Tuesday 27 February 2024

Ultimate Gym Solutions Promotes Health and Fitness with Free Seminar by Guru Mann

By 121 News
Mohali, Feb.27, 2024:-Ultimate Gym Solutions (UGS), India's largest equipment store, recently organized a free fitness seminar in collaboration with Guru Mann, a renowned fitness professional. The seminar aimed to educate and inspire individuals to embrace a healthier lifestyle, covering topics such as personalized workout routines and managing medical conditions through fitness and nutrition.

Guru Mann's commitment to promoting free fitness programs aligns with UGS's vision, showcasing the store's dedication to improving community health. By partnering with Guru Mann, UGS is evolving into more than just a gym equipment supplier, becoming a comprehensive resource for those striving to lead healthier lives.

The seminar's success has sparked enthusiasm and motivation within the local fitness community, setting a new standard for health and fitness promotion. UGS's proactive approach and Guru Mann's dedication to free fitness programs have created a powerful alliance that positively impacts individuals seeking to prioritize their health and well-being.

For more information about UGS and future initiatives, please visit www.ultimate Gym Solutions.com or visit at plot no 18-19, Industrial Area Sector 82 Mohali.

Ultimate Gym Solutions Promotes Health and Fitness with Free Seminar by Guru Mann

By 121 News
Mohali, Feb.27, 2024:-Ultimate Gym Solutions (UGS), India's largest equipment store, recently organized a free fitness seminar in collaboration with Guru Mann, a renowned fitness professional. The seminar aimed to educate and inspire individuals to embrace a healthier lifestyle, covering topics such as personalized workout routines and managing medical conditions through fitness and nutrition.

Guru Mann's commitment to promoting free fitness programs aligns with UGS's vision, showcasing the store's dedication to improving community health. By partnering with Guru Mann, UGS is evolving into more than just a gym equipment supplier, becoming a comprehensive resource for those striving to lead healthier lives.

The seminar's success has sparked enthusiasm and motivation within the local fitness community, setting a new standard for health and fitness promotion. UGS's proactive approach and Guru Mann's dedication to free fitness programs have created a powerful alliance that positively impacts individuals seeking to prioritize their health and well-being.

For more information about UGS and future initiatives, please visit www.ultimate Gym Solutions.com or visit at plot no 18-19, Industrial Area Sector 82 Mohali.

श्रम कानून पर क्षेत्रीय सम्मेलन में 100 से अधिक एच आर पेशेवरों ने लिया हिस्सा

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.27, 2024:-नेशनल इंस्टिच्युट ऑफ पर्सनेल मैंनेजमेंट (एनआईपीएम) (पंजाब चैप्टर), मानव संसाधन (एचआर) पेशेवरों के विकास के लिए समर्पित एक गैर-लाभकारी प्रमुख निकाय, ने पीएचडी चैंबर, में 'नए श्रम कोडों को शामिल करने वाले श्रम कानून के तहत वैधानिक अनुपालन और रोजगार और अनुशासनात्मक प्रक्रियाओं में कदाचार' विषय पर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया। कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य ह्यूमन रिर्सोस पेशेवरों को केंद्र और राज्य सरकार के अधिकारियों के साथ बातचीत करने के लिए एक मंच प्रदान करना था। कार्यक्रम में पंजाब, हरियाणा, हिमाचल और यूटी चंडीगढ़ राज्यों के पीएसयू, फार्मा, आईटी, हेल्थकेयर और अन्य उद्योगों के 100 से अधिक मानव संसाधन (एचआर) और औद्योगिक संबंध (आईआर) पेशेवरों ने भाग लिया। 

हरीश नायर, आईएएस, अतिरिक्त मुख्य निर्वाचन अधिकारी, पंजाब, पूर्व प्रमुख-पंजाब श्रम विभाग ने अतिरिक्त श्रम आयुक्त के रूप में उद्घाटन सत्र की अध्यक्षता की। उन्होंने अपने मुख्य भाषण में अपना अनुभव साझा किया और श्रम कानूनों को उद्योग-अनुकूल बनाने के लिए किए गए दृष्टिकोण और सुधारों पर चर्चा की। उन्होंने उद्योगों में कार्यरत श्रमिकों को नकद भुगतान के बजाय बैंक के माध्यम से वेतन हस्तांतरण के लिए की गई पहल के बारे में बताया। उन्होंने अपने संबोधन में नए श्रम संहिता के तहत प्रस्तावित विभिन्न बदलावों पर भी संक्षेप में चर्चा की।

एनआईपीएम पंजाब चैप्टर के अध्यक्ष रविंदर चड्ढा ने चैप्टर की गतिविधियों के साथ-साथ क्षेत्र में (विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों में) स्टूडेंट्स चैप्टरों पर प्रकाश डाला, जो वरिष्ठ मानव संसाधन पेशेवरों की सलाह के तहत छात्रों का मार्गदर्शन करते हैं। एनआईपीएम पंजाब चैप्टर क्षेत्र के विभिन्न उद्योग संघों के साथ भी जुड़ रहा है। एनआईपीएम के क्षेत्रीय उपाध्यक्ष (उत्तर) एस पी बंसल ने पूरे भारत में एनआईपीएम की गतिविधियों पर प्रकाश डाला। उन्होंने नवंबर 2024 में एनआईपीएम द्वारा आयोजित होने वाले आगामी उत्तरी क्षेत्रीय मानव संसाधन सम्मेलन के बारे में भी जानकारी दी।

विशिष्ट वक्ताओं में के एस गुरु, उप मुख्य श्रम आयुक्त, केंद्रीय (सेवानिवृत्त) और वर्तमान में जिला बाल कल्याण आयोग, मोहाली के अध्यक्ष ; और सहायक श्रम आयुक्त (केन्द्रीय) दीवान चंद ने अनुबंध श्रम (आर एंड ए) अधिनियम पर चर्चा की। जबकि जे एस कंग, उप सचिव, पंजाब, भवन और अन्य निर्माण श्रमिक (बीओसीसीडब्ल्यू) बोर्ड ने पंजाब सरकार की विभिन्न कल्याणकारी योजनाओं को साझा किया। अधिवक्ता अजय बख्शी, श्रम कानून व्यवसायी और सलाहकार और अनिल कौशिक, मुख्य सलाहकार, कार्मिक (आईआर और कानूनी) डीसीएम इंजीनियरिंग ने औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947 के तहत छंटनी, बंद, हड़ताल, तालाबंदी और सामूहिक सौदेबाजी से संबंधित विशेष प्रावधानों और रोजगार और अनुशासनात्मक प्रक्रियाओं में कदाचार पर विचार-विमर्श किया।

अनुपम मलिक, अतिरिक्त श्रम आयुक्त, हरियाणा (सेवानिवृत्त), और जोरावर सिंह, सीईओ, ओलंपस ने नई श्रम संहिताओं के तहत बदलावों और प्रावधानों पर प्रकाश डाला और इस बात पर जोर दिया कि नई संहिताएं व्यापार करने में आसानी के उद्देश्य से तैयार की गई हैं। मोहित सिंगला, उप निदेशक फैक्ट्रियां, पंजाब ने फैक्टरी अधिनियम, 1948 के तहत व्यावसायिक सुरक्षा और कल्याण के प्रावधानों पर चर्चा की।

पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज सेक्टर 11 में साइंस क्लब "ब्रेनिक्स" ने दो दिवसीय साइंस डे का किया आयोजन

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.27, 2024:--पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज सेक्टर 11 के साइंस क्लब "ब्रेनिक्स" द्वारा 26 और 27 फरवरी 2024 को विज्ञान दिवस मनाया गया । इस दो दिवसीय कार्यक्रम में 300 से अधिक स्टूडेंट्स ने विभिन्न इवेंट्स में भाग लिया। 26 फरवरी 2024 को आयोजित प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रतियोगिता में 100 छात्रों ने भाग लिया। जिसमें सानिया, कशिश को प्रथम पुरस्कार, जशनदीप और राहुल को दूसरा और हर्षदीप और जसमीन को तीसरा पुरस्कार मिला।

दो बार राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार विजेता डॉ. जसविंदर सिंह ने छात्रों को सरल उपकरण का उपयोग करके विभिन्न साइंटिफिक फिनामिना को दिखाया दिखाईं और छात्रों के साथ बातचीत की और उनकी जिज्ञासाओं का समाधान किया और उनके साइंटिफिक टेम्परामेंट को बढ़ाया। 27 फरवरी 2024 को मेडिकल, नॉन मेडिकल और बायो टेक्नोलॉजी के 120 ग्रेजुएट और पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट छात्रों ने लाइव प्रायोगिक प्रदर्शन दिखाया। जिसमें उन्होंने प्रयोगों द्वारा दैनिक जीवन में रसायन विज्ञान के विभिन्न अनुप्रयोगों को दिखाया। इस प्रतियोगिता में विजेता दीपजोत और विशाखा को पहला पुरस्कार मिला। स्नातक वर्ग में परियांशु और अनमोल को दूसरा पुरस्कार और पूजा और राधिका को तीसरा पुरस्कार मिला। पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट वर्ग में प्राची और दीक्षा को प्रथम पुरस्कार और मंतशा और विदेयत्तमा को दूसरा पुरस्कार मिला।

लगभग 100 छात्रों ने विभिन्न मॉडल बनाने में भाग लिया और बेस्ट आउट ऑफ वेस्ट से विभिन्न प्रोजेक्ट दिखाए, इस श्रेणी में आस्था और भारती को प्रथम पुरस्कार, दीपांशु और भावना को दूसरा पुरस्कार और प्रीति और आस्था ठाकुर को तीसरा पुरस्कार मिला।

बेस्ट आउट ऑफ वेस्ट श्रेणी में पालजेस, आशीष, सानिया को पुरस्कार मिला।

कॉलेज की प्रिंसिपल डॉ. पूनम अग्रवाल ने  और से छात्रों के प्रयासों की सराहना की और विजेता स्टूडेंट्स को पुरस्कृत किया। उन्होंने कहा कि डिपार्टमेंट ऑफ साइंस एंड टेक्नोलॉजी द्वारा प्रयोजित इस पूरे कार्यक्रम का समन्वय डॉ. देपिंदर कौर एचओडी रसायन विज्ञान द्वारा किया गया ।  इस दो दिवसीय साइंस स्टूडेंट्स ने यहां मॉडल्स के जरिये अपनी कला प्रतिभा का प्रदर्शन किया, वहीं रोजमर्रा की ज़िंदगी मे साइंस के हमारे जीवन मे फायदे और नुकसान से भी अवगत करवाया। इवेंट में स्टूडेंट्स ने इन आयोजनों के विभिन्न मनोरंजक खेलों का भी आनंद लिया।

Škoda Auto Announces All-New Compact SUV for India

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb. 27, 2024:– Škoda Auto India is not taking its foot off the accelerator pedal when it comes to the Indian market. In its third major product offensive after the Kushaq and the Slavia, the company announced plans for an all-new compact SUV that will debut in India in the first half of 2025.

Speaking on the announcement, Klaus Zellmer, CEO, Škoda Auto a.s, said that India is crucial to the global growth of Škoda Auto, both because of its own market strength and as a development and manufacturing base for our expansion in new markets including ASEAN and the Middle East. We have more than doubled sales in India since 2021 and we are now taking the next step by further expanding the range of models designed for customers in India and internationally. The all-new compact SUV due in 2025 will add an important segment for customers. I'm confident the expanding Škoda portfolio will contribute to our India growth target of achieving a market share for the Volkswagen family of brands of around 5 percent by 2030. 

The MQB-A0-IN platform, debuting with the Škoda Kushaq in 2021, formed the crux of Škoda Auto India's strategy. It was developed jointly by teams in India and the Czech Republic with a focus on high localisation, low cost of ownership, and quick turnaround times. It is the first platform developed by the company outside of Europe and tailormade for the Indian market.

Speaking on the product action, Dr Johannes Neft, Member of the Board of Management for Technical Development, Škoda Auto a.s, said that the MQB-A0-IN platform we developed and localised specifically in India for India has incredible technical prowess, is very versatile and is ready for the world. The Kushaq and Slavia are based on this platform, and it is fulfilling to see that they have played an integral part in the growing focus on building safer cars in India. The new compact SUV will also be built on this platform and will carry forward the same Škoda DNA of superior driving dynamics, integral safety and proven quality.

Speaking on the all-new product announcement, Martin Jahn, Member of the Board of Management for Sales & Marketing, Škoda Auto a.s, said that the Škoda brand has taken big strides globally. In 2023, we have grown by 18.5% compared to 2022. India is a key market for our growth, and we have just crossed the 100,000 sales mark over the last two years – thanks to the locally developed and produced Kushaq and Slavia models. With the all-new compact SUV, we are underlining our commitment to India and its importance to our internationalisation plans. Together with the Kushaq and the Kodiaq, we will have an even better SUV portfolio for India, which is a key segment that contributes over 50% to all vehicle sales in the market.
Providing his inputs on the development, Piyush Arora, Managing Director and CEO, Škoda Auto Volkswagen India (SAVWIPL) said that after the success of the Kushaq and Slavia, we are expanding our reach with the upcoming launch of an all-new compact SUV, targeting the largest segment in India. Our R&D expertise in India has already enabled us to incorporate highly localised parts and components for our entire range. With the new compact SUV, we are furthering this strategy by systematically developing our local supplier base to provide parts and components of global standards and quality at competitive prices. We aim to actively participate in the evolving landscape of mobility in India. We remain focused on our expansions and further enhancement of the Group's wide portfolio of cars in India.

Monday 26 February 2024

Trident Group at Bharat Tex Highlights Innovation and Sustainability in Textile Industry

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb. 26, 2024:-

Trident Group, a prominent player in the textile industry, has participated as Silver Sponsors at Bharat Tex 2024. This mega textile event, held from February 26th to 29th at Bharat Mandapam and Yashobhoomi, New Delhi, was organized by 11 Textile EPCs and supported by the Ministry of Textiles. The original idea behind this event is to honor and promote India's rich textile heritage on a global scale.

Padam Shri Dr. Rajinder Gupta, Chairman of Trident Group, commented that it takes passion to transform the world's largest into the world's finest and this event embodies the same spirit. He added that we would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to our Hon'ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Piyush Goyal, Hon'ble Minister of Commerce and Industry, Textiles, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, for their visionary leadership in creating this unparalleled opportunity.

Trident Group is truly honored to be a part of Bharat Tex 2024, a world-class event that signifies immense growth and opportunity in our textile industry. This esteemed platform not only celebrates the rich heritage of Indian textiles but also exemplifies the sector's transformative journey towards a sustainable future. Through collaboration with industry stakeholders who share our vision of global leadership and commitment to excellence, we aim to propel the textile industry towards unprecedented heights of success.

Trident Group at Bharat Tex 2024 showcase various themes like Atulaya Bharat, Wellness and Spa, Designers' Desk, Digital Bharat and Sustainability which shows a fusion of tradition and eco-consciousness, aligning seamlessly with the event's overarching theme. It has also collaborated with Shivan & Narresh (luxury brand's world of the finest art prints) for its new collection launch.

Throughout the event, attendees benefit from a diverse array of knowledge sessions, panel discussions, and masterclasses featuring prominent speakers and industry pioneers. Bharat Tex 2024 emerges as a pivotal convergence point for industry stakeholders and textile enthusiasts, fostering collaboration and innovation in the textile sector.

With over 3000 exhibitors and more than 40,000 visitors from over 40 countries, Bharat Tex 2024 provided invaluable insights into the entire textile industry value chain. Trident Group's exhibition spotlighted its eco-friendly collection and sustainable manufacturing practices, highlighting its dedication to environmental responsibility.

Trident Group extends its appreciation to all esteemed visitors, partners, and stakeholders for their support, reaffirming its commitment to shaping a sustainable future for the textile industry.

AI to Redefine Patient Healthcare Industry: Dr Jag Singh

By 121 News

Chandigarh, Feb.26, 2024:- Dr Jagmeet (Jag) Singh, a Harvard University professor said that digital devices and artificial intelligence shall make virtual care of patients a reality and more sustainable, at the release of his book "Future Care: Sensors, Artificial Intelligence, and the Reinvention of Healthcare" in the city yesterday.

Based on his extensive research over the years at Harvard Medical School, Dr Jag Singh, an electrophysiologist in cardiology, said that AI is being now evolved to empower the doctors to provide highly personalized care to the patients on the basis of the individual's data captured through different types of senors and wearable devices.

Dr Jagmeet Singh, cardiologist, physician, scientist, author, and Professor of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, was in Chandigarh for the release of his book "Future Care".

Dr Jagmeet (Jag) Singh who has been working through his research on device technologies and electrical therapies for cardiac disorders, feels that rapid digital transformation holds a lot of promise in not only in drastically improving the way the health care is delivered, but improving human lives.

With AI and ChatGPT, even the role of the cardiologists will change 30 to 40% in a next decade with the metamorphosis that the medical field is undergoing with digital transformation, and expanding the role of the cardiologists to even predict the medical emergencies that a patient might have with AI, and take appropriate preventive measures.

He said that every organ in human body can be potentially monitored remotely through sensors to enable doctors to proactively intervene in advance, Dr Jag Singh said. There are already several sensors available to detect heart failure 13 days and lung cancer as early as six months in advance,

There are more than 500 wearable devices that can be synced with smart phones to give early warnings and inform the doctors for corrective measures.

Padam Bhushan awardee, Dr. T.S. Kler, a renowned interventional cardiologist, formally released the book of Dr. Jagmeet Singh and said that the medical community will have to upgrade itself to provide better and sustainable health care to the critical patients, and save their lives.

"Future Care" makes an interesting read since it is all about patient stories and Dr Jag Singh's personal encounters with disease management and how timely intervention through AI help and data analytics could save lives.

The book also talks about the new hybrid models required to help hospitals of the future to go virtual and adapt a hybrid model in patient care and remotely monitoring large number of patients through AI based diagnostic tools.

Dr Jag Singh reiterates that the essence of our research is to improve lives through forecasting and averting emergencies and disease through timely interventions.

Addressing some of the city's discerning audience including several senior cardiologists, diagnostic experts, and medical professionals, Dr Jag Singh advised them to adapt the new technologies to their advantage and patient care.

Notable among those present during the function included renowned radiologist Dr. Ladbans Kaur, cardiologists Dr. U.P. Singh, Dr. H.K. Bali, Padamshree Dr H.S. Chawla, Dr. T.S. Mahant, eye specialist Dr. S.S. Grewal, Punjab's DGP Sanjeev Kalra IPS, among others.

Indus Public School organizes the Annual Sports Day

By 121 News
Mohali, Feb.26,2024:-Indus Public School organized its annual sporting event with colourful pomp and show on its lush green campus. Each tiny tot participated in at least one event. Participants exhibited their talents with the sportsmanship spirit to fight to the finish amidst cheers from their parents, teachers, and friends.

Patients with Complex Urological Cancers Successfully Treated via Advanced Robot-Aided Surgery at Fortis Mohali

By 121 News
Yamunanagar, Feb. 26, 2024:-The Department of Uro-Oncology and Robotic Surgery, Fortis Hospital Mohali, has successfully treated multiple patients suffering from complex urological cancers via the world's most advanced 4th Generation Robot – Da Vinci Xi.

Dr Dharmender Aggarwal, Consultant,Uro-Oncology and Robotic Surgery at Fortis Hospital Mohali, hastreated twosuch patients through robot-aided surgeries.

In the first case, a 78-year-old Patient had been experiencing blood in his urine (hematuria) along with intermittent abdominal pain. A CT scan revealed a large tumour (7cm) in his urinary bladder, which was invading into its muscles. The Patientsubsequently underwent a re-section of the bladder tumour at another hospital. However, after his condition failed to improve, he approached Dr Aggarwal at Fortis Mohali. Following a medical examination, the team of doctors led by Dr Aggarwal performed Robot-assisted Radical Cystectomy, wherein the entire bladder and nearby lymph nodes were extracted.

During the robot-aided surgery, the Patient's entire urinary bladder was removed, ureters were joined to a segment of the small bowel, and a new channel was created to pass urine in the Stoma Bag.Despite the Patienthaving pre-existing cardiacand renal issues, the surgery was successful and the Patient started walking after 10 hours of the procedure. He was discharged five days later on 20thDecember, 2023. He has recovered fully and is leading a cancer-free life today.

In another case, a 22-year-old Patienthad been experiencing blood in his urine (hematuria) along with abdominal pain. His CT scan revealed a large renal mass (7 cm) in his left kidney. The Patient was advised to undergo a surgery for removal of the entire left kidney. As his health deteriorated, he approached Dr Aggarwalat Fortis Mohali. The case was also complex as the renal lesion was 7 cm in size and had not only invaded more than half of his kidney, but was also closely attached to major blood vessels. Any delay in medical intervention would have caused the tumour to grow in size and impact the other organs.

Dr Aggarwal performed Robot-aided Partial Nephrectomy (removing part of the kidney to treat a disease) on 21stNovember, 2023. The tumour was not only removed completely, but the large kidney lesion was extracted and the remaining kidney was saved. The Patient had a smooth, post-operative recovery and started walking within eight hours of the surgery. He was discharged on the third day.

Discussing the cases, Dr Aggarwal, said that compared to the usual stay of 12-14 days in an open surgery, Robot-aided surgery allows a patient to walk on the same day of the procedure. Experiencing blood in urine is not a good sign and often points towards a more serious problem. With the help of newer technologies, we are now able to remove thetumouronly and save the kidney. Robot-aided surgery is the latest form of minimal invasive surgery and provides a 3D view of the operative field via a special camera inserted into the body of the patient. Parts of the body which are difficult to reach with the human hand can be accessed through robot-assisted arms that can rotate 360 degrees.

Dr Dharmender Aggarwal has undergone training in complex cancer surgeries and Robot-aided Surgery from London, and has performed more than 550 robotic surgeries cases till now.

Sony Entertainment Television’s Celebrity Dance Reality Show ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa’ Unveils Its Top 5 Finalists

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.26, 2024:-The fight for the ultimate champion of the season begins as Sony Entertainment Television's celebrity dance reality show 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa' unveils its top 5 finalists. With the Grand Finale set to premiere on 2nd March, one amongst the Top 5 will take home the coveted title of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa Season 11 winner. The acclaimed celebrity dance reality show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, made a triumphant return to its original home in India, and premiered in November 2023 on Sony Entertainment Television. Captivating audiences with the dazzling journey of its celebrity contestants from being a non-dancer to a dancer, this edition of the show was hosted by the dynamic duo - Rithvik Dhanjani and Gauahar Khan, who kept audiences entertained with their wit and charm. Inspired and judged by the esteemed FAM trio - Farah Khan, Arshad Warsi, and Malaika Arora, the show has finally found its top 5 finalists. Each finalist has impressed the viewers and judges alike with their dancing prowess, hard work, dedication, and creativity, making them the top contenders for this season's championship. So, the battle of the ultimate champion begins as the Top 5 put their best dancing foot forward one last time to impress the entire nation. After giving each other a tough fight in the semi-finals, here are the celebrity contestants who made it to the finals - TV heartthrob, Shoaib Ibrahim along with choreographer Anuradha Iyengar, Celebrity Teen Actor Adrija Sinha along with choreographer Akash Thapa, Indian playback singer Sreerama Chandra along with choreographer Sonali Kar, Social Media Sensation Manisha Rani along with choreographer Ashutosh Pawar and Doctor & Actor Dhanashree Verma along with choreographer Sagar Bora,  Shoaib Ibrahim's journey on 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa' began with a motivation to fulfil his wife Dipika Kakkar's long lost Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa dream. While his initial steps on the show might not have met expectations, Shoaib's unwavering determination and relentless hard work quickly turned the tide. With each performance, he showcased not just his dancing skills but also his passion and commitment towards what he does. Despite facing challenges along the way, Shoaib's perseverance and dedication ultimately paid off, earning him a spot in the coveted Top 5. Expressing his happiness on reaching the finals, Shoaib shared that this journey began as fulfilling Dipika's dream, but along the way, it became his own memorable journey. This journey has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions, filled with ups and downs. Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa has been a transformative experience, pushing him beyond his limits and challenging him to grow as a dancer and as a person. Each performance has been a journey of self-discovery, allowing him to express himself in ways he never thought possible. Winning or losing in the finale is not the end goal for him. The journey, the experiences, and the memories he has created will stay with him forever. He is thankful for every vote, every cheer, and every word of encouragement that has brought me to this moment. After his victory in Indian Idol 5 back in 2005, Sreerama Chandra once again set his sight on a new challenge. Despite being unfamiliar with the world of dance, Sreeram showcased his versatility and not only conquered an unfamiliar territory but also left a lasting impression on one on and all with his performances. Expressing his excitement about making it to the Top 5, *Sreeram* shared. Stepping onto the dance floor was a daunting task for him coming from a singing background. However, with each performance, he pushed himself and discovered a new passion for dance. This journey has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, filled with challenges, learning experiences, and unforgettable moments. He has grown immensely as an artist and as a person throughout this journey. He has learned that with dedication, hard work, and belief in oneself, anything is possible. The bond he share with his fellow contestants is something he will always cherish and miss after the show. The "chota packet, bada dhamaka" of the season, Adrija Sinha has been giving tough competition to the other contestants with her powerpacked performances on the show. Adrija quickly became known as the 'perfect score queen', receiving countless jaadu ki jhapis from Judge Arshad Warsi, and she has consistently impressed the audience with her flawless performances. Adrija shared that being in the top 5 of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa is a dream that has turned into reality. With the unwavering support of her family, friends and fans who has been her pillars of strength throughout this journey, every performance has been a learning experience, pushing her to challenge herself and grow as a dancer. She has immense respect for her fellow contestants, who have pushed her to bring out the best in myself each week. She has made lifelong memories and friendships on the show, which she will always cherish. With the finale ahead, she is ready to give it her all. Dilo Ki Rani, Manisha Rani, made a remarkable wildcard entry into the show, instantly winning the hearts of the viewers. Week after week, she showcased her versatility by excelling in different dance styles, proving that nothing is impossible. Beyond her dancing prowess, Manisha charmed everyone with her 'dynamic' personality and sweet demeanour, and yet she proved that she deserved her spot based on her dancing skills rather than her affable personality. Speaking about her success this far, Manisha said that being in the finale is not just an achievement but a celebration of her journey on the show until now. The finale is now within reach, and she will give it her all to create an unforgettable performance. It is an honour to share the stage with such brilliant and talented performers. She would like to thank my choreographer Ashutosh and his entire team for bringing out the best in me each week. She is immensely grateful to all her supporters who have stood by her and voted for her week after week. After recovering from a significant injury, Dhanashree Verma embarked on her second innings in dancing after 2 years, stunning everyone with her entry into the finals of the show. Her journey was far from easy, marked by numerous ups and downs, but her determination and perseverance shone through. Talking about her journey on the show Dhanashree said that each week, she has pushed herself beyond her comfort zone, exploring new dance styles and taking on exciting challenges. This is the platform that reignited her passion for dance after her injury. Dance has always been integral to her life, and through Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, she has explored many new styles and forms. She has learned so much about herself and her capabilities through this experience. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, she never lost sight of her dream. This journey has been a dream come true, and she is grateful for every moment. 
To find out who will lift the trophy, don't miss tuning into the Grand Finale of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa on 2nd March at 8 PM only on Sony Entertainment Television.

Sunday 25 February 2024

Raymond Unveils Premium Store in Mohali

By 121 News  

Mohali, Feb.25, 2024:- Tricity residents are in for a treat with the grand opening of the latest Raymond flagship store in Mohali. Situated in the heart of the city on Airport Road, Sector 80, Raymond Mohali (Raymond 80) emerges as one of Punjab's largest retail destinations, spanning an impressive 4000 square feet.


This new establishment, inaugurated by renowned singer & actor Kulwinder Billa, marks a significant milestone for the entrepreneurs behind it, who also operate the Raymond outlet in Sec 14 Panchkula. Spread across two floors - ground and basement - the store promises an unparalleled shopping experience.


Inderjit Singh Brar, Chief Operating Officer of Raymond Panchkula & Mohali stores, shared tha the Mohali outlet is not just a store; it's a designated Raymond Authorised Tailoring Hub. With exclusive designs and personalized services, we aim to cater not only to Mohali but also to neighbouring areas such as Kharar, Rajpura, Banur, Zirakpur, and even Patiala. Our expansion plans are underway, with two more outlets scheduled to open in Kharar and Zirakpur. Additionally, a comprehensive workshop spanning 1500-2000 sq ft is slated to launch in Chandigarh's Industrial Area by August 2024.


Brar emphasized the unique advantages offered to clients, stating, that at Raymond 80, we provide everything from fabrics to ready-made garments. Our tailor masters undergo rigorous training by Raymond experts to ensure impeccable craftsmanship. Heading the tailoring section are Master Akram and Seth Pal.


He explained that as far as latest trends go in men's formal fashion the coats in demand are those showcasing two buttons and 2 cuts. "Presently these are what people ask for. Creaseless and wrinkle free shirts are also in.


He added that our store boasts a diverse range of designer suits, jackets, sherwanis, and traditional Mukatsari kurtas. From ready-made ensembles to bespoke tailoring, we offer the latest trends and a complete collection of clothing and accessories, including bed linens, blankets, and a plethora of suit-related accessories.


He further elaborated on the customization options available, highlighting, customers can personalize their attire according to their preferences, whether it's a classic tuxedo or a contemporary bandh gala suit. Our professionally trained tailoring masters are at your service at all times.


In addition to men's apparel, the store will also customize  exclusive Raymond women business wear for clients . Brar also discussed the emphasis on transparency in sales transactions, ensuring that clients are informed about fabric quality and pricing details.


While the men's collection starts from Rs. 10,000 and extends up to Rs 2.5 lakhs, plans are underway to introduce ethnic wear soon. The Raymond 'commitment' to quality is evident in their selection of fabrics, including wool, linen, corduroys, and blends of wool, silk, and viscose, offering clients a luxurious feel and superior durability.


Raymond Mohali doesn't just stop at apparel; it also features a comprehensive range of accessories from ties and cufflinks to wallets, alongside offerings from brands like Park Avenue and Color Plus.


Furthermore, the store boasts a dedicated Bed and Bath segment, presenting premium bed sheets, blankets, towels, and shawls for both men and women. With its unparalleled assortment and commitment to excellence, Raymond Mohali promises to redefine the retail landscape in the region.

’रन अगेंस्ट ड्रग्स एब्यूज’ में हजारों लोगों ने दिखाया अपना उत्साह

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.25, 2024:-   दौड़ को एक गंभीर खेल के रूप में स्थापित करने के मिशन वाला संगठन थ्रिल जोन ने रविवार सुबह यहां पंजाब हाफ मैराथन का आयोजन किया। यह कार्यक्रम समाज में लंबे समय से चल रहे मुद्दे - रन अगेंस्ट ड्रग एब्यूज - के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाने के लिए आयोजित किया जा रहा था।

यह द्वि-वार्षिक पंजाब हाफ मैराथन का आयोजन, सुबह 5ः30 बजे शुरू किया गया। चंडीगढ़ क्लब, सेक्टर 1 से प्रतिभागियों ने तीन श्रेणियों 21 किमी (हाफ-मैराथन), 10 किमी और 5 किमी श्रेणियां में दौड़ लगाई इसके अलावा 3 किमी की मंनोरंजक दौड़ समयबद्ध थीं।  

थ्रिल जोन के संस्थापक पीसी कुशवाह ने कहा कि थ्रिल जोन एक संगठन है जो मैराथन और व्यापक प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से दौड़ को एक गंभीर खेल के रूप में स्थापित करने की दिशा में काम कर रहा है। थ्रिल जोन में हम रनिंग कल्चर को बढ़ावा देने के लिए रनिंग बिरादरी को स्वस्थ जीवन प्रदान करने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं और संगठन ने अपने 100 आयोजन पूरे किये हैं, थ्रिल जोन ने पूरे भारत में हाफ मैराथन का आयोजन किया है, इसलिए यह पूरे भारत में काम करता है। इस इवेंट के रेस डायरेक्टर गौरव कारजी थे।

21 किलोमीटर (पुरुष/महिला) दौड़ में 18 से 30 आयु वर्ष, 31 से 40 आयु वर्ष, 41 से 50 आयु वर्ष, 51 से 60 आयु वर्ष, 61 से 70 आयु वर्ष और 71 से अधिक आयु वर्ष के प्रतिभागी वर्ग शामिल रहेे।

10 किलोमीटर की दौड़ में, आयु वर्ग में 18 वर्ष से कम, 19 से 40 वर्ष, 41 से 50 वर्ष, 51 वर्ष शामिल होंगे, जबकि 5 किलोमीटर की समयबद्ध दौड़ में टाॅप 3 पुरुष और 3 महिलाओं को चुना गया और यह सभी के लिए ओपन थी।
सभी दूरियों के लिए कट-ऑफ टाइमिंग में 21 किमी (समयबद्ध दौड़)-3ः30 घण्टे 10 किलोमीटर (समयबद्ध दौड़) - 1ः30 घंटे और 5 किलोमीटर (समयबद्ध दौड़) - 45 मिनटशामिल था।

सभी प्रतिभागियों को एक टी-शर्ट, पदक, भागीदारी प्रमाण पत्र और जलपान प्रदान किया गया।
प्रत्येक श्रेणी में हाफ मैराथन के विजेता इस प्रकार हैं।

परिणाम (प्रथम पुरस्कार विजेता आयु-ग्रुप )

प्रत्येक श्रेणी में हाफ मैराथन के विजेता निम्नलिखित थे।
परिणाम (प्रथम पुरस्कार विजेता आयु-समूह)

21 कि.मी

पुरुष 18-30: बादल चौधरी (1:15:56 घंटे)
महिला 18-30: रूपदीप कौर (2:24:40 घंटे)

पुरुष 31-40: सुरेंद्र सिंह (1:27:35 घंटे)
महिला 31-40: अनु कुमारी (2:04:56 घंटे)

पुरुष 41-50: सुनील राणा (1:44:10 घंटे)
महिला 41-50: परमजीत कौर (1:59:31 घंटे)

पुरुष 51-60: बिजेंदर सिंह (1:37:40 घंटे)
महिला 51-60: हरदेव कौर (2:20:47 घंटे)

पुरुष 61-70: परमजीत सिंह संधू (1:49:11 घंटे)

71 वर्ष से ऊपर के पुरुष: हरिहर साहनी (2:39:50 घंटे)

10 कि.मी

18 वर्ष से कम आयु के पुरुष: नवजोत सिंह (0:36:48 मिनट)
18 वर्ष से कम आयु की महिला: ईशा मलिक (46:55 मिनट)

पुरुष 19-40: साहिल कालरा (0:42:35 मिनट)
महिला 19-40: आकांक्षा वर्मा (0:44:46 मिनट)

पुरुष 41-50: सलीम अहमद (0:49:20 मिनट)
महिला 41-50: अमनमीत कौर (0:58:25 घंटे)

51 से ऊपर पुरुष: रोशन लाल (0:44:51 मिनट)
51 वर्ष से ऊपर की महिला: रविंदर कौर (1:06:11 घंटे)
5 कि.मी

पुरुष: पंकज (0:18:05 मिनट)
महिला: सीता (0: 21:05 मिनट)

बचपन प्ले स्कूल, ज़ीरकपुर ने मनाया "बार्बी & केन " पहला वार्षिक दिवस

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.25, 2024:-
बचपन प्ले स्कूल, वी आई पी रोड ज़ीरकपुर  ने "बार्बी & केन " पहला वार्षिक दिवस समारोह महात्मा गांधी स्टेट इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ पब्लिक एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन, सेक्टर -26, चंडीगढ़ में मनाया।

नेशनल इंडिपेंडेंट स्कूल्स अलायंस (निसा) के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष और फेडरेशन ऑफ़  प्राइवेट स्कूल्स वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन हरियाणा के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष डॉ. कुलभूषण  शर्मा  इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि थे।

मुक्ता शर्मा और डॉ, योगेश, निदेशक बचपन प्ले स्कूल ने कहा कि हम अपना वार्षिक दिवस मनाकर प्रसन्न हैं और आशा करते हैं कि आने वाले वर्षों में स्कूल और अधिक प्रगति करेगा। हम बचपन प्ले स्कूल को नन्हें बालकों के विकास का एक बेहतरीन सेंटर बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध हैं।

कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत दीप प्रज्ज्वलन के साथ हुई।  बच्चों ने सरस्वती वंदना प्रस्तुत की। उसके बाद नन्हे बच्चों ने डांस के माध्यम से पेड़ बचाव का सन्देश दिया I

कुलभूषण शर्मा ने कहा की एक बच्चे के लिए उसका बचपन ही उसका गोल्डन पीरियड है जिस समय उसे जो सिखाया जाएगा वो उसी व्यवहार को स्वीकार करता है और वो ही व्यवहार एक बच्चे के पूरे जीवन पर असर डालता है, बचपन स्कूल इस सफर में एक खास भूमिका अदा कर रहा है बचपन स्कूल  इतनी छोटी उम्र में बच्चो को एक ऐसा मंच दे रहे है वो कबीले तारीफ है और मैं धन्यवाद करना चाहुँगा स्कूल के डायरेक्टर्स का जो इतने अच्छे तरीके से स्कूल चला रहे है I क्योकि बचपन में जो बच्चा शिक्षा ग्रहण करेगा वो ही लाइफ टाइम उसके काम आती है I बचपन स्कूल 21 वी शताब्दी के बच्चों को तैयार करने में अहम् भूमिका अदा कर रहा है I

एलकेजी के नन्हे मुन्हो ने मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाला डांस पेश किया। और डांस के जरिये कराटे की कला भी दिखाई गई I यु के जी के बच्चों ने भांगड़ा और स्किट भी पेश की और अभिभावकों ने भी एन्जॉय किया । कार्यक्रम का समापन राष्ट्रगान के साथ हुआ।

बचपन प्ले स्कूल प्रारंभिक बचपन की शिक्षा में अग्रणी है, जो युवा शिक्षार्थियों के लिए एक पोषण और प्रेरक वातावरण प्रदान करने के लिए समर्पित है।  उत्कृष्टता के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता के साथ, बचपन अपनी स्थापना के बाद से ही युवा दिमागों को आकार दे रहा है, समग्र विकास और सीखने के प्रति प्रेम को बढ़ावा दे रहा है।

Saturday 24 February 2024

Sony Entertainment Television Partners with Yas Island Abu Dhabi for Its Flagship Celebrity Dance Reality Show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.24, 2024:-Sony Entertainment Television has collaborated with Yas Island Abu Dhabi, for its celebrity dance reality show, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, marking a ground-breaking integration that opens up a myriad of possibilities for both brands to engage with audiences in innovative ways. As the partnership between Sony Entertainment Television and Yas Island unfolds, audiences can look forward to an array of exciting collaborations and immersive experiences in the show, that promise to redefine the fabric of branded content.

The first leg of this integration saw the Judges - Farah Khan and Malaika Arora, along with hosts, Rithvik Dhanjani and Gauahar Khan visit this breath-taking location and create compelling capsules that bring alive some of the most sought-after experiences that Yas Island has to offer. The second leg includes a winner gratification for the celebrity and the choreographer with one other loved one for an all-expenses paid trip that allows them to experience the thrills and adventures of Yas Island.

This partnership underscores Sony Entertainment Television's commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional entertainment formats and embracing new avenues for storytelling and audience engagement. By harnessing the unique offerings of Yas Island, the channel has the potential to captivate audiences across demographics and geographies and together, these two powerhouses are poised to shape the future of entertainment, setting new standards of excellence and innovation along the way.

Farah Khan – Judge, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa

Yas Island Abu Dhabi is the epitome of leisure, entertainment, adventure, and non-stop fun. During our visit we had the best time exploring award-winning theme parks and iconic attractions and creating memories that will last a lifetime. As we gear up for the grand finale of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, I am glad that the winners will get the chance to experience Yas Island Abu Dhabi, one of the leading leisure and entertainment destination in the world. It's a reward that celebrates the hard work, passion, and dedication of our celebrity contestant and choreographer.

As Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa heads to its final stage, the excitement is palpable, and the stakes are higher than ever before. The grand finale promises to be an unforgettable event, with top-notch performances in this nail-biting competition.

फोर्टिस मोहाली में स्तन कैंसर संगोष्ठी के दौरान विशेषज्ञों ने नई सर्जिकल तकनीकों पर किया विचार-विमर्श

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.24, 2024: स्तन कैंसर पर जागरूकता फैलाने और सर्जिकल इंटरवेंशन में नवीनतम चिकित्सा प्रगति को उजागर करने के लिए, फोर्टिस कैंसर इंस्टीट्यूट, मोहाली ने शनिवार को अस्पताल में 'स्तन कैंसर संगोष्ठी' का आयोजन किया।

डॉ. नवल बंसल, एंडोक्राइन और स्तन कैंसर सर्जन, फोर्टिस अस्पताल, मोहाली, स्तन कैंसर के लिए हालिया और सर्वोत्तम उपचार के तौर-तरीकों पर प्रकाश डालने के लिए उत्तरी क्षेत्र में आयोजित यह अपनी तरह की पहली बहु-विषयक बैठक है और इसमें प्रसिद्ध ब्रैस्ट कैंसर सर्जन और ऑन्कोलॉजिस्ट ने भाग लिया। कार्यक्रम में नई सर्जिकल तकनीकों, एबीसी/एसजीआरटी रेडिएशन तकनीकों, पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट छात्रों के लिए पोस्टर क्विज़ और नवीनतम उपचार विकल्पों के बारे में पैनल चर्चा पर व्यावहारिक प्रशिक्षण सत्र शामिल थे।

डॉ. बंसल ने फोर्टिस मोहाली में स्तन कैंसर के लिए उपलब्ध सबसे उन्नत उपचार विकल्पों जैसे स्तन संरक्षण सर्जरी, सेंटिनल नोड लिम्फ बायोप्सी, इमीडियेट या डिलेड रिकंस्ट्रक्शन के साथ वैक्यूम असिस्टेड स्तन सर्जरी, मल्टी-डिसिप्लिनरी ट्यूमर बोर्ड, स्टीरियोटैक्टिक स्तन सर्जरी, इम्यूनोथेरेपी और नवीनतम रेडियोथेरेपी तकनीक आदि पर विचार-विमर्श किया।

डॉ. राजीव बेदी, डायरेक्टर, मेडिकल ऑन्कोलॉजी, फोर्टिस कैंसर इंस्टीट्यूट, मोहाली ने कहा, "फोर्टिस कैंसर इंस्टीट्यूट ने स्तन कैंसर के लिए सबसे उन्नत उपचारों का उपयोग करके स्तन कैंसर से पीड़ित कई रोगियों का इलाज किया है। संगोष्ठी ने स्तन कैंसर देखभाल में नवीनतम प्रगति के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान की है।

इसी तरह की भावना व्यक्त करते हुए, रेडिएशन ऑन्कोलॉजी के डायरेक्टर डॉ. नरेंद्र कुमार भल्ला ने कहा, "ग्लोबोकॉन 2020 के एक अध्ययन के अनुसार, भारत में हर चार मिनट में एक महिला को स्तन कैंसर का पता चलता है। हर साल लगभग 1,78,000 नए मामलों का निदान किया जाता है।" भारतीय महिलाओं में सबसे आम कैंसर बनने के लिए स्तन कैंसर ने सर्वाइकल कैंसर को पीछे छोड़ दिया है। संगोष्ठी में स्तन कैंसर प्रबंधन से संबंधित मुद्दों पर जोर दिया गया और उपचार में नवीनतम प्रगति का प्रदर्शन किया गया।"

अभिजीत सिंह, हेड-एसबीयू, फोर्टिस हॉस्पिटल मोहाली ने कहा, "फोर्टिस कैंसर इंस्टीट्यूट कैंसर देखभाल के लिए अत्याधुनिक बुनियादी ढांचे से सुसज्जित है। इस आयोजन में भारत भर के प्रसिद्ध डॉक्टरों सहित 250 से अधिक प्रतिनिधियों ने भाग लिया है। 

Chitkara Lit Fest a Triumph of Literature, Culture, and Ideas

By 121 News
Chandigarh 24 Feb 2024:-

The "Chitkara Lit Fest 2024" took place today at the Chitkara International School campus here in Chandigarh. Spanning three days from February 22nd to 24th, the inaugural and second-day events unfolded at the Himachal and Punjab campuses of Chitkara University. The initial two days featured engaging talks and discussions by renowned figures such as Ankur Warikoo, Jerry Pinto, Lady Kishwar Desai, spoken word artist Naib Midha, Mahek Mirza Prabhu, Rochelle Potkar, Zac O'Yeh, and various other distinguished luminaries and artists.

#ChitkaraLitFest  2024 revolved around the deep impact of literature, culture and ideas in today's times. The festival united litterateurs of diverse ideas and viewpoints and provided them a platform for meaningful dialogue and learning.

At the heart of the Chitkara Lit Fest 2024 today stood Imtiaz Ali, the luminary filmmaker whose presence ignited a fervour of anticipation among attendees. Renowned for his masterful storytelling and evocative narratives, Ali graced the stage with an aura of creativity and insight. Through intimate discussions and captivating anecdotes, he dove deep into the intricacies of Indian cinema, offering a glimpse into his creative process and the cultural influences that shaped his work. From his breakthrough film "Jab We Met" to the critically acclaimed "Highway" and "Rockstar," Imtiaz Ali's cinematic journey served as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring filmmakers and cinephiles alike. His vision for storytelling transcends borders, weaving together themes of love, identity, and self-discovery in a tapestry of emotions that resonates with audiences worldwide.

Ashish Vidyarthi, the seasoned Bollywood actor, brought his wealth of experience and infectious energy to the Chitkara Lit Fest stage. With a career spanning over three decades, Vidyarthi is known for his versatile performances across a myriad of roles. At the festival, he shared personal anecdotes and pearls of wisdom, inspiring attendees to pursue their passions with unwavering determination and authenticity.

Akshat Gupta, the celebrated writer known for his deep exploration of Indian mythology, captivated audiences with his profound understanding of ancient legends and folklore. Through his literary works, Gupta breathes new life into age-old tales, infusing them with contemporary relevance and universal truths. His ability to seamlessly blend tradition with modernity resonates with readers of all ages, making him a beloved figure in the literary world. At the Chitkara Lit Fest, Gupta engaged in enlightening discussions about the enduring appeal of mythology and its significance in shaping cultural identities. 

At Chitkara Lit Fest, attendees were treated to a lineup of distinguished personalities who graced the event with their presence and insights. Alongside them, Ankur Warikoo, the renowned entrepreneur and author, shared his wisdom on the digital renaissance in India, sparking lively conversations and igniting imaginations.

Further enhancing the cultural mosaic of the Chitkara Lit Fest were Jerry Pinto, Lady Kishwar Desai, and spoken word artist Nayab Midha. Pinto's literary prowess, Desai's commitment to preserving history through her work with the Partition Museum, and Midha's captivating performance, accompanied by a talented guitarist, added depth and diversity to the festival's offerings.

In addition, Mahek Mirza Prabhu and Zac O'Yeahmade notable appearances, further enriching the festival with their unique perspectives and talents.

They each, in their own way, left the audience star-struck and spellbound, their insights resonating long after the discussions ended. Their presence illuminated the festival, leaving an indelible mark on all who attended.

Dr. Madhu Chitkara,Chancellor, Chitkara University, shared her perspective on the Chitkara Lit Fest 2024, stated that the Chitkara Lit Fest has been a pivotal hub of intellectual exchange and cultural celebration. This year's event exceeded our expectations, thanks to the insightful contributions of our esteemed speakers and the vibrant energy of our attendees. As we bid farewell to another successful edition, we are reminded once again of the profound impact of literature, culture, and ideas on shaping our society. We eagerly anticipate continuing this enriching journey in the years ahead.

As the curtains close on yet another edition of the Chitkara Lit Fest, both organisers and attendees are left contemplating the profound influence of literature, culture, and ideas. The festival's remarkable capacity to unite diverse voices and perspectives serves as an affirmation of its significance as a platform for meaningful dialogue, continuous learning, and fostering connections that transcend boundaries. From February 22nd to February 24th, the festival played host to a diverse array of luminaries and artists, captivating audiences with engaging discussions, captivating performances, and thought-provoking presentations. 

'Sikhlens : Sikh Art and Film Festival 2024' Concludes Amid Authors, Filmmakers, Exhibitors and Artists.

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb.24, 2024:- A day-long 'Sikhlens: Sikh Art and Film Festival' featuring literature, films, art exhibitions, cultural events, thoughts exchange by intellectuals and writers, youth inspiration, historical heritage concluded at Tagore Theatre, Sector 18 on Saturday. This was the fifth edition of the event which was a not-for-profit endeavor and was organized by the Sikhlens Foundation in collaboration with Pinaka Mediaworks and Rolling Frames Entertainment. The event was also supported by the Department of Cultural Affairs, UT Administration and the United Sikh Mission. The program was inaugurated by Bikki Singh and Gurpreet Kaur Singh, founders of Sikhlens Bikki Singh Head - Sikhlens (India), Festival Director and National Film Award - Rajat Kamal awardee Ojaswwee Sharma among other dignitaries. 

After the Divine Orchestra performance led by the students of Eternal University, Baru Sahib (Sirmour, HP), the first film session witnessed the screening of short films which includes Apna Farz, Lord and Lady Singh, Breaking Barriers, The Standard Dhingra Story, Maa, The Invite, Sacred Threads in Lima, Sat Shri Akal, The Guardian Committee and Bruce Singh's The Lumberback.
Thereafter, cultural programs were presented by students of Mata Sahib Kaur Public School Swara Pindwherein Bhangra hogged the limelight. Later, a play themed on  'Itihas Gawah Hai' was aptly performed by the led by Davinder Singh
The second film session later in the afternoon was delighted by the screening of 'Legend of 1972, Life Hockey and Beyond' and 1947: Brexit India were screened.
The heritage artefact exhibitors, writers, Olympians, emerging music artists, religious scholars, diplomats interacted with the audience and discussed their respective topics.
At the sidelines of the proceedings, the astonishing feature of the event was exhibitions of paintings, heritage artefacts, books, photography, postal stamps which also provide opportunity to exhibitors and writers for exchanging ideas and thoughts with their audiences.

The musical gift in the evening was marked by Gurmat and Rabab music. This was followed by Zafarnama readings from Kaur sisters, and later Sikh martial arts – Gatka left everyone with nail biting.
The third and final film session in the evening, the films - American Sikh, The Stevia King, The Sikh Soldier, Resilience of Faith, Deems, Muntazir, Connecting the Dots, Sikh Community Voices were screened. A total of 17 short films from India, Canada, US, UK, Pakistan, Peru and other countries were screened which left the filmlovers spellbound.
Expressing his satisfaction over the successful completion of the event, Ojaswwee Sharma said that the event was aimed to strengthen the Sikh diaspora and women empowerment. Every section of the society joined the festivity aligned with their interest and made it successful. He said that this massive participation will motivate him to expand the upcoming editions.
Entry to the event was free throughout the day.

'Project Amrit' Initiated by Sant Nirankari Mission 'Clean Water, Clean Mind'

By 121 News
Chandigarh, Feb. 24, 2024:- The second phase of 'Swachh Jal, Swachh Man' initiative under Project Amrit will be held by Sant Nirankari Mission under the benign grace of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Nirankari Rajpita Ramit Ji from Yamuna Chhath Ghat, ITO Delhi on Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 8:00 am.


Sant Nirankari Mandal Secretary and Social Welfare Member Incharge, Joginder Sukhija informed that taking inspiration from the slogan 'Clean Water, Clean Mind', this project will be organized concurrently in 27 States and Union Territories including 900 cities in over 1500 places throughout India. This campaign's primary goal is to educate the public about the ways in which water bodies can be preserved so that future generations can enjoy a healthy future.


In Chandigarh to under "Project Amrit" Member of Nirankari Sewadal & Sadh Sangat will Clean the surroundings of Sant Nirankari  Satsang Bhawans.  


In 2023, the Sant Nirankari Mission and the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, launched 'Project Amrit' as a way to honour the cleaning drive, drawing inspiration from Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj's inspirational teachings. The project's primary goals are water body conservation, cleanliness and promotion through 'awareness campaigns' among the local populace. The project's main goal is to make water bodies beaches, rivers, lakes, ponds, wells, springs, etc. cleaner. Every sphere of society praised and respected this environmental preservation endeavor and the programme was a huge success.


The slogan 'Aao Sawarein, Yamuna Kinare' is being used to expand this campaign in Delhi. The youth of Sant Nirankari Mission are touring colleges, including Delhi, Indraprastha and JNU Universities to present songs on water conservation and raise awareness about water borne diseases through seminars, group songs and social media platforms.


The 'Amrit Project' aims to clean up the ghats in nearly every region of Delhi, including the ITO's Yamuna Chhat Ghat, Yamuna Nigam Bodh Ghat, Yamuna Soor Ghat, Yamuna Ram Ghat, & Yamuna Kalindi Kunj Ghat,  Bhalswa Lake, Sanjay Lake,  Ashok Vihar's Yamuna's Canal and the many more.


In addition, all the volunteers would work tirelessly to clean up the following areas in Greater Delhi; Brijghat, Garhmukteshwar Ganga, Surajpur, Hindon Ghat of Ghaziabad, Mandora Talab, Sankhol village, Dum Dama Lake on Sohna Road of Gurugram, Goripur of Sonipat, Ashanadh Road river, etc.


The Sant Nirankari Mission has always actively involved in social and welfare projects, including blood donation drives, cleanliness initiatives, tree planting efforts, the Talasari dam project, Oneness Vann – mega plantation drive and environmental awareness programmes. Undoubtedly, such welfare schemes of Nirankari Mission are a commendable and commendable step to protect the environment and make the earth beautiful, by following which the earth can be made more clean and beautiful.


The Baba Gurbachan Singh Memorial 24th Cricket Tournament shall commence on Sunday, February 25 at Sant Nirankari Spiritual Complex, Samalkha, with the blessings of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj. Participants in this tournament hailing from many states around the nation will serve as a source of inspiration for young people while also promoting the Divine message of unity via their graceful demonstration of discipline, decency and tolerance.

शक्ति वंदन अभियान के अंतर्गत चाय पे चर्चा और एनजीओ सम्मान

By 121 News
Chndigarh, Feb.24, 2024:-
भारतीय जनता पार्टी चंडीगढ़ द्वारा शक्ति वंदन अभियान के अंतर्गत सेल्फ हेल्प ग्रुप और एनजीओ संपर्क अभियान में डॉक्टर भीम राव अम्बेडकर  जिला के प्रमुख सेल्फ हेल्प ग्रुप और एनजीओ के साथ चाय पर चर्चा और सम्मान का आयोजन लोकसभा विस्तारक दिनेश चौहान के नेतृत्व में किया गया। सुनीता धवन, अजय सिंगला, रवि रावत ( जिला अध्यक्ष), वैभव (जिला महामंत्री ) ने भाग लिया।
अभियान संयोजक अजय सिंगला ने बताया कि इस अभियान के अंतर्गत प्रदेश के सेल्फ हेल्प ग्रुप और एनजीओ से संपर्क कर मोदी सरकार की जनकल्याण नीतियों को जन जन तक पहुंचाना और अधिक से अधिक संख्या में समूह के सदस्यों को पार्टी की विचारधारा से जोड़ना मुख्य उद्देश्य है।

Paramedical Education in Region Gets a Fillip, GD Goenka Healthcare Academy Opens

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Panchkula, Feb. 24, 2024:- Aimed at providing quality training to aspiring candidates of different paramedical streams, GD Goenka Healthcare Academy has forayed into the region. Prof Karamjeet Singh, Vice Chancellor, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University (JGNDPSOU), Patiala inaugurated GD Goenka Healthcare Academy in Peer Muchalla, adjoining Sec 20 Panchkula. It is noteworthy that paramedics are health care assistants, laboratory technicians, technologists, therapists etc. who work alongside qualified medical practitioners in hospitals and health care setups. 

Prof. Karamjeet Singh said that he is sure the academy in tricity will not only help in bridging the gap in the region for paramedics but also nationally. He has been informed that all courses on offer are given in association with the prestigious names in the field of career oriented vocational paramedical courses recognized from national and international bodies.

Mohit Mehra, CEO, GD Goenka Healthcare, said that there is a huge demand and supply gap for trained paramedics in India's healthcare industry. There is a current shortage of 2.5 million paramedics and the industry is poised to grow to 18 million by 2030. We have  over 70 centres across India, and are trying to do our bit to bridge this huge gap. It is also pertinent to note that according to an ASSOCHAM report India's healthcare industry is expected to grow to hit $50 billion in size by 2025. Additionally, in the Union Budget 2023-24, the government allocated Rs. 89,155 crores (US$ 10.76 billion) to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).

Sharat Singh, Director, GD Goenka HealthCare Academy, Peer Muchalla, said that we will be offering 12 certificate courses, 7 diplomas, 8 degrees and 4 Post Graduate courses in different paramedical fields. Courses like Emergency Medical Technician – Basic, ECG Assistant, Blood Bank Technician, Psychotherapy Assistant, Pharmacy Assistant, Dental Assistant, Dialysis Technician, X-ray Technician, and Radiology Technician among others will be provided.  Even paramedical courses that the Indian Medical Association (IMA) recognizes will be offered by the Academy.

It was informed that the criteria for certificate courses is that minimum Class X pass outs can enrol in these and certificate courses' duration is between six months and one year; for diplomas and degrees minimum qualifying criteria is Class XII and for Masters its Graduation.

Swapan Singh, Consultant, GD Goenka HealthCare Academy, Peer Muchalla, said that there are clinical internships offered to students in hospitals and the exposure to practical learning is quite a lot.  The academy has its own dialysis machine to teach the basics of dialysis to students, there are other practical learning aids also available.

Swapan  added that 100 percent placement assistance is given to the students. The students who come from weaker sections can avail of 100 per cent educational loan, which is provided interest free due to the arrangements of the Academy with different financial institutions.

Sharat Singh summed up that healthcare is a fast-paced and rewarding industry and there are huge employment opportunities not just in India but even abroad. We just need skilled professionals, who will have not only rapid career growth but also job security.