Tuesday, 18 April 2017

SGPC Wrongly Interpreting Sehajdharis as Patit in Case of Tankhah Issue Before Akal Takht Sahib: Dr.Ranu

By 121 News

Chandigarh 18th April:- The Sehajdhari Sikh Party has condemned the SGPC for interpreting Sehajdhari Sikhs as Patit before Shri Akal Takht Sahib in the issue of Tankhah verdict served by Shri Akal Takht Sahib. The National chief of the Party Dr.Paramjeet Singh Ranu said that Shri Akal Takht Sahib ji is the Supreme body of the Sikhs and there can be no question on its verdict and every Sikh is bound to accept any verdict issued by the supreme authority  but unfortunately  the SGPC panel has played a baised role while recommending  the guilty by labeling the non baptized Sikhs as Patit which is really disgusting and painful. A Patit is a person who after partaking Amrit violates it by any bujjar kurahit (transgression) whereas in this case the persons who have been labeled as patit by the SGPC have never taken Amrit and are actually Sehajdharis and not Patit. Patit is already a tankhayia in itself. Sehajdharis are not Patit.

The verdict Hukamnama of Shri Akal Takht in 2007 was to sever ties with the Dera Chief and it was to be followed by each and every person who considers him or herself as a Sikh. Unfortunately the SGPC leadership never considers Sehajdharis as Sikh and even Patit is outcaste Sikh. The Akal Takht is the supreme body of Sikhs and is respectable Institution of the Sikhs. It's a good gesture by the Congress leaders who respected and honored the punishment verdict of the Supreme body in spite of they are not even honored as Sikh by the SGPC. As a rule the recommendations of the SGPC can be challenged in the court of law as it's a statutory body under the Sikh Gurdwara Act but as a tribute of respect to the supreme Authority of the religion Shri Akal Takht Sahib should be honored by every Sikh.

Dr. Paramjit Singh Ranu said the verdict of punishment seems to be highly biased as the SAD Badal got an unconditional support from the Dera during the elections but the SGPC has not recommended the name of the  SAD Chief for this tankhah to the Akal Takht.

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