Thursday 9 July 2015

Get Gorgeous Skin with VLCC’s DNA Skin

By 121 News

Chandigarh 09th July:-  VLCC, India's leading wellness brand introduced DNA SKINTM, a revolutionary new skincare programme tailored to the genetic makeup of individual customers. DNA SKINTM represents the next frontier in skincare, wherein information from an individual's genetic profile will be analysed to personalise a skincare regime, beauty therapies as well as a recommended diet plan, to achieve healthy, glowing skin. The service will provide a comprehensive view of an individual's skin requirements by studying various parameters such as sun damage, pigmentation and ageing that determine collagen synthesis which plays an important role in achieving gorgeous skin.

Rohit Murgai, International Beauty Expert, VLCC Group said that VLCC has always tried to pioneer the introduction of unique and cutting-edge services and treatments. DNA SKINTM will mark a paradigm shift in skincare by basing an individual's regime on his/her genetic blueprint so as to provide the most effective results. This service is highly scientific and will be in line with our philosophy of providing preventive wellness solutions to our customers. He informed that DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule that determines and controls biological functioning. The human DNA sequence is 99.9 per cent identical across all human beings. The 0.1 per cent variation in the sequence of human DNA is one of the major reasons of the variability that is observed in the physical traits and biologi­cal functioning of humans across the world. DNA controls the look, feel and health of skin by up to 70 per cent (the rest is determined by the environment). The test identifies key variations that could be responsible for the loss of collagen even before the signs become visible. DNA matched skincare products and therapies are considered to show superior results.  He added that the service will be available at all VLCC Centres across India.

Rohit Murgai said that the test cost a customer Rs.5000/-. But it becomes cheaper almost for 85% by getting package of VLCC. He said that the test report comes with in a week and the test is done by VLCC's own Doctor team.


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