Monday 16 December 2013


By 121 News Reporter
Chandigarh 16th December:- Harit Kumar an Anti AIDS activist has
welcomed the judgement of the Supreme Court declaring sex between same
genders as illegal. While he whole heartedly hailed the judgement, his
crusade against same gender sex will continue. Harit as a follow up to
the Hon Supreme Court's milestone judgment has filed a police
complaint against Pro Gay organizations and celebrities. Moreover, he
has written a letter giving his views to the Hon President of India,
the Hon Prime of India, the Union Health Minister & the Hon Chief
Justice of India and requesting them to take a pro-active stand
against this scourge.

It is a well known fact, reconfirmed by the study carried out by the
Harit, who in addition to being an Anti AIDS activist is also a
microbiologist, he has even made a short film "I AM A CONDOM", on the
subject, that the start point of this disease is from Gays, Bisexuals
and Lesbians. He scientifically explained how and why AIDs is a
predominantly Gay disease in a Media Conference held at Chandigarh. He
however was pained that there are many umbrella organizations which
are indirectly supporting spread of this debilitating disease and
which are unwittingly supported by powerful lobbies. According to Mr
Harit Kumar, "There should be a ban on such INDIAN LGBT ORGANISATIONS,
FESTIVAL MUMBAI, SAPPHO CALCUTTA and many others falling in the same
category. These organizations are knowingly or unknowingly promoting
same gender sex & in the bargain fanning spread of AIDS." Adds Harit,
"As the Apex court has ruled that same gender sex is illegal, action
should also be taken against organizations and people supporting the

In this direction Harit Kumar will soon be filing an FIR against all
the organizations which provides unwarranted support to LGBTs so that
spread of the disease is curbed at the grass root level. In this he is
also contemplating encompassing Bollywood Big Wigs, like John Abraham,
Celina Jaitley and other personalities who seemingly promote the
spread of the dreaded disease by their pro-Gay stance. Says Harit,
"Action is needed also against the show BIG BOSS on popular TV channel
Colors which show cases gays, lesbians, porno stars setting a bad
precedent for the unwary audience which has a large number of
juveniles. Not just the producers of this show but even its Brand
Ambassador actor Salman Khan should be taken to task." In our slumber
AIDS has acquired proportions of an Epidemic. It therefore, becomes
the duty of all citizens especially the Government and the legal setup
to view this plague afresh and take appropriate measures for its
Harit is not against those who have gone on the wrong path. He wants
them to be weaned away and supports all those organizations who try to
de-addict these lost souls and bring them back onto the path which God
has created for mankind; natural copulation between man and woman. In
his fight against HIV/AIDS, Harit Kumar is not alone. Some very
prominent people of the society have joined him in his crusade. These
people, namely, Dr. Rajesh Gulia, a USA trained doctor Reenu Padam,
Research Scholar of IIT Roorkee, who also participated in today's
Media Conference. Subhrodip Sengupta Social Counsellor from West
Bengal, Hemangi Ali Actress in Bollywood, Uddipan Sarkar, Freelance
Journalist and Article writer and budding Film Maker.

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