Tuesday 26 July 2016

EC 2013 Reflects Number of Establishments in Rural Areas Decreased by 5392

By 121 News

Chandigarh 26th July:- The Economic Census is the official count of all entrepreneurial units located within the geographical boundaries of a nation, involved in economic activities of either agricultural (excluding crop production and plantation) or non-agricultural sectors of the economy, engaged in the production or distribution of goods or services not for the sole purpose of own consumption.

Enumeration blocks of population, Census 2011 were used as the Primary Geographical Units for the data as per guidelines of Govt. Of India to undertake Counting of Establishments defined as Business Premises, Firm, Company, Enterprise, Venture, Factory, House or a Shop then whether it may be with or without fix structure. All 376 Enumeration Blocks were enumerated by employing 340 persons from Employment Exchange and with overall involvement of 77 Govt. Supervisors. The Survey was conducted during February and March 2013 and has been compiled with 83,578 Establishments employing 2, 46,707 against population of 10.55 Lac (as per Census 2011). It was for the first time EC also accounted for Handlooms & Handicraft Sector, and also it was primary survey in the Sector of Women Entrepreneur. The survey as expected reveals a growth in Urban Character Establishments along with tremendous growth in Female Workers. The Executive Summary has been divided into 5 Sections Establishments, Trade Analyses, Employment, Handloom & Handicraft and Women Entrepreneur.



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