Tuesday, 13 September 2016

School Time for SAB TV’s YARO

By 121 News

Chandigarh 13th September:- YARO is all set for a new experience to unfold. YARO who is now acquainted with his surroundings and human beings discovers that his friends Naitik and Popo go to school which makes him curious. He insists that his parents (Mr & Mrs Agarwal) enroll him in a school so that he can know more about it.

Giving into his plea Mr.Agarwal agrees to enroll him in a school. He enrolls him into the same class as Naitik and Popo and on the first day itself YARO gets himself into trouble. While playing with the kids he throws a paper plane in the air and it accidently lands on the head of a teacher.  The story takes a hilarious turn when YARO doesn't relate to the concept of punishments and questions the teachers which annoys everyone at school.

While playing during the lunch break YARO's battery starts to drop. He goes back to his class only to discover that his tiffin which had his charger has been stolen by someone. Soon his battery dies and he collapses and is taken home by the principal. Mr. Agarwal revives YARO and charges his battery. However, the fact that the secret about YARO will become public scares Mr. Agarwal (Rakesh Bedi) and he and Beena (Malini Kapoor) try to convince YARO to drop the idea of going to school. However, YARO is more determined now to go to school and find the person behind his tiffin going missing.

Aniruddh Dave who plays the Yaro said that YARO is an innocent lad who is discovering new things every day. When he sees kids going to school, he gets excited and enrolls in a school. The real fun starts when he annoys his teachers with his behavior and not understanding what is the concept of a punishment. It was a great experience for me to relive my childhood memories.


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