By 121 News
Chandigarh 06th February:- Oral cancer constitutes over 40 percent of all cancers and tobacco alone causes more than 91 percent of all oral cancers; this alarming statistics were revealed by Dr. Ashish Vashist, MD of "Centre for Health Policy Research & Analysis" in a seminar on "Role of national health policy in prevention against oral cancer" at Rayat Bahara University Campus today. The seminar attended by over 200 health professionals and students was conducted by "Centre for Health Policy Research & Analysis" in association with "Rayat & Bahara Dental College" and "Thakar Dei Mehra Charitable Foundation."
Dr. Ashish also discussed the "National Oral Health Policy" and emphasised the need to revise it comprehensively. "The National oral health policy is deficient on all ground and more soon the primordial prevention of oral cancer. D Dr. Ashish Vashist said that dentists get the first opportunity to examine the patient's oral cavities and have the time and opportunity to counsel the patient against the use of tobacco. They can be the first line of counsellors and their services can be used for tobacco cessation too.
Social activist Hemant Goswami pointed out that most academicians and professionals don't participate or provide their inputs in the policy/ legislative formulation and leave it in the hands of bureaucrats, which often result in non-implementable and lop-sided health policies. Hemant Goswami added that in India we have no policy or legislation to deal with cancer causing carcinogenic agents despite the fact that we have a list of hundreds of sure shot cancer causing agents. Despite this policy vacuum and the growing threat of cancer the Government is doing nothing to restrict and control the carcinogens. We need a proper legislation to ban/ restrict these carcinogens; increase occupational safety related to carcinogenic occupations and also bring in more accountability for the industries whose product cause cancer.
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