Friday 3 July 2015

Max Hospital Felicitates Kidney Donors to Mark 200 Kidney Transplants

By 121 NEWS

Chandigarh 03rd July:- To commemorate completion of successful 200 kidney transplants, the Max Super Specialty Hospital  Mohali felicitated around 2-dozen kidney donors today during a press conference held at Hotel JW Marriot, Chandigarh. Present during occasion were Dr. Vinay Sakhuja, Director-Nephrology & Transplant Medicine, Dr Munish Chauhan, Sr. Consultant-Nephrology, Dr Sananda Bag, Sr Consultant-Kidney Transplant, Dr Jagdish Sethi, Consultant-Renal Transplant from MSSH. MSSH till date has performed more that 200 successful kidney transplants in last 2-yr which included region first ABO non-compatible (different blood group) and first transplant in HIV positive patient

Interestingly, the honoured donors have close relation with their recipients like wife-husband, mother- son, father-son, grandmother- grandson, mother-daughter, sister-brother etc. Gurminder Arora from Panchkula donated her kidney to husband. Ajmer Kaur (72) from Chandigarh donated her kidney to her son. Shival Dass (60) from Kharar donate his kidney to his son. Jaswanti Devi (70 ) from Yamuna Nagar donated her kidney to her grandson. Savita Kohli (39) from Mohali donated her kidney to save life of her daughter. Geeta Sharma from Chandigarh donated her kidney to brother.

Dr Munish Chauhan, Sr. Consultant-Nephrology said that since our first kidney transplant in August 2013, we have performed over 200 kidney transplants. Our centre has conducted region's 1st successful ABO-incompatible kidney transplant in May last year which placed us amongst the very few centres doing ABO incompatible transplant all over the country. We have performed transplants in HIV positive individuals, only a handful of which have been done all over the world. He further said that preemptive kidney transplantation was the best way to get a kidney transplant done. It would save lot of money besides reducing many complications.

Dr Vinay Sakhuja informed that each year more than 1-lakh new patients developed kidney failure in our country and about 5-lakh patients were on dialysis, waiting for transplant. However transplant would take place in only about 5000 cases annually due to shortage of donors. To meet this huge gap we needed to encourage more and more organs donation from brain dead persons in addition to donors swapping and ABO-incompatible transplants.

Dr Sananda Bag said that many patients who did not have a donor of same group in the family, could undergo hassle-free kidney transplant from their family donors without restriction of blood–matching. Moreover nowadays donor's operation was done laparoscopically, which was less painful, enabled faster recovery and early return to work.

Dr Jagdish Sethi said that diseases related to kidney could be life threatening and it required a proper diagnosis at good hospitals. In India about 60-70% of kidney failure was due to unrecognized diabetes and bp. So, those who were hypertensive, diabetic, obese, smoker and above 50 years of age should opt for regular check-ups.




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