Tuesday 16 February 2021

Environment Deptt. Develop “Carbon Watch”

By 121 News

Chandigarh Feb. 16, 2021:- The Mobile App "Carbon Watch" has been developed by the Department of Environment, Chandigarh Administration for the residents of City Chandigarh to assess their Carbon Footprint and steps to reduce it in order to make them Climate-Smart Citizens. This Mobile App works on all Android supporting smart phones. Apart from Chandigarh resident's other can also make their account on the "Carbon Watch" and calculate their Carbon footprint.

Sh. Debendra Dalai, IFS, Director Environment, Chandigarh Administrator today launched the Mobile Based Application (App) "Carbon Watch" through online platform. The e-inaugural of mobile app was attended by Teachers, Students& Research Scholars from various colleges, schools , University& Research Institutes. This Mobile App works on all Android supporting smart phones.

Sh. Debendra Dalai informed that this app is an initiative of Department to keep the city and country in the vanguard of climate initiatives. In the context of climate action, country-wide emissions targets, thrust on renewables, and policy changes are some of the oft-suggested measures. But while these macro-level interventions play their part, the role of a citizen is equally paramount. Because all big or small changes, start from individual action. Further, he informed that the Department of Forest, Chandigarh Administration has agreed to plant equal number of saplings during ensuing monsoon season to the total number of mobile app downloads.

At the outset of the event, there was an interactive session with Teachers & Students regarding causes of Carbon Emissions, their effects on Environment & how an individual can minimize the same.

At the end, a brief presentation on how the individual can calculate his Carbon footprint by using the app was demonstrated. During, live presentation it was also communicated that the app focuses on individuals' actions and calculates carbon footprint on the basis of Transport, Energy, Waste and Water consumption. It also suggests remedial actions and sensitize people about their lifestyle emissions, their impact and possible countermeasures to mitigate the same.

During event, officials from Environment Department & Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee were also present.

Interested can download this app by scanning following QR Code or by accessing url "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carboneye"& for any feedback or suggestion can write to department at ch-env@nic.in:

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