Monday 23 January 2017

Administration Launch e-Awas for Allotment of Govt. Houses of “Chandigarh Administration General Pool”

By 121 News

Chandigarh 23rd January:- Chandigarh Administration has launched e-Awas with the help of N.I.C, Chandigarh for allotment of Government houses of "Chandigarh Administration General Pool" in future. The training of complete e-Awas project of Chandigarh Administration was given to the Nodal Officers/ representatives of Punjab Government, Haryana Government, Punjab and Haryana High Court, by the officers of N.I.C. to 5 officers each these offices. After gaining training from the NIC professionals, all these Nodal Officers/ Representatives of these offices are now capable to handle the entire process of this project.

According to the e-AWAS, the Government employee covered can submit his Onlineapplication for allotment/change of Govt. house on the prescribed form "A" on the official Website of House Allotment Committee, U.T., Chandigarh duly filled in and forwarded by the Head of Department/Nodal Officer of the Punjab Govt./Haryana Govt./ Punjab and Haryana High Court / Chandigarh Administration.

The applications received under this Rule on or before 20th day of a Calendar Month will be considered for allotment in the succeeding month.  The applications received on 21st day to the last date of a calendar month will be entertained/ considered for allotment after the succeeding month. 

The application form will be examined by the House Allotment Committee, U.T., Chandigarh. In case of incomplete application form or the application form of in-eligible applicants the case will be rejected straight way by the House Allotment Committee, UT, Chandigarh, and the applicant will have to submit af resh Online application on the official website of Chandigarh Administration.  After considering the eligible applications, the seniority lists shall be updated every month, on the website. The eligible applicant will be able check the status of his/her seniority list of type of house for which he/she has submitted the online application.

Online update report of vacant Government houses fit for allotment/ fit for occupation, belonging to Chandigarh Administration General Pool will be updated to enable the eligible applicants to ascertain the vacancy report of Government houses. 

The allotment of vacant Government houses will be made through the "bidding system" every month.  The eligible applicants existing in the current seniority list will submit maximum three options/bids for allotment of a Govt. house of the type applied for from 1st to 8th of every month.  The allotment of Government houses shall be made to the senior most applicant keeping in view their bids as per seniority list.  The applicants, who are not allotted Govt. houses after bidding, shall have the option to submit/ exercise their bid from 1st to 8th of the succeeding month of the calendar year.

No allotment will be made to the eligible applicants who have not participated in the "bid" for allotment of Government house and no written request for allotment of particular houses shall be entertained/ considered by the House Allotment Committee, Chandigarh, in future.

The intimation with regard to the allotment of Government houses to the successful applicant by way of bidding system will be given through SMS. After getting the allotment order of the Government house, the applicant shall contact the Work Inspector, Occupation/Vacation of the area concerned for taking over the possession of the allotted house within 14 days from the date of issue of the allotment order.



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