of these schemes. He said that a meeting after every 3 months will be conducted to review the work progress of these schemes.

Then after while addressing the press, Prof. Chandumajra said that the review of these schemes will be done to ensure proper utilisation & for putting further demand of funds towards the schemes.

Addressing a question about the 1984-Sikh Massacre, he said that SAD is well committed to ensure punishment to the guilty of anti-Sikh riots- 1984. He said that proposal of condemnation will be presented in the coming Lok Sabha session. Explaining about the schemes which have not been implemented due to some regulations, he said that centre govt. will be proposed for some amendments in rules & regulation for proper implementation of the schemes.

Road Between Sector 14 & 25 To Be Closed Due to Recarpet

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 28th October:-  The Municipal Corporation Chandigarh is going to start re-carpetting of V-3 road between sector 14 and 25 on October 29. Therefore, the road between sectors 14 and 25 shall remain closed from October 29 to November 3, 2014. The roads will be recarpeted single side one by one so that the traffic can move from one side. The general public is requested to take alternate route to reach their destinations.

Brilliance World School organize English Elocution and Diya making competitions

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 28th October:-Brilliance World School, Panchkula today organized an English Elocution and Diya making competitions in its school premises. Two students each of 4 houses participated in the Elocution. Students showed their speaking prowess by giving famous speeches by personalities like Martin Luther King, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi etc. The Diya decoration competition was an open one which saw participation from students of Pre Nursery to KG. A card making workshop was also held to bring out the creativity of students. Pupils from Grade I till Xth took part in this.

Shyam Sunder, Chairman, Brilliance World School, said that Elocution is the art of speaking clearly and fluently. We organized the elocution contest in order to emphasize on fluency and superiority in grammar as well as to provide a platform to the budding orators of our school. 

Chandigarh Literature Festival:Starts From October 30 to November 2

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 28th October;- City will play host to the third edition of Chandigarh Literature Festival (CLF), 2014 from October 30 to November 2 at Chandigarh Club, Sector 1 here. The festival will be inaugurated on Thursday at 4 p.m. followed by a panel discussion on the completion of  "30 Years of Operation Bluestar". The panelists will include Nirupama Dutt, Rahul Singh, Ramesh Vinayak, Kiran Nagarkar, Amandeep Sandhu, and Ravi Singh. In the next three days will be book sessions, movie screenings and discussions.

 While talking about the CLF, Mitul Dikshit, Chairman, Adab Foundation informed that the festival is all about celebrating books and a unique format would be adopted in the festival in which 14 individual books will be dissected, analysed and read out. Critics will present their analysis of the books and help audience members gain insight on the literary merits (or demerits) of the books. He added that the first day of the festival on Friday will start with a session on Gawah De Fanah Ho Jaan Ton Pehlan,Punjabi translation of Amandeep Sandhu's book Roll of Honour which is the story of the split loyalties of a Sikh boy in a boarding school in Punjab during the Khalistan movement and is based on the events of the year 1984: Operation Bluestar, Mrs. Gandhi's assassination and riots. The book has been shortlisted for The Hindu Prize for Best Fiction 2013.


Mitul Dikshit, further informed that films such as 'Dedh Ishqiya', 'Do Dooni Chaar''Shahid' and 'Passive Euthanasia: Kahaani Karuna Ki'will be screened to depict the intersection between cinema and the literary form. These film screenings will be followed by discussions between critics and film-makers.  These would include big names like Abhishek Chaubey, Director of Dedh Isqiya with Raja Sen, Habib Faisal, Director of Do Dooni Chaar with Mayank Shekhar and Hansal Mehta, Director of Shahid with Ajay Brahmatmaj.


An added attraction would be Yog Joy: A Photographic Retrospective, an exhibition of black and white as well as colour images which showcase the genius of late Yog Joy, a former chief photographer of The Tribune. The exhibition has been curated by his son Vikram Joy, an accomplished photographer himself.


Among several prominent authors and critics who would be a part of the fest include author Aniruddha Bahal, founder and editor-in-chief of which has a track record of over 100 investigative documentaries. Kedarnath Singh, winner this year of the highest literary award, the Jnanpith Puraskar will be attending the fest as his book Srishti Par Pahra, which is among the CLF nominations to be taken up on Day 2.

Monday 27 October 2014

Blenders Pride Punjab International Fashion Week Announces its Fifth Edition

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 27th October:- Blenders Pride Punjab International Fashion Week's 5th Edition has been announced today by the Gaurav Sharma Founder, Storm Fashion Company – India, Host Designer Sonu Gandhi along with show director Lovell Prabhu, choreographer Jeet Brar and Hair & Makeup specialist Ms. Ritu Kolentine .  Film actress, Simran Kaur Mundi and actor Arjan Bajwa have been appointed as the Style Ambassadors for BPPIFW. They were present to lend support and celebrate the launch of the most awaited fashion week to hit Punjab this year.

BPPIFW will be held from 31st October to 02nd November at Radisson Blu, NBD Hotels and will witness 8 fashion representations coming together to set new trends in fashion and business in the financial hub of Punjab - Ludhiana. For this season, BPPIFW features 2 Ludhiana, 3 Mumbai, 1 Delhi, 1 Kokata, and 1 New York  based designers namely, Sonu Gandhi, Rocky S, Jattinn Kochhar, Sanjana Jon, Mona Pali, Riyaz Gangji, AD Singh and the cradle of designers from INIFD. BPPIFW endeavors to promote, support and nurture a promising list of budding designers along with collections of established designers who have shown on Indian as well as international runways and have made a mark in the industry. BPPIFW will showcase a grand opening with a mesmerizing collection by designer duo MonaPali. Sanjana Jon a popular name in the International Fashion Industry is today a force to reckon with. Her glamorous designs will feature as the 'Grand Finale' for BPPIFW.

Raja Banerji, GM Marketing - Pernod Ricard India, the presenting sponsors of the fashion week comments, that Blenders Pride has been at the vanguard of fashion with an association built over the years. Punjab is an important market and the brands participation only helps build this association further.

Ms Reet Sahu, CEO Storm Fashion Company said that it's our prestigious annual calendar fashion event in Punjab and we have witnessed superb growth and commitment from all investing partners and talent community over the last four years. This year we hope to make it more magical and grand In terms of talent participation and production scale.



By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 27th October:- Underdoggs -- Tricity's unique Sports Bar and Grill. Taking a cue from its sporty ethos – Underdoggs organized a Pool Tournament, at its spacious Elante Mall outlet. Pool as a sport got a major push as young players tried to beat each other by pocketing the balls and displaying their expertise at the game. The tournament was played on the 8 ball format.

Rish Saini, Co CEO & Marketing Director,Underdoggs, said that the tournament was played on three top class Pool Tables. The Pool Tournament is a good platform for players to show their talent in a competitive setting. We have made the tournaments important calendar events at Underdoggs outlets in Delhi, Gurgaon and Chandigarh. Rishi Saini, added that every Quarter tournaments will be held at Underdoggs outlets in Delhi, Gurgoan and Chandigarh. At the end of the year winners of these tournaments will complete in a final tourney and the overall winner will get a shield, this will be the process followed every year. As many as 64 young Pool players took part in the tournament which included players from Delhi too. The competition was keenly fought. The winner was Sumit Talwar, First Runner Up was   Karan Arora and Second Runner Up was Sameer Khanna. The tourney's prize money is quite lucrative and acts as a motivating factor for players. The winner got Rs. 50,000 & a trophy, the First Runner Up Rs. 30,000 & a Medal and the Second Runner Up walked away with Rs. 10,000 & a Medal. Top 3 placers will be given a direct entry into the next pool tournament in November. Today the schedule of the tournaments that will take place in November was also announced. In Delhi a tournament will be held on 16th November, Chandigarh again on 23rd November and Gurgaon on 30th November. All tournaments will be played out at Underdoggs Outlets in the cities mentioned.

Sanskrit Book Fair at MCM

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 27th October:- To promote the understanding of cultural and literal heritage of India amongst the youth, The Department of Sanskrit, MCM DAV College for Women, Chandigarh in collaboration with Sanskrit Academy, Chandigarh organized a book fair cum Exhibition in the college campus.  The exhibition, a part of 14 day long campaign by Sanskrit  academy, Chandigarh contained various books highlighting the significance of our ancestral language. Books such as Science in Sanskrit, Sanskrit to English Dictionary and Pride of India provided a glimpse into the rich scientific and cultural heritage of our nation.  The Principal of MCM, Dr. P. Bedi appreciated the endeavour which familiarized the students with Sanskrit in a novel and interesting manner.

Quest Group Organises Seminar on I T Industry

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 27th October:- Quest Group of Institution organized a seminar for Computer Science students on the topic Inside IT Industry. The expert lecture was delivered by Eminent Speaker Sarabjit Singh, project Manager of Digital payment solution.  Sarabjit Singh explained about the hierarchy in the Industry & how communication flows from top to bottom. Then he emphasized on need of project management and how to bring about the successful completion of project by the application of skills, knowledge, tools and techniques. He also elaborated Four P's in the industry, Importance of Right Attitude in the team etc.  Students appreciated the session. They found it very productive & informative. At the end they also got chance to interact with & Sarabjit to clear their doubts. Vice-Chairman H.P.S Kanda thanked the Guest Speaker for this valuable knowledge. He also added that Guest Lecture is an approach to enrich students with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities. Information from their Experiences to our students always prove fruitful for the future experts.   





PGI doctors develop new techniques for cancer treatment


By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 27th October:- The incidence of both colorectal and anal cancers is increasing because of various dietary factors and early detection and diagnosis. The risk factors for higher incidence of colorectal cancers includes high fat and low fibre diet, dietary components rich in nitrosmines, obesity, alcohol and tobacco intake and higher consumption of red meat plus certain familial and hereditary diseases.  The higher risk of anal cancers is related to infections such as HIV, HPV, homosexuality and certain warts and condylomata. Various options of treatment used for these two cancers have led to improved survival as well as decreased morbidity. The management of anal cancer has undergone an interesting and tremendous transformation over the last three decades. Definitive chemoradiation is now the standard first-line treatment for anal carcinoma. Prof. Rakesh Kapoor from the Department of Radiotherapy, Regional Cancer Centre  in PGIMER, Chandigarh practiced an improved treatment technique for the sphincter preservation of anal cancers using image based high dose rate interstitial brachytherapy. Prof. Rakesh Kapoor along with his team of Physicists including Dr. O. Arun  Singh also did the actual dosimetry using thermoluminiscent chips in-vivo to actually measure the radiation dose received  in the tumour area thus to have controlled radiation delivery. In their results,which has been published in the American Brachytherapy Society Journal, they have shown a local control rate of almost 90% and a sphincter preservation rate of almost 80%. Even in the management of metastatic advanced patients of colorectal cancer, Prof. Rakesh Kapoor has published a data from their centre showing a median survival of about 18 months and a progression free survival of 28%. Thus concluding that we can consider metastatic colon cancer in the ambit of chronic disease in the present scenario by using various chemotherapeutic agents as well as other interventions done for metastatic disease.



Tuesday 21 October 2014

Actress Gurleen Chopra Relaunch La Opulence Salon in Sector 15

By 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 21st October;- La Opulence unisex salon, relaunched itself at SCF 23, Sector 15-C here today. It has now become city's one of the top salons to provide with all beauty solutions, bridal makeup and spa along with an exclusive nail lounge. The relaunch was marked by the presence of actress-model Gurleen Chopra.

Rajesh Bajaj, Director, Link Beauty Care, the company which runs La Opulence salons said, that at La Opulence, we promise to give our customers more than what they expect to get from here. I am quite confident that people will appreciate our new décor and improved services, which now include a nail lounge also.


A S Virk, Director, Link Beauty Care, said, that we have collaborated with the L'Oreal and our staff is properly trained by the L'Oreal Professionals. On the occasion of the festival of Diwali, we offer to provide two hair cuts at the price of one, and also free manicure and pedicure with the Facial.


On this occasion, actress Gurleen Chopra said, that Chandigarh is a beautiful city and people here are not only generous, but also have a good sense of fashion and personality. I am very happy to see this one of a kind salon cum beauty studio. I liked the Bridal Studio of La Opulence here, which is a perfect place to get ready for the big-day.


La Opulence salon is specialised in hair colouring, hair styles and hair treatments like dandruff, scalp purifying and hair spa. The salon is having well trained staff from L'Oreal Professionals, who are considered best in the city. The hairstylists are the best in the industry with expertise ranging from trendy cuts, colouring techniques, waving, relaxing and hair extensions. La Opulence has another branch in Sector 22-C whose aim is to create trust and loyalty behind the chair, informed the Centre Head, Ashu Handa.


ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਦੂਸ਼ਤ ਹੋਣ ਤੋਂ ਬਚਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਗਰੀਨ ਦੀਵਾਲੀ ਮਨਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ : ਸਿੱਧੂ

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 21st October:- çÆòÅñÆ ÃÅâÅ êÇò¾åð ÇåÀ¹ÔÅð þ Ãî¹¾ÚÅ ç¶ô ÇÂà 鱧 ÚÅò» Áå¶ î¹ñÅð» éÅñ îéÅÀ¹ºçÅ þ êz§å±  ÕÂÆ òÅð êàÅÇÖÁ» çÆ ñê¶à ÇòÚ ÁÅ Õ¶ ÜÅéÆ å¶ îÅñÆ é¹ÕÃÅé Ô¯ Ü»çÅ þ ÇÂà ñÂÆ ÃÅ鱧 ÇÂà é¹ÕÃÅé 寺 ìÚä Áå¶ Ççé êzåÆ Ççé ò¾è ðÔ¶ êzç±ôä çÆ ð¯Õ æÅî ñÂÆ çÆòÅñÆ çÅ ÇåÀ¹ÔÅð êàÅÇÖÁ» ðÇÔå ×ðÆé çÆòÅñÆ ç¶ å½ð å¶ îéÅÀ¹äÅ ÚÅÔÆçÅ þ å» Ü¯ ÃÅâÅ òÅåÅòðä Ô¯ð קèñÅ  éÅ Ô¯ò¶ Í ÇÂÔ ÁêÆñ ÕðÇçÁÅ ÇÜñ·¶ ç¶ ÇâêàÆ ÕÇîôéð å¶Çܧçð êÅñ ÇÃ§Ø ÇÃ¾è± é¶ ÇÜñ·Å òÅÃÆÁ» 鱧  ÇçòÅñÆ ç¶ êÇò¾åð ÇåÀ±ÔÅð çÆÁ» î¹ìÅÇðÕ» Çç¾åÆÁ» Áå¶ À¹¾Üñ¶ íÇò¾Ö çÆ ÕÅîéÅ òÆ ÕÆåÆÍ

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Gian jyoti organize go green rally to save environment

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 21st October:-  Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology,Mohali took an initiative to celebrate Diwali as a eco-friendly and eco-sensitive against the use of crackers. The students appealed to people at large to shun crackers on the coming Diwali festival and save the environment against pollution. The rally was led by Rotaract Club of Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology .The rally aimed at spreading awareness against the pollution caused during Diwali festival. Students emphasized on protecting the environment by minimizing the pollution by refraining from use of crackers. The message was conveyed by one and all through banners, posters along with slogans like "Say no to crackers and yes to life". This awareness rally against burning of crackers was flagged off by Hon'ble Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Mohali, Ms Jashan Gill. The rally, started from the premises of Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology phase -2, Mohali and marched towards D C Office, phase 1, passing through main market of phase -2 and phase 1 and ended at the college premises. The main aim of the rally was to motivate the residents against the use of crackers. J.S. Bedi, Chairman Gian Jyoti Group of Institutions congratulated the students and the teachers for taking initiative for this noble social cause.

Outreach Aayush Free Medical Check Up Camp at Gurudwara Singh Saheedan

By 121 News Reporter

Mohali 21st October:-Ô¯ÇîúêËÇæÕ Áå¶ ÁÅï±ðòËÇçÕ ÇòíÅ× òñ¯ ÇÜñÅ· Ô¯ÇîúêËæÆ ÁøÃð âÅ. ÁôòéÆ Õ¹îÅð ôðîÅ Áå¶ Ç÷ñ·Å ÁÅï±ðòËÇçÕ ÁøÃð âÅ. ùîé ôðîÅ  çÆ Çé×ðÅéÆ Ô¶á ÃÅÇÔìÜÅçÅ ÁÜÆå ÇÃ§Ø é×ð ÃÇæå ×¹ðç¹ÁÅðÅ ÇÃ§Ø ôÔÆç» Ã¹ÔÅäÅ ÇòÖ¶ ÁÅÀ¹àðÆÚ ÁÅï±Ã ëðÆ îËâÆÕñ ÕËê çÅ ÁÅï¯Üé ÕÆåÅ Ç×ÁÅ ÇÜà çÅ À¹çØÅàéÚ¶ÁðêðÃé ê¿ÜÅì ðÅÜ îÇÔñÅ ÕÇîôé ìÆìÆ êðîÜÆå Õ½ð ñ»âð» Áå¶ ìÆìÆ ìñÇò§çð Õ½ð Ú§ç±îÅÜðÅ é¶ Ã»Þ¶ å½ð å¶ ÕÆåÅÍ

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