Thursday 19 December 2013

Fwd: Release/ Pics: Be active to keep shoulder arthritis at bay in winter, Dr Wadhwa

By 1 2 1 News Reporter

Chandigarh 20th December:-- "Winters were the most difficult season for arthritis patients, especially those suffering from shoulder pain. According to various research studies, 70% of arthritic patients were weather sensitive. Besides that it was observed that people suffering from shoulder osteoarthritis, especially women, were greatly affected due to climate change."This was stated by Dr Manuj Wadhwa, Director & Head, Max Elite Institute of Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement while speaking during a health workshop on 'Arthritis problems in winter' at Max Super Speciality Hospital (MSSH) Mohali today. As many as 100 members of Himachal Engineers and Pensioners Association took part in the workshop.


Dr Wadhwa added that we were receiving at least 10-12 patients daily with this problem, said winter tended to flare up arthritis problems, especially in shoulders. Ironically pain for arthritis patients has become a yardstick to gauge intensity of winter. He said arthritis referred to more than 100 different types of diseases involving surrounding tissue, joints of the body and other connecting tissue. In simply term, arthritis was an inflammation of one or more of your joints. In a diseased shoulder, inflammation would cause pain and stiffness of the shoulder joints. Arthritis could affect every joint in the body, especially during winters when damp. The cold weather could make the experience of pain even more traumatic.  The shoulder arthritis was common problem in old age which might get worsen during winters. The patient has increased shoulder pain, limited range of motion, feeling of click or snap during movement and stiffness in the shoulder joint and faced difficulty in day to day life activities." Talking about the warning signs of shoulder arthritis, he said that 5 major types of arthritis typically could affect the shoulder. Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rotator Cuff Tear Arthropathy, Posttraumatic Arthritis, Avascular Necrosis and limited motion were common symptoms. It might become more difficult to lift your arm to comb your hair or reach up to a shelf. You could hear a grinding, clicking, or snapping sound (crepitus) as you move your shoulder. As the disease progressed, any movement of the shoulder caused pain. Night pain was common and sleeping might be difficult, remarked Dr Wadhwa.

During session, Dr Wadhwa gave few tips to manage arthritis in winters. These are:

·  In case of freezing outdoor temperature stay indoors.

·  When going out dress in layers. Instead of relying on single thermocot it is better to wear extra layer of thermals.

·  Before going outdoors take prescribed pain relief medicines. This will be helpful to control pain and allow free movement.

·  Regular exercises in winters prevent flaring up of arthritis. But do not overstrain yourself

·  Keep aching joints warm. Hot packs or warm baths are beneficial in keeping joints warm as well as relieving from pain.

·  Avoid injuries as they take long to heal during winters and hurt a lot.

·  Take healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.

·  Water intake can usually be suffered in winter , which should not happen

·  Make sure that you visit your physician regularly.


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