Saturday, 6 February 2016

Governor Participate and Supports Big Day Indian Hunger Challenge

By 121 News

Chandigarh 06th February:- Hon' Governor, Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki Participated and Supported Big Day Indian Hunger Challenge this early Morning at Governor House., Chandigarh. He Congratulated and Appreciated Founders, Gaurav  Goyal and Shipra Goyal for a Noble thought behind Hunger Challenge and utilizing the Social Electronic Media in a Positive Manner which is Supporting the Society as whole.He Appealed the Youth to contribute towards the Society and Stop The wastage of Food.
BDIHC aims at feeding the Poor not with Money but Food, Clothes, Education as well as Shelter. It was Started almost 18 months back and Various Celebrities and Dignitaries including Kapil Dev (Former Cricketer), Virbhadra Singh (C.M Himachal Pardesh), Shanta Kumar (Politician), Poonam Dhillon(Actor), Savita BHatti(Actor) Sanjay Tandon(Politician) , DIG Naunihal Singh and many others have contributed towards this cause.
Hon. Governor also Requested and Nominated all the Citizens of Country to Support Big Day Indian Hunger Challenge so that we all together can feed a portion of 194.6million people who go hungry everyday out of the Total Population of More than 1.2 billion. For more details you can visit their Facebook Page


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