Monday 13 October 2014

PGI Holds 1st Prof. J.G.Jolly Oration


BY 121 News Reporter

Chandigarh 13th October:- The 1st Prof. J.G.Jolly Oration was held today in PGI.  The Oration has been started in recognition of the landmark contributions made by late Prof. Jolly in the field of Transfusion Medicine.  He was a pioneer in voluntary blood donation and was also instrumental in starting the M.D.Transfusion Medicine course in various institutes of the country.  He was Founder President of the Indian Society of Blood Transfusion & Immunohaematology and his birthday date 1st October is celebrated as National Voluntary Blood Donation  Day in the country.  He was also the recipient of the prestigious Dr.B.C.Roy Award. The Oration was delivered by Prof.Vinay Kumar, a highly renowned and eminent scientist in the University of Chicago.  Prof.Vinay Kumar is the Editor-in-Chief of the textbook 'Robbins Pathology' which is widely read by medical students throughout the world.  The topic of his talk was "Mice to Men and Bench to Bedside : A Story of Connectivity".  In his talk he highlighted the importance of Basic Research which actually forms the basis of finding solutions to clinical problems.  His experimental work yielded novel biomolecules as potential  agents for cancer treatment. He was presented with a plaque by Prof.Yogesh Chawla, Director, PGI and a scroll of honour by Dean of the Institute Prof.Amod Gupta.

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