Thursday 26 September 2013


By 1 2 1 News Reporter

Chandigarh 26th September:---- The department of hospital administration, PGI is conducting a 2 day CME-cum-Workshop on 'Laws APPLICABLE TO HOSPITALS. ISSUES, CHALLENGES & POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS' on 26th & 27th September 2013. This is the 5th CME of the popular series conducted by the department. Prof YK Chawla, Director, PGIMER, Chandigarh inaugurated the CME by the traditional lighting of a lamp.

Professor YK Chawla in his speech stressed upon the importance of these Acts and the benefits of organizing a Continuous Medical Education program on these issues. All the delegates were welcomed by the Organizing Secretary Dr. Vipin Koushal, Assistant Professor Department of Hospital Administration, PGIMER. The Medical Superintendent cum Head of the Department of Hospital Administration, PGIMER then extended a warm welcome to the guests and said that this CME was a platform for sharing of ideas & experience so as to increase the collective pool of knowledge on these issues. The Acts discussed on the day 1 were Consumer Protection Act, Biomedical Waste Management & Handling rules, Transplantation of Human Organs Act and the Delhi Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Act. Dr. RK Sharma, Assistant professor, Department of Hospital Administration said that Consumer Protection Act has been enacted by the government to empower the patients & bring accountability in the medical profession. He stressed the importance of communication in doctor-patient relationship. Prof AK Gupta, Medical Superintendent, PGIMER in his presentation on BMW Act said that in the process of rendering valuable service to the society, hospitals also generate some waste which if not disposed of in a scientific way can prove hazardous for the society. He further added that the Biomedical Waste Management & Handling rules were framed to ensure safe and scientific disposal of waste on the part of hospitals & every hospital administrator should be aware of the details of these rules. This was followed by a presentation on Transplantation of Human Organs Act by Dr. Vipin Koushal, Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital Administration in which he stressed upon the need for hospital administrators to be aware of the intricacies of the Act and also the need to promote organ donation. The last presentation was on The Delhi Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Act by Dr. Pankaj Arora, Assistant Professor, Department of Hospital Administration, and PGIMER in which he spoke on fire safety vis-à-vis hospitals. This was followed by a panel discussion and a workshop in which practical day to day challenges vis-à-vis these Acts encountered by hospital administrators were discussed & debated.

Around 120 senior hospital administrators with varied experience & from different parts of the country attended Day 1 of the CME. A even bigger participation is expected on Day 2 wherein three Acts namely Preconception & Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act, Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition Act & Right to Information Act will be discussed.   



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