Saturday 6 June 2020

Sohrab Sitaram Addressees Chitkara University on The New Business Outlook

By 121 News

Chandigarh une 06 2020'-The start-up specialist, entrepreneur & CEO of Keventers – Sohrab Sitaram addressed Chitkara University via a facebook live session on how recent happenings globally have made business environment fraught with change,  he said it's time to re-imagine business and explore insights into the New Business Outlook.

Answering a very topical and relevant question on how important it is to market yourself in today's ever changing business dynamics he opined that there is nothing bad about marketing yourself if you are involved in any activity which is benefiting others , personal branding not only  helps you  develop your network where you try to connect with people to grow your business but also facilitates people connecting with you on their own ,it helps establishing a two way channel of reaching out with your product/services.

Speaking on making a balance between financial viability and taking care of one's  health and protecting lives in these dire times of COVID 19 he said that this being a very tight rope walk one has to be extremely cautious  while making a balance between the two.,  he further added that whatever needs to be done must be done  keeping the plight of poorest of pure like daily wagers and others living on the margins who have been pushed into pitiable conditions because  of the corona virus

Sharing his vast treasure of knowledge in a session which  had a wide array of people joining in for the session from across the country he took an insightful dive into various questions he also emphasized on new normal of hospitality industry which will take a paradigm shift   owing to various circumstances he also spoke on the  drop in the life span  of the new companies where average age of a company which was 100 years earlier to an average of 20 years now so frugal spending and reducing fixed costs is need of the hour.

He wound up his session by congratulating Chitkara University who he said "is doing a spectacular work in the field of education tirelessly.

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