Friday 2 July 2021

#GreenHearts’ Plantation Campaign Launched

By 121 News
Chandigarh July 02, 2021:- Vedanta Aluminium has launched '#GreenHearts' campaign to encourage all to plant a sapling in solidarity with COVID warriors and all who have been affected by the pandemic. The initiative, rolled out under the Vedanta Cares Green Cover project, has a two-pronged objective – to unite people with the hope of a better future as the pandemic has affected one and all, and to encourage people to plant saplings in solidarity with COVID warriors and in the memory of those who lost the fight to COVID.

The initiative was launched with the aim of planting a million trees across the country and  to rally people all over the country to come together and plant a sapling of hope for a better and greener future.

Rahul Sharma, CEO–Aluminium Business, Vedanta Ltd., said that the global pandemic has affected all of us. Thousands of people are still battling the pandemic and its many consequences, as COVID warriors continue to work tirelessly to keep everyone safe.

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