Tuesday 24 January 2017

GGSCW Organizes Faculty Development Programme on “Implementation of CBCS–Issues and Challenges”

By 121 News

Chandigarh 24th January:- A Faculty Development Programme on "Implementation of CBCS – Issues and Challenges" was organized under the aegis of RUSA by the RUSA Cell of Guru Gobind Singh College for Women, Sector 26, Chandigarh. 

College Principal, Dr. Charanjeet Kaur Sohi welcomed the two experts from PU, Dr. Karamjit Singh from UBS and Dr. Nitin Arora from the Dept. of Economics who talked about the issues and challenges related to the implementation of Choice Based Credit System.They emphasized the need of the hour, where the teachers have to come out of their comfort zone and make themselves equally familiar with the allied subjects as well. The mental and physical readiness to accept the change was seen as an essential element.

The Workshop concluded with an interactive session, wherein the teachers from different colleges raised their queries and got them resolved by the experts.

The teachers found the Workshop informative and relevant to the changes needed in the educational system.

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