Wednesday 19 May 2021

IIL Launches Japanese Miticide ‘Kunoichi’ forApple Cultivators of Kashmir Region

By 121 News 

Kashmir May 19, 2021:-In order to address the need for an effective and long duration control of mites in apples, leading agrochemical company Insecticides (India) Limited (IIL) today launched 'Kunoichi', a Japanese miticide that is effective at all motile stages of the mite. 'Kunoichi' can effectively deal with the problem of mites that affect apples and will be soon available to authorised dealers in the region.

Sanjay Vats, Vice President, Insecticides (India) Ltd. said that Mite infestation in apple farms peak during the months of May and June and mites are often found hidden alongside the veins on the underside of the leaves, unless it is a widespread infestation. Kunoichi has been recommended by SUKAST, Kashmir for control of mites in apple and we are hopeful, the farmers in the valley will find it promising. Kunoichi is the latest and one of the most effective miticide available in the world today. It starts action in 6 hours of its spray. IIL is proud to be a partner of Japan's leading company Nissan Chemical Corporation since 2012 and with the launch of Kunoichi, we are bringing one more research-based international technology patented product to the farmers after the huge success of other products of Nissan in the Indian market.

Kunoichi is invented and developed by Nissan Chemical Corporation, Japan and comprises a novel molecule, Cyenopyrafen 30% SC and is already registered in Japan, South Korea, Colombia, and Ecuador. 

Sanjay Singh, General Manager, Market Development, Insecticides (India) Limited. said that Mites that feed on the apple trees are found active from May to August, with their peak coinciding during the 1st fortnight of June. Mites infestation results in bronzing of leaves. Infestation of mites is on a rise due to global warming and Kunoichi provides a complete solution to the farmers effective from egg to adult on all species of mites saving both cost and time of the farmer. No other miticide available in the Indian market has so widespread control.

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