Saturday 2 May 2020

Bhartiya Skill Development University organizes a Webinar on Project vs Project

By 121 News
Chandigarh May 02 2020:Bhartiya Skill Development University is known for skilling youth by adopting and modifying its curriculum based on industry requirement. BSDU with an aim of benefitting their students in this crucial time of nationwide lockdown organized a webinar on "Research Orientation in Project VS Project Orientation in Research'' by Dr. DP Sharma, International IT Expert, ILO ( United Nations).

An eminent Academician, Author, Researcher and Rehabilitation Technology Expert, Prof. DP Sharma is a international orator and a strategic innovator. He is recipient of 47 National and International Awards and wide range of appreciations including India's one of the highest civilian Award "Sardar Ratna Life Time Achievements International Award- 2015". Dr. Sharma originally belongs to a small town of Dholpur, Rajasthan and he always believed that talent cannot only develop or born in cities, but talent can born in rural areas too.

Prof. Dr.Sharma,  in his session compares the life of an individual with the projects they do in their lifetime as Our life is hanging between the date of birth to the date of death, life is not permanent and as business or science defines project it is also a temporary endeavor or a temporary undertaking. Life is also temporary with certain starting and end point. We have a life cycle so do and projects also have certain time obligations.

Healso said that most important attributes to be considered in an individual's lifetime is if he is able to make life purposeful, meaningful, fruitful as God had given us the capabilities of watching, listening, thinking, discussing.

He beautifully explains on how we need to utilize the opportunities we are given, we should do it as per our dharma - duty + responsibility + privilege. But we actually do is we only focus on our privileges forgetting our duties and responsibilities.

We should live our lives according to our dharma as dharma can magnificently guide our life, our projects or our researches. He tried to connect these 3 domains because of the pandemic virus CORONA which has threatened everybody across the world.

He further said that at this time we are at a situation where we have to revive, rethink, reanalyze our each and every strategy of research, project or life.

He further highlighted on the interrogation of experiential knowledge with experimental knowledge and old knowledge into modern knowledge.

He said the novel Corona has given us the opportunity to rethink, revive our entire philosophy, strategy and our working culture. We should let the novel thoughts come from around all the dimensions. Just as in Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna said everything is temporary/ destroyable be it life, project or any research.

He, in his enlightening content says once any research is completed other research is done to nullify or falsify the previous research outcomes. There is nothing permanent in nature except change. Everything will change with time.

He motivated the youth of India by referring them as the true stars with hard core capabilities, the warriors, the analysts.

Furthermore, he assertively highlights the for the projects to be Iconic it has to be done smartly by defining the  ground reality and risk analysis should also had to be done for that. Dr. Sharma defines SMART as S- specific, M- measurable, A-achievable, R- realistic, T- time bared.

Lastly, Dr. Sharma marked a satiating end of this session by retreating that nothing in this universe is permanent and man's total dependency on machines might harm the mankind. Life would be miserable in coming time because of the man's total dependency on machines. He also mentions machines are salable while humans are not.

He also said that for completion of any project or facing any life situation research is required and research is just an intelligent enquiry and investigation to specific path way starting from problem statement and end up to its solution.

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