Tuesday, 10 December 2024

ELECRAMA Countdown: IEEMA’s Roadshow in Chandigarh Highlights Power Sector Growth in Punjab and Haryana

By 121 News

Chandigarh, Dec.10, 2024:--The Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA), marked another milestone with the Chandigarh roadshow for ELECRAMA 2025. As the countdown to the world's largest electrical show of the power sector begins, IEEMA is strengthening its foothold in Punjab and Haryana, regions pivotal to India's vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat. 

Looking ahead, IEEMA is gearing up to host ELECRAMA 2025, the flagship event for the global electrical industry, scheduled from February 22 to 26, 2025. This edition is poised to set new benchmarks, featuring over 1,100 exhibitors, attracting 400,000 business visitors, facilitating more than 15,000 B2B meetings, welcoming 600+ hosted buyers from 80 countries, and showcasing 10+ country pavilions. 

Speaking at the event, Sunil Singhvi, President, IEEMA highlighted that Punjab and Haryana have showcased commendable strides in their power sector development, reflecting the spirit of Aatmanirbhar Bharat. ELECRAMA 2025 is not just an exhibition; it's a movement to drive India's energy aspirations forward. Through initiatives like this roadshow, IEEMA continues to connect the industry with opportunities, skilling prospects and growth. This edition will see close to 73 exhibitors alone from this region which highlights the interest of manufacturers in this global exposition.

Vikram Gandotra, President-Elect, IEEMA and Chairman, ELECRAMA 2025 said that ELECRAMA has become a must-have platform for the Indian energy and power sector to reach global audiences as our industry grows and evolves with world-class technology. Promising to be the largest and most impactful edition yet, ELECRAMA 2025 will have Germany as the Focus Country and France as the Associate Partner Country, adding an international edge. This event will position India as a leader in electrical and allied electronics sector.

Speaking on special initiatives, Charu Mathur, Director General, IEEMA highlighted that Chandigarh has done exceptionally well in renewable energy, the administration of the UT has planned to make Chandigarh the country's first carbon-free city by 2030. This initiative highlights the power sector efforts to bring India on a global stage. IEEMA has been strategically focussing on this region and in line with that, we have expanded our membership base close to 100. she is confident that with the strategic vision of Manohar Lal , Hon'ble Power Minister, the region will see rapid growth and momentum in the coming times.

ELECRAMA 2025 also aims to bring global attention to such success stories while building a platform for further collaboration and innovation.

Many key dignitaries and government officials marked their presence for the roadshow. Alok Agrawal, North Chairman, IEEMA highlighted that the roadshow in Chandigarh showcases the incredible potential of northern India's power sector. ELECRAMA 2025 is gearing up to connect this potential with global markets, fostering growth that strengthens India's energy independence and innovation capabilities.

ELECRAMA hosts many co-located events as well. Talking about World Utility Summit, Imteyaz Siddiqui, Vice-Chair, Northern Region and Co-Chair, WUS said that the World Utility Summit is an innovative global platform for thought leadership in the power utilities sector. This year's theme, "Empowering Utilities: Turning Energy Challenges into a Resilient Future," emphasises the shifting landscape from energy to electricity, with a particular focus on the transformation of utilities.

Speaking on the Domestic Buyer Seller Meet (DBSM), Hartek Singh, Chairman, DBSM, ELECRAMA 2025 and NEC member talks about that the Domestic Buyer Seller Meet at ELECRAMA 2025 is a platform where innovation meets opportunity, enabling seamless connections between industry leaders and emerging players. It's a testament to our commitment to fostering collaboration, driving growth, and powering India's journey toward a sustainable and self-reliant future.

The ELECRAMA 2025 roadshow in Chandigarh has sparked renewed enthusiasm within the local business community, further solidifying the city's position as a prominent industrial centre.

Career Counselling Workshop Held at Brookfield International School

By 121 News

Mohali, Dec.10, 2024:--Career Counselling workshop was organized at Brookfield International  School, Siswan road for the students of senior classes . Shivani Agrawal, Soft Skills Trainer & Career Coach and  Balneet Kaur, Expert University Counsellor was keynote speaker of  the event. Balneet Kaur, Expert University Counsellor & Career counsellor enhanced the knowledge on the selection of streams after class plus two. She motivated students to understand the importance of knowing one's potential and subject of interest before making a decision.

Workshop was aimed to provide guidance to the students to make a wise choice of career as this is the right stage to make their decisions. She from her expertise shared tips to crack competitive exams. She suggested students should read newspapers which have long term benefits in developing critical, analytical skills to improve their chances of success. According to her a major change is visible in the employment market because of Covid. She also elaborated the requirements for different professions. In this interactive session students posed various queries.

The President of School Manav Singla said at the moment that Career decisions play a pivotal role in shaping the future growth and development of students. In today's environment of multiple options, knowing about choices available helps children in their decision-making process. She further added that success in any field depends on Knowledge, Skills and Attitude.

चंडीगढ़ नगर निगम कमिश्नर अमित कुमार ने तिब्बत पोटाला बाजार का किया उद्धघाटन

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Dec.10, 2024:--सेक्टर 17 स्थित सर्कस ग्राउंड में लगे तिब्बत पोटाला बाजार की आज से शुरुआत हो गई है। जिसका चंडीगढ़ नगर निगम कमिश्नर अमित कुमार ने रिबन काट कर बाजार का विधिवत शुभारंभ किया। इस अवसर पर चंडीगढ़ नगर निगम पार्षद प्रेम लता सहित सुरेश कपिला और तिब्बत पोटाला बाजार के प्रबंधन सदस्य व दुकानदार मौजूद थे। निगम कमिश्नर ने पार्षद प्रेमलता व अन्य के साथ पोटाला बाजार का दौरा कर स्टाल्स पर उपलब्ध वस्त्रों को देखा और उनकी खूबियों को सराहा।

तिब्बत समुदाय ने इस अवसर पर नगर निगम कमिश्नर अमित कुमार का धन्यवाद करते हुए प्रतिवर्ष बाजार लगाने में आ रही विभिन्न समस्याओं से अवगत करवाया। समस्यायों में प्रतिदिन लग रहा रेंट ही बेहद ही ज्यादा है। साथ ही लगभग 2 महीने चलने वाले इस बाजार के लिए मिलने वाली मूलभूत सुविधाओं का भी अभाव बताया।

निगम कमिश्नर अमित कुमार ने तिब्बती समुदाय का आभार जताते हुए कहा कि बेशक तिब्बती आज भारत देश मे शरणार्थी हैं, लेकिन देश की आर्थिकता में भी यह अहम योगदान दे रहे है। उन्होंने तिब्बती परिवार के बच्चों को व्यापार में माता पिता का सहयोग देने की प्रशंसा की। लेकिन वहीं सुझाव दिया कि पढ़ाई लिखाई के प्रति भी उनमें रुझान होना चाहिए। पढ़ोगे तो ही आगे बढोगे। उन्होंने तिब्बती गर्म वस्त्रों की भी तारीफ की और कहा कि तिब्बती वस्त्रों के प्रति लोगों में अलग ही क्रेज होता है। सर्दियों में यह गर्म वस्त्र बेहद गरमाहट प्रदान करते हैं। उनकी समस्याओं को लेकर निगम कमिश्नर ने आश्वासन दिया कि वो इस दिशा में अवश्य प्रयास करेंगे ताकि उन्हें पेश आ रही समस्याओं का निवारण हो सके।

सेक्टर 17 स्थित सर्कस ग्राउंड में लगने वाले तिब्बत पोटाला बाजार का नाम सुनते ही लोग इस बाजार का रूख करते हैं। सर्दियों में शिद्दत के साथ शहर के लोग इस बाजार का इंतजार करते हैं। क्योंकि इस बाजार में लोगों को अच्छे वूलन वस्त्र कम कीमत पर मिल जाते है। इसके अलावा भी इस मार्केट की कई और खासियत है।
तिब्बत परिवारों के अनुसार वर्ष 1989 में तिब्बती धर्मगुरु दलाई लामा जी को विश्व शांति पुरस्कार मिला था। यह दिन पूरे भारत देश में यहां कहीं भी तिब्बती रहते हैं और तिब्बती परिवार रहते हैं, यह दिन बड़ी ही धूमधाम से मनाते हैं। तो आज यहां सेक्टर 17 में तिब्बती शरणार्थी बाजार लगता है।  इस दिन को बोधिसत्व मनाते हैं।तिब्बत पोटाला बाजार के प्रेसिडेंट ने बताया कि दरअसल पोटाला बाजार तिब्बत से आए शरणार्थियों के द्वारा लगाया जाता है। यहां पर सामान बेचने वाले सभी दुकानदार वैसे हैं जो तिब्बत के मूल निवासी हैं। ये भारत में शरणार्थी के रूप में रह रहे हैं। 
उन्होंने आगे बताया कि यह कपड़े हम लोग खुद से निर्मित कपड़े हैं,जो ठंड में कारगर है,जिससे ठंड का एहसास नहीं होता है। यह बिल्कुल रुई की तरह सॉफ्ट होता है और दिसंबर और जनवरी जैसे कर्कश ठंड मे भी आपको पसीने छुड़ा देगा।
उन्होंने बताया कि इस व्यापार में तिब्बत से आए कई शरणार्थी जुड़े हैं. वर्ष 1959 में जब चीन ने तिब्बत पर कब्जा किया तब उनके पूर्वजों ने भारत में शरण लिया और तब से वह भारत में शरणार्थी के रूप में रह रहे हैं. भारत में आने के बाद अपने जीवन यापन के लिए उन्होंने इस व्यापार की शुरुआत की, जिसमें धीरे-धीरे तिब्बत से आए सभी शरणार्थी जुड़ते चले गए 

तिब्बतीयन बताते है ग्राहक को यहां उचित मूल्य पर गर्म कपड़ें मिलते हैं। तिब्बती बाजार के प्रति खरीदारों की आस्था और विश्वास बरसों से कायम है। बाजार में किसी भी तरह का मोल- मुलाई नहीं होता। फिक्स रेट पर बिकता है। गर्म कपड़ों के इस बाजार में शरणार्थी तिब्बतियों के 17 स्टॉल सजाए गए है। जो ग्रहाकों को आकर्षित करता है। यहां एक ही मार्केट में लेडीस, जेंट्स और बच्चों का सभी तरह के स्वेटर, जैकेट, मफलर,टोपी फैंसी गर्म कपड़ों का आइटम उचित मूल्य पर मिल जाता है।

हाथों से बुने हुए कपड़े होते हैं खासः एक तिब्बती दुकानदार बताती हैं कि उनका पूरा समुदाय इस व्यापार से जुड़ा रहता है और अपने घरों में भी कई तरह के प्रोडक्ट बनाते हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि भारत में शरण लेने के बाद उन लोगों ने इस व्यापार को अपने जीवन यापन का साधन बनाया। इसलिए साल के 9 महीने देश के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में जाकर सामान इकट्ठा करते हैं और फिर उसके बाद उसे अपने कारखाने या घरों में डिजाइनदार कपड़े का रूप देते हैं। जो लोगों को खासा आकर्षित करता है। जब डिजाइनदार कपड़े बुनकर तैयार हो जाते हैं तो उन कपड़ों को व्यापारी देश के विभिन्न राज्यों में जाकर बेचते है और उससे होने वाले मुनाफे से वो अपने परिवार का जीवन यापन करते हैं।

​EMERGE 2024: Rising Fashion Talents Shine at Chitkara University's Graduate Fashion Show

By 121 News

Chandigarh, Dec.10, 2024:--Chitkara University's Department of Fashion Design, Chitkara Design School, recently hosted the "EMERGE Graduate Fashion Show 2024", a dynamic showcase of creativity and innovation from emerging fashion talents. The event featured 11 carefully curated student collections, ranging from knitwear, zero-waste designs, and heritage Indian textiles to fusion wear, streetwear, athleisure, and avant-garde styles. Each collection highlighted diverse design approaches, with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation, and fresh perspectives on fashion.
The show was attended by notable industry figures, including Ujjawal Dubey, Founder & Creative Director of Antar-Agni, and Yvette Joan Noethen and Javier Reyes, International Recruiters from The Walt Disney Company. Their presence highlighted the global reach and importance of the event. The collections were brought to life with choreography, music, and production entirely managed by students, guided by faculty mentors, showcasing Chitkara University's hands-on approach to education.
Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor of Chitkara University, spoke about the importance of nurturing creativity and innovation in fashion. She stated that our students are being trained to not only excel in design but also to be aware of the need for sustainable, forward-thinking solutions in the fashion industry. EMERGE is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their capabilities and engage with global industry leaders.
The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the Best Graduate Collection award to Anshika Gupta for her avant-garde collection Altered Perspectives. Inspired by organic architecture, Gupta's work impressed for its unique blend of form, function, and sustainable design.
The event also reflected Chitkara University's focus on experiential learning, empowering students to push creative boundaries while preparing them for the evolving demands of the fashion industry. Through initiatives like EMERGE, Chitkara Universities continues to inspire the next generation of fashion leaders to think critically, creatively, and sustainably.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Trident Group Reinforces its Commitment to Growth, investment, and Employment in the Textile Sector

By 121 News

Chandigarh, Dec.09, 2024:--Trident Group Chairman Rajinder Gupta recently visited Madhya Pradesh to participate in Invest Madhya Pradesh: Regional Industry Conclave held at Narmadapuram. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav held important discussions with Trident Group Chairman Rajinder Gupta in a one to one meeting on the possibilities of investment and industrial expansion in the textile sector.

Later while addressing the gathering at the Regional Industry Conclave,Rajinder Gupta expressed his gratitude to the Madhya Pradesh government, he highlighted Trident's remarkable journey in the state. He shared that we ventured into Madhya Pradesh a few years ago and invested ₹5,000 crores. Today, our finished products from Madhya Pradesh are exported to 122 countries, with demand continually rising.

Looking ahead, Rajinder Gupta announced Trident Group's plans to invest an additional ₹3,000 crores in the state's textile sector which will expand employment opportunities here at Trident Group from current 12,000 to over 15,000.

He said that we are committed to ensuring that the benefits of our operations stay within Madhya Pradesh, from sourcing cotton to producing finished goods. The state is an ideal confluence of sustainability, inclusive growth, and green energy, with immense potential for solar and wind energy development. He also emphasized Trident's focus on skill development and women empowerment, with 50% of new employment opportunities reserved for women.

Praising the Chief Minister's visionary leadership,Rajinder  Gupta noted that fostering collaboration between intellectuals and industrialists has energized innovation and regional development. This initiative reinforces Madhya Pradesh's reputation as a hub for sustainable industrial growth and inclusive progress, further cementing its appeal to investors worldwide.

बर्खास्त मीटर रीडरों को बहाल किया जाए और बकाया भुगतान किया जाए: गुरजीत सिंह और स्टालिनजीत सिंह

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Dec.09, 2024:- पावरकॉम बिजली बोर्ड विभाग ने एक निजी कंपनी के माध्यम से विभिन्न जिलों में मीटर रीडिंग ली, कंपनी ने युवाओं से सिक्योरिटी के तौर पर 15 हजार रुपये लेकर ड्यूटी तो ज्वाइन करा ली। लेकिन 5 महीने की सैलरी पाने के लिए कच्चे कर्मचारियों को वहीं रखा वादे से भागी कंपनी की जगह नई कंपनी ने भी शोर मचाते हुए कुछ मीटर रीडरों को तीन माह का वेतन देने के बजाय नौकरी से निकाल दिया।  यही कारण है कि चंडीगढ़ प्रेस क्लब में फरीदकोट, मोगा, मुक्तसर आदि जिलों से एकत्र हुए मीटर रीडर युवाओं ने निजी कंपनियों के खिलाफ उचित कार्रवाई और सिक्योरिटी राशि के साथ 8 महीने का वेतन देने की मांग की है। 
उक्त मामले को लेकर गुरजीत सिंह, स्टालिनजीत सिंह व लखबीर सिंह ने कहा कि दुकानें व घरों के मीटरों की रीडिंग लेने के लिए 100 से अधिक युवाओं को काम पर रखा गया था, जिनसे कंपनी के अधिकारियों ने 15,000-15,000 रुपये की अतिरिक्त सिक्योरिटी ले ली थी, लेकिन कंपनी वित्तीय कठिनाइयों के कारण अगले 5 महीनों के लिए शेष वेतन देने से भाग रही है।  संघर्षरत युवा रस्सियाँ खींचने को मजबूर हैं। पहली निजी कंपनी के भागने के बाद दूसरी कंपनी फ्लॉइंट गाइड ने भी पिछले तीन महीने से युवाओं को वेतन नहीं दिया है।
उन्होंने आगे कहा कि निजी कंपनियों द्वारा युवाओं को कम वेतन देकर आर्थिक रूप से अपने में समाहित कर लिया जाता है, लेकिन पंजाब में बेरोजगारी की मार झेल रहे युवाओं को कंपनियां बिना वेतन दिए ही धक्केशाही कर रही हैं, वहीं राज्य सरकार के मुख्यमंत्री वे दावे करते नहीं थकते, वहीं दूसरी ओर बेरोजगारी की मार झेल रहे युवा धोखाधड़ी का शिकार हो रहे हैं। हम सरकार से अनुरोध करते हैं कि हमें हमारी नौकरी पर बहाल किया जाए और बकाया वेतन का भुगतान किया जाए।

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Lab-Grown Diamond Label 'Kultivated Karats’ Opens Outlet in Tricity

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Dec. 08, 2024:-- Bigg Boss Season 14 winner and renowned actress Rubina Dilaik inaugurated 'Kultivated Karats', the first exclusive large-format lab-grown diamonds based jewellery outlet in the tricity. The swanky-glittering store has come up at NAC, Manimajra, Sector 13, Chandigarh. Rubina also took a tour of the outlet and tried some exquisite jewellery items made up from lab-grown diamonds.

Notably, the brand 'Kultivated Karats' is owned by Kubix Jewels LLP from Bengaluru and the tricity outlet has been opened in a joint venture(JV) with Deepak Gupta, a dynamic jewellery industry entrepreneur from Chandigarh. 

Sampath Jain, Co-founder of Kubix Jewels, Bangalore said that we're thrilled to launch our first outlet in Chandigarh under the JV. The store is set to cater to the rising demand for lab-grown, eco-friendly diamonds, providing consumers with access to high-quality jewellery at affordable prices.

During the event, lab-grown diamond industry experts also held an awareness session on this genre of diamonds.Experts said that lab-grown diamonds are more economical than their natural counterparts mainly because natural diamonds are imported and there is a huge cost involved in their mining. Contrary to this lab-grown diamonds are created using a scientific process in laboratories thereby reducing cost substantially. The experts added that while natural diamonds are mined from the earth's mantle using heavy machinery, lab-created diamonds are produced using more sustainable methods. It involves no habitat destruction which does happen during mining of natural diamonds. This makes lab-grown diamonds eco-friendly, the experts explained.

Further elaborating on lab-grown diamonds, Mehek Jain, Co-founder of Kubix Jewels, said that Lab-grown diamonds are created in labs and factories in a controlled environment. The best part is that the physical and chemical properties of these are identical to natural diamonds mined from deep within the earth's mantle.

Shedding more light on the cost benefits of lab-grown diamonds, Deepak Gupta, Partner at 'Kultivated Karats', Chandigarh, highlighted that Lab-grown diamonds are approximately 80% less in cost than natural diamonds

Deepak Gupta, added that our outlet offers an exquisite range of lab-grown diamond jewellery, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more. We also feature different cuts of solitaires and coloured solitaires, offering an even broader selection to suit various occasions. With more than 400 products on display, our collection starts at Rs. 15,000. We're also excited to showcase our lab-grown uncut diamonds (Polki) jewellery.

The experts added that just like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are also certified by labs such as Gemmological Institute of America GIA, International Gemological Institute (IGI) and Solitaire Gemmological Laboratories (SGL). What's more, the Hallmarking / Hallmark Unique Identification (HUID) process for lab-grown diamond jewellery is the same as for natural diamond jewellery.

The experts explained that the Government of India is actively promoting lab-grown diamonds, as it provides an opportunity for India to become a major exporter of these.

Mehek Jain said that the shift towards lab-grown diamonds will help India conserve foreign exchange. Unlike natural diamonds, which are imported and only cut and polished in India, lab-grown diamonds are produced domestically. So a push to the lab-grown diamond industry will provide greater employment in the country.

पैरागॉन किड्स और पैरागॉन सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल का वार्षिक समारोह : छात्रों ने दिखाया शानदार हुनर

By 121 News
Mohali, Dec.08, 2024:-- पैरागॉन किड्स और पैरागॉन सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल, सेक्टर 71, मोहाली ने अपने 38वें वार्षिक समारोह का आयोजन बड़े धूमधाम और उत्साह के साथ किया।  

मुख्य अतिथि जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी, गिन्नी दुग्गल ने दीप प्रज्वलन कर कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन किया। उनके साथ स्कूल की प्रेसिडेंट कुलवंत कौर शेरगिल, डायरेक्टर इकबाल सिंह, प्रिंसिपल जसमीत कौर और वाइस प्रिंसिपल अमरपाल कौर भी मौजूद रहे।  

कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत पैरागॉन किड्स स्कूल के छोटे बच्चों द्वारा "रेट्रो टू मेट्रो" थीम पर दिलचस्प और मनोरंजक प्रस्तुतियों से हुई। बच्चों ने 70 और 80 के दशक के संगीत, नृत्य और परिधानों को मंच पर जीवंत कर दिया, जिससे संगीत, संस्कृति और जीवनशैली के विकास को दर्शाया गया। बच्चों के  उत्साह ने दर्शकों का दिल जीत लिया और उनकी खूब सराहना की गई।  

पैरागॉन सीनियर सेकेंडरी स्कूल के छात्रों ने "एहसास: जर्नी ऑफ लाइफ" के माध्यम से जीवन के हर चरण में मानवीय अनुभवों को भावनात्मक रूप से प्रस्तुत किया। इस प्रस्तुति में बचपन से लेकर बुढ़ापे तक के जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं और भावनाओं को बेहतरीन तरीके से चित्रित किया गया। विशेष नाटक के माध्यम से माता-पिता की सेवा और बुजुर्गों का सम्मान करने का संदेश दिया गया। इस नाटक ने दर्शकों को भावविभोर कर दिया और छात्रों की प्रतिभा की खूब प्रशंसा हुई।  

स्कूल की प्रेसिडेंट कुलवंत कौर शेरगिल ने कहा कि ऐसे कार्यक्रम बच्चों को मंच पर प्रदर्शन करने का आत्मविश्वास देते हैं और उनके हुनर को निखारते हैं।  

स्कूल के डायरेक्टर इकबाल सिंह ने बच्चों की प्रस्तुतियों की सराहना की और उन्हें जीवन में अच्छे गुण अपनाने और माता-पिता का सम्मान करने का संदेश दिया। इस वार्षिक शो का मुख्य उद्देश्य बच्चों को अपनी प्रतिभा और रचनात्मकता दिखाने का अवसर प्रदान करना था, ताकि उनका आत्मविश्वास और हुनर नई ऊंचाइयों तक पहुंच सके।  

प्रस्तुतियों के अंत में, मुख्य अतिथि ने बच्चों और शिक्षकों की कड़ी मेहनत की प्रशंसा की और इसे एक यादगार आयोजन बताया।  

स्कूल की प्रिंसिपल जसमीत कौर ने स्कूल के वार्षिक दिवस में उपस्थित दर्शकों और अभिभावकों का आभार प्रकट किया।

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Dec.08, 2024:-Sood Sabha Chandigarh celebrated family fun day, which is a part of Sood Milan Divas to be held on 15th December 2024.  Approximately 150 members of biradari participated in this occasion and enjoyed and participated in different games. This function was organised by ladies wing of  Sood Sabha Chandigarh under the guidance of Ashwani Sood, president  and Sudhir Sud general secretary, Sood Sabha Chandigarh. It is pertinent to mention here that after the unfortunate demise of Chairman Mela committee Amit Sood, all the activities and programs are looked after by Lokesh Sood and Mukesh Sood who are Coordinators and active members of Sabha. Sachin Sood Press Secretary told us that Sood Sabha regularly organises these type of functions so that the members of the biradari  meet each other regularly and the love and care among the members of the community grows multifold. He also told that the main function of Sood Milan Divas is to be held on 15 December 2024 in which approx more than 1200 members of biradari take part and enjoy the festivities.

Lab-Grown Diamond Label 'Kultivate Karats’ Opens Outlet in Tricity

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Dec. 08, 2024:-- Bigg Boss Season 14 winner and renowned actress Rubina Dilaik inaugurated 'Kultivate Karats', the first exclusive large-format lab-grown diamonds based jewellery outlet in the tricity. The swanky-glittering store has come up at NAC, Manimajra, Sector 13, Chandigarh. Rubina also took a tour of the outlet and tried some exquisite jewellery items made up from lab-grown diamonds.

Notably, the brand 'Kultivate Karats' is owned by Kubix Jewels LLP from Bengaluru and the tricity outlet has been opened in a joint venture(JV) with Deepak Gupta, a dynamic jewellery industry entrepreneur from Chandigarh. 

Sampath Jain, Co-founder of Kubix Jewels, Bangalore said that we're thrilled to launch our first outlet in Chandigarh under the JV. The store is set to cater to the rising demand for lab-grown, eco-friendly diamonds, providing consumers with access to high-quality jewellery at affordable prices.

During the event, lab-grown diamond industry experts also held an awareness session on this genre of diamonds.Experts said that lab-grown diamonds are more economical than their natural counterparts mainly because natural diamonds are imported and there is a huge cost involved in their mining. Contrary to this lab-grown diamonds are created using a scientific process in laboratories thereby reducing cost substantially. The experts added that while natural diamonds are mined from the earth's mantle using heavy machinery, lab-created diamonds are produced using more sustainable methods. It involves no habitat destruction which does happen during mining of natural diamonds. This makes lab-grown diamonds eco-friendly, the experts explained.

Further elaborating on lab-grown diamonds, Mehek Jain, Co-founder of Kubix Jewels, said that Lab-grown diamonds are created in labs and factories in a controlled environment. The best part is that the physical and chemical properties of these are identical to natural diamonds mined from deep within the earth's mantle.

Shedding more light on the cost benefits of lab-grown diamonds, Deepak Gupta, Partner at 'Kultivate Karats', Chandigarh, highlighted that Lab-grown diamonds are approximately 80% less in cost than natural diamonds

Deepak Gupta, added that our outlet offers an exquisite range of lab-grown diamond jewellery, including rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and more. We also feature different cuts of solitaires and coloured solitaires, offering an even broader selection to suit various occasions. With more than 400 products on display, our collection starts at Rs. 15,000. We're also excited to showcase our lab-grown uncut diamonds (Polki) jewellery.

The experts added that just like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are also certified by labs such as Gemmological Institute of America GIA, International Gemological Institute (IGI) and Solitaire Gemmological Laboratories (SGL). What's more, the Hallmarking / Hallmark Unique Identification (HUID) process for lab-grown diamond jewellery is the same as for natural diamond jewellery.

The experts explained that the Government of India is actively promoting lab-grown diamonds, as it provides an opportunity for India to become a major exporter of these.

Mehek Jain said that the shift towards lab-grown diamonds will help India conserve foreign exchange. Unlike natural diamonds, which are imported and only cut and polished in India, lab-grown diamonds are produced domestically. So a push to the lab-grown diamond industry will provide greater employment in the country.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

61 Cavalry Wins the Maharaja Ranjit Singh National Polo Tournament, beats Indian Navy by 4-1

By 121 News

Chandigarh, Dec.07, 2024:--61 Cavalry has won the Maharaja Ranjit Singh National Polo Tournament being organized by Indian Polo Association. Winning team beat Indian Navy 4-1 in a thrilling match on the seventh day of the event at Chandigarh Polo Club on Saturday.

Dhruv Pal Godara gave Indian Navy a one goal lead in the second minute from a brilliant pass by Captain AP Singh which ended the first chakkar (round) at 1-0. Later, Major Anant Raj Purohit scored an equalizer for 61 Cavalry in the second round. Indian Navy failed to draw a success when the team missed a 25 yard penalty in the same round. In the last moments of the round, Lt Col Vishal Chauhan dodged the opponent to score another one and secured lead for the first time in the match as the round ended with a scoreline of 2-1. 

A tough contest was witnessed in the fourth and final decisive round in which both the counterparts were seen in attacking mode. Just one minute before the end, Chauhan brilliantly chipped in a 25 yard shot to the goal which gave two points in the form of goals to 61 Cavalry leaving the team victorious with 4-1.  

Lt Major Manoj Kumar Katiyar, GOC-in-C, Western Command felicitated the winner, runner-up and other teams in the presence of host Chandigarh Polo Club's President Dilpreet Singh Sidhu and Secretary Col Manoj Dewan. In his address, Sidhu said that the first host to CPC was successfully organized wherein polo has got a new enthusiasm in the city and this region. He lauded CPC is intensifying its efforts in the development of this game with the cooperation of UT Administration. Their focus is to host another Polo season next year in April which will again host teams from all corners of the country.

Vectus Unveils Most Advanced 10-Layer Water Storage Tank

By 121 News

Shimla, Dec.07, 2024:-- Vectus, India's leading water storage solution provider, has launched a groundbreaking 10-layer water storage tank, marking a revolutionary advancement in water storage technology. The innovative tank combines exceptional durability, unmatched UV resistance, and the latest antibacterial protection to deliver the ultimate solution for clean, safe, and long-lasting water storage.  The Vectus 10-Layer Water Storage Tank is engineered with ten distinct layers, each serving a unique purpose to enhance the tank's strength, resilience, and water quality.


Key highlights include: Revolutionary 10-Layer Technology: Each layer is designed to optimize the tank's structural integrity, insulation, and protection. This multi-layered approach not only enhances strength but also safeguards against temperature fluctuations, extending the tank's lifespan in diverse climates.


Antibacterial Protection: The tank's inner layer is embedded with cutting-edge antibacterial technology, which inhibits bacterial growth and help maintain the purity of stored water.


UV-Protective Layer: With Vectus's specially formulated UV-resistant layer, this tank effectively blocks harmful UV rays, preventing degradation and ensuring water remains cool and safe for use.


Improved Durability and Leak-Proof Design: The robust 10-layer structure offers unmatched durability, making it an ideal choice for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.


Eco-Friendly and Safe Material: The tank is crafted using food-grade plastic and environmentally friendly materials, ensuring no harmful chemicals are leached into the water.


Commenting on the launch, Managing Director of Vectus Atul Ladha said that our 10-Layer Water Storage Tank is a true testament to Vectus's commitment to pushing boundaries in innovation and quality. We understand that water is one of our most valuable resources, and with this new product, we aim to provide our customers with a solution that not only preserves water but also protects their health and the environment.


Ashish Baheti, Managing Director of Vectus, added that with new-age technology at its core, Ten-X is much more durable than traditional tanks. From food-grade plastic to antibacterial and UV-stabilized technology, every element has been selected for strength, safety, and sustainability.


Vectus's customer-centric approach is evident in Ten-X's design. Executive Director Divian Baheti emphasized the brand's focus on extensive research and development to meet evolving consumer needs. Our products are more than functional; they're designed to enhance the lives of our users. The launch of the 10-Layer Water Storage Tank aligns with Vectus's mission to enhance water security through advanced technology and quality manufacturing. The tank is available in multiple sizes, catering to a wide range of residential, commercial, and industrial needs, and will be distributed across Vectus's extensive dealer network.