Tuesday 7 July 2015

Second Phase of Fight Against Tobacco Launches in Punjab: Hussan Lal

By 121 News

Chandigarh 07th July:- A State Level Sensitisation Workshop and review meeting for Tobacco/Nicotine Control and Cessation workshop under National Tobacco Control Programme Punjab  was held on 6-7-15 in the State Institute of Health & Family Welfare Mohali under Chairmanship of Hussan Lal Secretary Health cum Commissioner FDA and Dr. Dharam Pal, Joint Commissioner FDA was the guest of honour .This workshop was held in collaboration with Generation Saviour Association (GSA).

Dr. DharamPal said that the objectives of State Level Sensitisation Workshop was to sensitise the stake holders regarding latest notifications for Tobacco/Nicotine Control. After the declaration of whole of Punjab as Tobacco Smoke Free, there is a lot of awareness about ill effects of Tobacco/Nicotine and we are getting complaints regarding violation of various section of COTPAand abuse of Tobacco and Nicotine in Hotels/Eateries/Points of sale.We need to act against any functional Hukkah Bar and illegal sale of E-Cigarettes, Loose cigarettes and flavoured/scented chewable tobacco etc.

Hussan Lal said that COTPA is being effectively implemented and Monitored regularly at state level by Ms. Vini Mahajan,Principal Secretary Health and in districts by DCs. He added that after this sensitisation workshop we plan to act very strictly against any COTPA violation especially sale of loose cigarettes and chewable tobacco. He also said the Psychiatrists and Social workers were also sensitised about Tobacco cessation. He said that after strict implementation of Smoke Free Rules in public places.Our phase two of of fight against tobacco has been launched by strict implementation of Ban on Tobacco advertisements and Ban on sale of tobacco products without pictorial health warnings.

Dr. Rakesh Gupta State Programme Officer State Tobacco Control Cell, elaborated that compliance studies have been completed by School of Public Health PGI Chandigarh and compliance to Section 4 of COTPA has been found to be much more than the benchmark of 80% in all the districts. Recently court cases have been launched in some districts against Display of tobacco advertisements, sale of loose cigarettes, chewable tobacco and E-Cigarettes.

Dr. Rana J Singh from the International Union against TB and Lung diseases elaborated  that there are many poisonous chemicals in tobacco due to which about 3000 people are killed daily in India.So it is very important to curb this menace. He also said that  all kinds of chewable tobacco and sale of loose cigarettes is banned in Punjab and licence of a commercial establishment can be cancelled in case of violation of Tobacco Control Act as per latest notification of Punjab Govt. He added that Punjab is the first state to ban sale of loose cigarettes and E-Cigarettes. Guidelines prepared by Punjab  have been circulated to all states. For their good practices in Tobacco/Nicotine control Punjab has received WHO Award for 2015. He appealed to common people to help Government in this endeavour.

Ms Opinder Preet Kaur President of GSA said that we are working closely with the Govt of Punjab for Tobacco Control in all the districts and have recently held various advocacy workshops in many districts and gave awareness notices to the violators. She gave a presentation regarding initiatives taken and plans of the association for tobacco Control in Punjab.


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