Saturday 18 May 2024

हर-हर महादेव के जयकारों के बीच श्री केदारनाथ धाम के लिए राशन लदे 4 ट्रक रवाना

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 18, 2024:- ओम महादेव कांवड़ सेवा दल, चण्डीगढ़ द्वारा इस वर्ष भी केदारनाथ धाम के लिए राशन के कई ट्रक रवाना किए गए जिनको पूर्व सांसद सत्यपाल जैन ने हरी झंडी दिखाकर रवाना किया। इस मौके पर शिव मंदिर बुडैल में जोशीले श्रद्धालुओं ने जय केदार व हर-हर महादेव के जयकारों से आकाश गुंजायमान कर दिया। 
सेवा दल के प्रधान गौरव श्रीवास्तव ने बताया कि बाबा की कृपा से उन्होंने पिछले वर्ष भी श्री केदारधाम में भंडारा लगाया था जो कि लगभग एक महीने तक चला था। इस बार भी 1 महीने तक केदारनाथ धाम में लगातार भंडारा लगा रहे हैं। सेवादल का प्रयास है कि किसी भी बाबा के भक्त को कोई परेशानी ना हो इसी भावना से हम अपने 120 सेवादारों के साथ केदारनाथ जा रहे हैं। जिनमें माता बहनों की सेवा के लिए 48 लड़कियां भी शामिल हैं। सेवादल का प्रयास है कि ओम महादेव कांवड़ सेवादल शहर में धर्म का काम बढ़-चढ़ कर रही है। संस्था द्वारा कई वर्षों से शहर में महाशिवपुराण की कथा और गरीब कन्याओं का विवाह आदि के कार्यक्रम करवाए जाते हैं। सेवा दल ने शहर में कई जगह पीने के पानी की व्यवस्था करवाई है व युवाओं को नशे से दूर रखने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं और सनातन धर्म को जोड़कर रखा जाए यही ओम महादेव कवर सेवा दल का प्रयास है। 

ट्रकों की रवानगी से पहले लड़कियों द्वारा एक नुक्कड़ नाटक का आयोजन भी किया गया जिसमें दिखाया गया कि केदारनाथ की यात्रा करने वाले किसी भी यात्री को किसी भी प्रकार की दिक्कतो का सामना न करना पड़े सेवादार हर किसी की सहायता हेतु तैयार है। सेवा दल का एक प्रयास यह भी है कि जो युवक युवतियों ज्यादातर फोन में लग रहते थे आज वह सेवा दल में भाग लेकर मानव सेवा में लगे हैं।

 इस मौके पर सेवादल के सदस्य नवीन सोनु गर्ग, अशोक, मुनीष, मोहित, मोनू गर्ग, रिंकू जैन, अभिषेक, पूनम कोठारी, नरेश गर्ग, भूषण गुलाटी, मनोहर, पुनीत व अभिषेक श्रीवास्तव मौजूद थे।

चंडीगढ में निरंकारी महिला संत समागम आयोजित ब्रह्मज्ञान प्राप्त कर जीवन को खुश हाल बनाए

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 18, 2024:- निरंकारी सतगुरु माता सुदीक्षा जी महाराज की प्रेरणा से देशभर में महिला संत समागम आयोजित किए जा रहे हैं। इसी कड़ी में  चंडीगढ के सेक्टर 30 स्थित संत निरंकारी सत्संग भवन में  महिला संत  समागम का आयोजन किया  गया। इस समागम में हैदराबाद (तेलंगाना) के जोनल इंचार्ज बहन मोहिनी आहूजा ने सतगुरू माता सुदीक्षा जी महाराज का शुभ संदेश प्रदान किया।
निरंकारी मिशन में महिलाओं के महान योगदान का जिक्र करते हुए बहन मोहिनी ने कहा कि मिशन के पूज्य जगत माता बुद्धवंती जी, निरंकारी राजमाता कुलवंत कौर जी, माता सविंदर हरदेव जी व वर्तमान में सतगुरु माता सुदीक्षा जी महाराज का असाधारण योगदान महिला जगत का ही नहीं बल्कि पूरी मानव जाति का निरंतर मार्गदर्शन कर रहा है।
बहन मोहिनी ने कहा कि  हर नारी  स्वयं  भी खुश रहना चाहती हैं और घर-परिवार को भी खुशमय बनाना चाहती हैं तो  निरंकारी सत्संग'' से बेहतर कोई विकल्प नहीं है। निरंकारी सतगुरू से ब्रह्मज्ञान प्राप्त कर प्रभु परमात्मा को जानकर जीवन का असली मकसद हासिल करके लाखों इंसानों का जीवन सफल हुआ है और उनके घर परिवारों में रोनकें आ गयी हैं।
जिस घर में परिवार के सभी सदस्य मर्यादा में रहते हुए अपनी-अपनी जिम्मेवारियों को निभाते हैं वहां हर समय प्यार ही प्यार होता है व स्वर्ग का नक्शा बना रहता है तथा ऐसे घर-परिवार में शारीरिक, मानसिक व आर्थिक अर्थात हर तरह के सुख बरसते हैं ।
उन्होंने कहा कि निरंकारी सत्संग से सीख लेकर हजारों नारियों ने अपने घर परिवार की तस्वीर बदल दी है, वे सिर्फ प्रवचन सुनने तक सीमित नहीं रहीं, बल्कि निरंकारी सतगुरु द्वारा प्रदान ''ब्रह्मज्ञान'' को अपने जीवन का हिस्सा बनाकर, अपने आचरण द्वारा प्रेम तथा शांति का माहौल देकर अपने ही घर को स्वर्ग बना दिया है।

मिशन के विचारधारा के बारे में बहन मोहिनी जी ने कहा कि कोई भी इंसान प्रभु का ज्ञान प्राप्त करके प्रभु की इच्छा के अनुरूप जीवन जापन कर सकता है। संसार की सारी जिम्मेदारियां को निभाते हुए भी वह कमल की भांति अनासक्त भाव से सहज अवस्था में जीवन जी सकता है।

इसी लड़ी में चंडीगढ़ के सैक्टर 45, सैक्टर 40, सैक्टर 15  में मुखी स्तर के महिला समागमों का भी आयोजन किया गया। इन महिला संत समागम के दौरान कई वक्ताओं ने अपने विचार गीत, लघुनाटिका, भक्ति रचनाओं आदि के माध्यम से प्रेम, दया, सहनशीलता, विश्वास, करुणा व एकत्व आदि मूल्यों पर प्रकाश डाला।

डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने सेक्टर 56 और खुड्डा अलीशेर पदयात्रा कर किया चुनाव प्रचार

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 18, 2024:-बहुजन समाज पार्टी की चंडीगढ़ संसदीय सीट से प्रत्याशी डॉक्टर रितु सिंह अपने चुनाव प्रचार अभियान के तहर आज सेक्टर 56 व गांव खुड्डा अलीशेर पहुंची और पदयात्रा कर क्षेत्र निवासियों से सम्पर्क साधा और कांग्रेस व भाजपा की जनविरोधी नीतियों को उजागर किया। उन्होंने लोगों को जागरूक करते हुए कहा कि दोनों पार्टियों ने देश को लूटने और अपना व अपने परिचितों का घर भरने का काम किया है। इन्हें चिंता देश या देशवासियों की नही बल्कि सत्ता मे रहकर अपना घर भरने की है। आपको रोजगार मिलता या नही, इन्हें कोई चिंता नही है। आप महंगाई को लेकर दुखी है, इससे इन्हें कोई फर्क नही पड़ता। यह ऐशो आराम की ज़िंदगी ज़ी रहे हैं। जागो देशवासियों जागो और एकजुट होकर इन्हें सत्ता से बाहर का रास्ता दिखाओ। भाजपा 10 साल सत्ता में रहने के बाद अपनी उपलब्धियों को बताने की बजाए, अभी भी कांग्रेस व अन्य पार्टियों को ही कोस रही है कि देश का इन्होंने बुरा हाल कर दिया। माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी फिर आपने 10 साल में क्या किया। अपने पूंजीपति मित्रों को खुश किया।

Yogi Adityanath's Huge Election Rally on May 20 in Maloya: Jatinder Pal Malhotra

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 18, 2024:-
Chandigarh BJP president Jatinder Pal Malhotra said that on May 20, party's star campaigner UP CM Yogi Adityanath will address a huge election rally in Maloya.

Preparations for this big public are going on in full swing. On Saturday, President Malhotra, Vice President Rambir Bhatti, General Secretary Hukam Chand, Amit Jindal and other office-bearers, including District President Ravi Rawat and Mandal President Krishna Garg, inspected all the arrangements at the venue of the public meeting. 

President Malhotra said that there is a lot of enthusiasm among the people towards BJP's star campaigner Yogi Adityanath. Impressed by the mesmerizing speech style and excellent working style of Yogi Maharaj, the people of Chandigarh want to see and listen to him closely. 

He said that a large number of people are expected to arrive on this occasion. Along with security, all other arrangements are being made strictly during Yogi ji's public meeting. 

Regarding these arrangements, meetings have been held with the office-bearers of all the cells of the BJP and they have been assigned different duties.

The BJP chief said the Chandigarh elections are in favour of the party from the day one. Veteran BJP leaders are also confident that the BJP candidate from Chandigarh seat is going to reach the Lok Sabha by winning more than 60 percent votes. 

Till now, after BJP National President JP Nadda and Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, the people of Chandigarh will get to hear the voice of a veteran leader like Yogi Maharaj in this election. 

He said during the election campaign, this veteran leader of the BJP is coming not only to appeal to the people of Chandigarh for their votes but also to assure them that after the victory of BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon, the BJP MP will contribute in the development of Chandigarh. Along with this, all these leaders will also contribute.

Friday 17 May 2024

भगवान परशुराम जन्मोत्सव में पहुंचे नवीन जयहिंद

By 121 News
Panipat, May 17, 2024:- जयहिंद सेना प्रमुख नवीन जयहिंद शुक्रवार को  पानीपत वासियों को जन्मोत्सव का चूल्हा न्यौत देने पहुँचे । इस मौक़े पर जयहिंद ने  पानीपत की संजय कॉलोनी में  भगवान् परशुराम जन्मोत्सव के असवर पर आयोजित जनसभा को सम्बोधित कर कहा कि आगामी 19 मई को पहरावर में भगवान परशुराम जन्मोत्सव मनाया जायेगा और यहाँ पहुचें सभी भक्तों का चूल्हा न्योता है| परिवार सहित 19 को पहरावर जरुर पहुंचे | देश में अयोध्या में श्री राम की सबसे बड़ी मूर्ति लगाई गई हैं और  पहरावर में 121 फीट भगवान् परशुराम मंदिर मूर्ति निर्माण की नींव रखी जाएगी | भगवान परशुराम की मूर्ति न्याय, मान-सम्मान और स्वाभिमान की प्रतिक होगी | सामाजिक योद्धाओं (36 बिरादरी) को जिन्होंने पहरावर की जमींन के लिए संघर्ष किया और समाज के हक की आवाज उठाते है उन्हे भगवान परशुराम जन्मोत्सव पर सम्मानित किया जायेगा |

जयहिंद ने कहा 36 बिरादरी में अगर किसी के साथ भी अन्याय हो रहा हो तो उन्हे आवाज उठानी चाहिए और हमेशा दूसरों की भलाई के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए । ग़रीब कमजोर की लड़ाई लड़ने वाला ही परशुराम का असली चेला होता है और जो आवाज नहीं उठा सकते वह किसी भी भगवान के भक्त नहीं हो सकते ।  

जयहिंद ने साथ ही कहा कि यह कार्यक्रम पूरी तरह से गैर -राजनीतिक और सामाजिक रहेगा | किसी भी तरह से राजनीतिक बयानबाजी इस कार्यक्रम नहीं होगी | साथ ही स्टेज पर नेताओं को नहीं 36 बिरादरी के उन योद्धाओं को स्थान और सम्मान मिलेगा जिन्होंने समाज के हक़ की लड़ाई के लिए फरसा उठाया | उस लड़ाई में तन -मन धन से साथ दिया | भ्रष्ट , बेईमान और झूठे लोग इस कार्यक्रम में न आये | 
जयहिंद ने कहा कि इस मौके पर देशी घी का भंडारा किया जायेगा और 36 बिरदारी के लोग प्रसाद ग्रहण करने पहुंचेगे | प्रदेश ही नहीं बल्कि दुसरे राज्यों से भी परशुराम भक्त इस जन्मोत्सव में हिस्सा लेने पहुंचेंगे | 

साथ ही जयहिंद ने कहा कि जन्मोत्सव में लोग अपनी शासन और प्रशासन से जुड़ी समस्याओं लेकर आयेंगे । समाधान के लड़ाई वे लड़ेंगे । देवी -देवताओं के आशीर्वाद से लोगों की आवाज़ उठाने का काम कर रहे है ।और आगे भी करते रहेंगे । पिछली साल भी सैकड़ों लोग अपनी समस्या लेकर  जन्मोत्सव में आये थे और उनकी लगभग सभी समस्याओं का समाधान करवाया था | 19 मई को पहरावर में  पूरे राज्य  से 36 बिरादरी का भाईचारा आये, अपनी समस्या साथ लाए और भगवान परशुराम का आशीर्वाद व प्रसाद ग्रहण करें ।  उनकी समस्याओं की लड़ाई वे लड़ेंगे | 

इस मौके पर ब्राहमण समाज के प्रधान राम रत्तन शर्मा, बलराम, सोएब आलम सहित कई गणमान्य मोजूद रहे

Škoda Auto India implements New Corporate Identity as part of its New Era

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 17, 2024:-– While Škoda Auto India has announced its all-new compact SUV and has a string of product actions in its pipeline, the company continues focussing on strengthening its network and customers as part of its New Era in India. After enhancing its digitalisation strategy, the brand has now announced the implementation of its New Corporate Identity in its physical assets like dealerships, service centres and other customer touchpoints.

Speaking on the announcement, Petr Janeba, Brand Director, Škoda Auto India, said that together with making world-class cars, our efforts have always focused on offering a wholesome, all-encompassing and enriching experience to our customers, our families and our fans. Digitalisation is of course, one of the many ways we reach out to customers. Just as crucial is our consistency with our messaging, our design language, our identity and the face we present to our customers and all other stakeholders. We have been steadily and consciously implementing our brand's New Corporate Identity in our communications and our marketing across 2023. Now, we are ready to take it to the next phase, which will include our dealerships and various customer touchpoints.


Škoda Auto India's new styling and typeface uses entirely new typography based on symmetry to convey solidity in combination with round shapes and borders conveying fluidity. The New Corporate Identity is a further extension of the Modern Solid dictum dictating the brand's designs and aesthetics since 2022. Moreover, Škoda Auto's iconic Winged Arrow imagery will make way for the Škoda wordmark ensuring a unison in communication and imagery across all of the company's customer touchpoints.

With colours and lights

The New Corporate Identity also allows signages in dealership premises the freedom to use the time of the day or night to alter the tone of illumination. The symmetrical and solid lettering lights up sedate Emerald Green in the day and vibrant Electric Green by night maintaining variety yet uniformity with the Škoda signature colours. This aesthetic extends into other finer details of the customer interface complex like the pylon, the dealer branding, the entrance portal and certain highlight walls within.


These changes are in line with a series of non-product evolutions and engagements undertaken by Škoda Auto India in its endeavour to enhance its reach and get closer to customers. Following the brand's entry into the New Era with the announcement of its all-new compact SUV to make its world debut in India in H1 2025, Škoda Auto India also implemented a spate of digitalised strategies that led to a revolution in terms of customer engagement.


It's fully digital Name Your Škoda campaign garnered over 2,00,000 names for its upcoming compact SUV with over 24,000 unique names as of date. The company's Škodaverse India platform, after witnessing the uptake of 128 Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in 128 minutes of its introduction, implemented the Škoda Gearheads membership programme enabling customers and fans to avail of premium merchandise, VIP treatment and other exclusive benefits. Škoda Auto India also marked 24 years since its incorporation in the country with a 24-hour sale on 24 March 2024 garnering 709 bookings exclusively through its digital platforms.


India will become the fastest market to rebrand all its facilities with the new Corporate Identity. The implementation has commenced and the signages are as per Škoda Auto's global standards, leveraging local expertise in manufacturing world-class signage elements. All customer touchpoints shall be ready with the new Corporate Identity in time for the launch of the new compact SUV planned in 2025. This will ensure a consistent customer journey. All dealer partners are actively participating in the rebranding process, to ensure quick implementation of the new Corporate Identity.

निर्दलीय उम्मीदवार महंत रविकांत को आबंटित हुआ "लेटर बॉक्स" चुनाव चिन्ह

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 17, 2024:-चंडीगढ़ उपायुक्त कार्यालय में आज निर्दलीय उम्मीदवारों को चुनाव चिन्ह आबंटन प्रक्रिया सम्पन्न हुई। जिसमे इन उम्मीदवारों को उनकी डिमांड अनुसार चुनाव चिन्ह दिए गए, लेकिन इस दौरान चुनाव ऑब्जर्वर और चुनाव अधिकारी के सामने आज उस समय अजीब सी और विवाद की स्थिति पैदा हो गई, जब निर्दलीय उम्मीदवारों को चुनाव चिन्ह आबंटन के दौरान उनकी इच्छानुसार मांगे गए चुनाव चिन्ह आपस मे 02- 02 लोगों की प्रथम मांग पर अटक गये। दरअसल 02 निर्दलीय उम्मीदवारों ने यहां चुनाव चिन्ह गन्ना किसान अप्लाई किया था तो वहीं 02 अन्य ने भी अपना चुनाव चिन्ह बैटरी टार्च मांगा था। गन्ना किसान वाले निर्दलीय उम्मीदवार तो यहां चुनाव चिन्ह के लिए अड़ गए, बाद में ड्रा से इसका समाधान निकाला गया। वहीं निर्दलीय उम्मीदवार महंत रविकांत मुनि उदासी ने अपने साधु स्वभाव की उदारता से बड़पन दिखाते हुए बिना किसी विवाद के अपने प्रतिद्वंद्वी को स्वेच्छा से खुशी खुशी चुनाव चिन्ह बैटरी टार्च दे दिया और बाद में मिले लेटरबक्स चुनाव चिन्ह को स्वीकार किया। जिसकी वहाँ मौजूद सभी उम्मीदवारों और चुनाव अधिकारी विनय प्रताप सिंह ने भी प्रशंसा की।

महंत रविकांत ने कहा कि वो यहां चंडीगढ़ की जनता को गोहत्या के पाप से मुक्त करने और जनता में अपनी बात रखने के लीये आये हैं न कि आपस मे लड़ने या उलझने। उन्होंने कहा कि अपनी चुनावी मुहिम को वो कल से अमली जामा पहनाने जा रहे हैं। वो शहर निवासियों से सम्पर्क साध उन्हें गोहत्या बन्दी कानून, सरकारी दखल के बिना हिन्दुओ को अपने धर्मस्थलों के प्रबंध का अधिकार, पंजाब के आतंकवाद पीड़ितों को 84 के दंगा पीड़ितों की तर्ज पर मुआवजा और न्याय, चंडीगढ़ को चण्डिका माता की नगरी के रूप में विकसित करने जहां कोई भी दुःखी ना हो इन मुद्दों के पक्ष में मतदान करने की अपील करेंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि उनके एजेंडे बड़े ही स्पष्ट हैं।

डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने गांव सारंगपुर और कृष्णा मार्किट में चुनाव प्रचार

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 17, 2024:--बहुजन समाज पार्टी की उम्मीदवार डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने अपने चुनाव प्रचार में तेजी लाते हुए आज गांव सारंगपुर, सेक्टर 41 कृष्णा मार्किट और विकास नगर में चुनाव प्रचार किया और लोगों से अपने हक में मतदान करने की अपील की। 
इस अवसर पर उनके साथ चंडीगढ़ प्रदेश प्रभारी सतीश कुमार खुरचा, अजीत भेनी,चंडीगढ़ प्रदेश प्रधान सरदार वरयाम सिंह, बामसेफ प्रधान सुरेंद्र सिंह खुद्दा, उप प्रधान मनोज और महिला अध्यक्ष निर्मला बौद्ध भी उपस्थित रहे।
       डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने डोर टू डोर चुनाव प्रचार के दौरान लोगों से संपर्क साधते हुए कहा कि अब बदलाव का समय आ गया है। देश की जनता ने दोनों पार्टियों कांग्रेस और भाजपा के शासनकाल के संताप को भोग लिया है। इन पार्टियों ने लोगों की प्लेट से निवाला छीन पूंजीपतियों और अपने घरों को भरा है। आज यह पार्टियां लोगों को तरह तरह के प्रलोभन देकर झूठे और कोरे आश्वासन दे रही हैं कि सत्ता में आने पर किये जा रहे वादों को लागू करवा देंगे। रितु सिंह ने लोगों से वादा करते हुए कहा कि आपने दोनों पार्टियों को परख लिया है और देश में हुए सकैम्स हर कोई जानता है। देश मे बुरी तरह से बढ़ चुकी महंगाई, बेरोजगारी और भ्रष्टाचार भी किसी से छुपा नही है। अब अंधभक्त बन कर नही सोच समझ कर देश की बेहतरी के लिए उचित उम्मीदवार को ही मतदान करें।

जरूरतमंद परिवार को बांटा मासिक राशन, लिया आशीर्वाद

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 17, 2024:- इनर व्हील क्लब ऑफ सिटी ब्यूटीफुल की अंतराष्ट्रीय सदस्य डॉ रिया मिड्डा ने अपनी शादी को यादगार व अपने सामाजिक दायित्व का निर्वाह करते हुए, जरूरतमंद परिवार को एक ओर जहां अपनी शादी के लेडिस संगीत समारोह में आमंत्रित किया, वही दूसरी ओर उन्हें एक महीने का राशन देकर उनसे आशीर्वाद लिया।

इस अवसर पर क्लब की वाईस प्रेसिडेंट अनिता मिड्डा जो कि डॉ रिया मिड्डा की माता हैं, ने बताया कि रिया बचपन से ही परोपकार और सामाजिक प्रवृत्ति की रही है। यह रिया का एक सपना था कि वे जरूरतमंद परिवारों को अपनी शादी के लेडीज संगीत में आमंत्रित कर उन्हें सम्मान दे। रिया का मानना हैं, उनका दिया हुआ आशीर्वाद फलता और फूलता है। रिया के इस सपने को  पूरा करने पर वे क्लब के सभी सदस्यों का वह आभार व्यक्त करती है। रिया शादी के बाद भी अपनी सामाजिक जिम्मेदारियों के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध है।

इस अवसर पर क्लब की प्रेसिडेंट वरिंदर कौर ने कहा कि हमारी बेटी व अतर्राष्ट्रीय सदस्या डॉ रिया द्वारा कई सामाजिक कार्य किए है। रिया में नेतृत्व का गुण विद्यमान है। वह हर समय जरूरतमंदों की सहायता के लिए तैयार रहती हैं। हम सभी उनके उज्ज्वल भविष्य की कामना करते हैं।

Thursday 16 May 2024

The Ranjha Releases Official Version of Viral 'Muqabala'

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024:-
The Ranjha has released the official version of his viral freestyle 'Muqabala' today via Mass Appeal. Building on the enormous success of the original, this release is poised to captivate an even larger audience.
The freestyle has been unescapable on the internet ever since the clip was uploaded in late January. The video, where The Ranjha can be seen rapping infectious bars as part of The Lehar Movement cypher in Chandigarh, has received more than 30 million views across social media platforms including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter. Many users across the world have been sharing their own renditions of the freestyle on their social media accounts for the past two months. Celebrities and popular accounts who have shared the clip include Lil Duval, Ebro Darden, GRM Daily, and RapTV among others. Its widespread appeal has sparked discussions and praise from various corners of the hip hop community.
The official audio is now here, with production from The Kidd who is best known for his extensive work with Sidhu Moose Wala. Featuring the same raps from the viral freestyle and now aided by booming production, 'Muqabala' is here to stay. Enhanced by Ihe Kidd's distinctive beats, the track elevates The Ranjha's raw, compelling verses to new heights, promising to be a staple in playlists and radio rotations.
Mass Appeal is thrilled to bring this electrifying piece to fans and new listeners alike. This release not only puts The Ranjha in the spotlight but also highlights Mass Appeal's role in promoting talented artists.
You can listen to 'Muqabala' on all major music streaming services - [One Link]

Valmiki Community Extends Support to Sanjay Tandon

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024:-
The BJP has got another boost  with a large section of the Valmiki Community joining the saffron party. A young leader of the  community, Sagar Dravid today joined the BJP in the presence of BJP candidate for Chandigarh Lok sabha seat from Chandigarh Sanjay Tandon.  Hundreds of his supporters too joined BJP along with him. Those who joined the party with Sagar included Pankaj, Suraj, Abhishek, Bunty, Harsh and many more. Those who were present during the joining function included Amit Khairwal, President of SC Morcha, Naresh Arora, Spokesperson, Om Prakash Saini, Sonia Duggal and others.

Sanjay Tandon welcomed the new entrants and assured them that they will be given full respect in the party. He told them that the party has been strengthened by the joining of the young members of the Valmiki Community. He further said our common aim is to bring Narendra Modi back as Prime Minister for the third consecutive term. 
Sagar Dravid assured the gathering that the entire Valmiki Samaj will back Sanjay Tandon and make him win by a huge margin.

SBI General Unveils Bima Central: A Revolutionary Step in Customer Experience

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024: – SBI General Insurance Company Limited, one of India's leading General Insurance companies has collaborated with Bima Central, developed by CAMS Insurance Repository, to introduce the first industry-wide policyholder servicing platform, Bima Central. This platform allows customers to aggregate their insurance portfolio through an electronic Insurance Account (eIA) and conveniently manage it through a one-stop digital platform i.e. BIMA Central.


For the first time in the industry, SBI General Insurance policyholders with an eIA through CAMS Rep Bima Central will be able to access their insurance portfolio directly through the SBI General Insurance Mobile App. Additionally, they can access these services through the Bima Central app.  


 Kishore Poludasu, MD & CEO, SBI General Insurance said that we are excited to unveil a game-changing innovation in the industry with the launch of Bima Central, a unique platform offering seamless management of the entire insurance portfolio on the SBI General Insurance Mobile App. This pioneering initiative underscores our steadfast commitment to enhancing customer convenience and comfort through state-of-the-art technologies.  It also positions SBI General as a leader in delivering industry-first innovation through cutting-edge technologies.

By harnessing platforms like Bima Central, we are not just improving access to customer information but also raising the bar in policyholder experience. This progress highlights our dedication to delivering unmatched service and value to our customers, ensuring their insurance requirements are fulfilled smoothly and effectively.


SBI General Insurance has established a two-way integration with Bima Central, allowing policyholders a single window, integrated access to aggregated insurance benefits for eIA holder. The platform will.


SBI General Insurance's endeavor is to issue all retail line of business policies in electronic format, which can be credited to the respective policyholder's e-Insurance account (eIA). In cases where policyholders do not already have an eIA, one shall be encouraged to open through Insurance Repository to enable their digital insurance servicing journey.

Congress Nominee Showing People 'Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne': Sanjay Tandon

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024:-As part of his mass contact programme, the BJP candidate for the Lok Sabha seat Sanjay Tandon held jansabhas in Faida village and Manimajra Town.
At the Faida  jansabha, Tandon  raised the issue of 'Guarantee Cards'  being distributed to unsuspecting voters by Manish Tewari's Congress and AAP workers at many places in Chandigarh, in violation of the Model Code of Conduct.  Tandon retorted that the Congress nominee is befooling innocent people, by showing them 'Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne' by making false promises in the 'guarantee cards'.

 Meanwhile, Youth Congress activist Sanju Solanki joined BJP along with hundreds of his supporters at the Faida village jansabha. Devendra Babla, State Vice President; Ravinder Malik, District President; Parveen Narang, Shashi Shankar Tiwari, Arun Sood, Naresh Panchal, Sandeep, Rajkumar, Vinod, Krishna Maurya were also present.

Tandon promised all-round development of semi-urban areas .  He also raised the issue of Lal Dora which he vowed to resolve on becoming MP.  Tandon said that he is  committed to bridging the developmental gap between the city's core and its peripheries, ensuring prosperity reaches every corner.

During addressing a jansabha at Manimajra Town he raised development works done by the BJP in the last 10 years in Manimajra. Tandon said that a modern underbridge has been built which has eased traffic congestion. Not just this under the project of 24 hours water availability, decades old pipelines are being replaced in the city, and a pilot project is going on in Manimajra. Tandon listed many other achievements of the Modi government which have revolutionized the development of Chandigarh.

In his concluding remarks, Tandon called upon citizens to join hands in realizing the vision of inclusive and equitable development of  Chandigarh in keeping with the Modi model of development.

Tandon said that he calls upon all of you to strengthen his hands by electing him as your MP for continuation of development works of Chandigarh.

‘Modi ki guarantees’ are falling flat! – Senior Congress leaders from USA and UK attack BJP

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024:– Indian Oversees Congress senior leaders held a press conference today at Press Club, Chandigarh. Mohinder Singh Gilizan, President, Indian Oversees Congress USA, Kamal Dhaliwal, President, Indian Oversees Congress UK, R C Sharma IOC Canada, Charanjit Modgil IOC Estonia, Gurpreet Sobi IOC USA & Simranjot Singh IOC Finland on Thursday rallied to launch a frontal attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing the BJP government of ruining the economy, undermining democracy, and threatening socio-cultural fabric of the country. 

Highlighting the quid pro quo arrangements of BJP, Mohinder Singh Gilizan, President, Indian Oversees Congress USA vented about the Electoral Bond scheme calling it a scam "What the electoral bonds scheme has done is to ensure "ease of doing crony capitalism" and distort the market in a way that propagates inequality. When the scheme was introduced, the PM claimed it would clean the political system. But the BJP government concealed details of the donors and the number of donations received through electoral bonds before the Supreme Court struck it down. When data was made public, it was clear that after a company secured a government contract, businessmen gave crores to the BJP through electoral bonds the very next day. When CBI or ED enquiry was instituted against such firms, they donated through electoral bonds and the investigation was stopped. It was simply 'Chanda do aur Dhanda lo.

He also spoke about tainted leaders of other political parties inducted into BJP are getting "clean chit" in all their corruption cases by the ED. Lashed out on the bjp government about mocking the Global Hunger Index which states India being in a serious situation and the need to provide free rashan to 80 crore families. 

Addressing the media, Kamal Dhaliwal, President, Indian Oversees Congress UK lambasted the ruling government and said that now that Modi ki guarantees are falling flat Modi has turned to a dangerous narrative of Mangalsutra, Muslim and Mutton politics. Prime Minister is playing dirty politics which boils down to two fear-mongering staples: "Muslims are coming to rob you and dishonour your women!" Prime Minister Modi is clutching at the mangalsutra. Because he is afraid, he is drowning. He has no real agenda barring Hindu-Muslim politics

Mr. Dhaliwal also touched upon the issues of unemployment and inflation. He stated that the unemployment rate among youth stands at 40% and nearly 60-65% of the unemployed are educated. Inequality, unemployment among youth, inflation of various commodities and household debt are at an all-time high. Despite promises, the unemployment rate over recent years indicates not enough jobs have been added in the last 10 years.

Other Senior leaders also spoke about India being the 5 largest economy but per capita income is lower than much smaller countries. The rich are becoming richer, and the poor are becoming poorer.  India falling one position from last year in the recently released Henley Passport Index for 2024. The Indian passport ranks 85th. If Modi is the world leader than why is our passport rank slipping? Questioned the leaders.

Tandon Speeds up Campaign Boarding a CTU Local Bus

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024:-The BJP campaign took to new wheels as the party nominee, Sanjay Tandon boarded a CTU local bus for a journey through the city. Travelling from Sector 17 to Sector 26, Tandon had an intense interaction with the co-passengers. During his interaction Tandon exchanged ideas, and inquired about the aspirations of the public.

The BJP leader built a new bridge with the city voters fostering meaningful dialogue and empowering residents to actively participate in shaping the future of the city.

During his bus ride, Tandon sought commuters' input on transport facilities and basic amenities within the city. Commuters lauded initiatives such as the introduction of Electric Vehicles (EV) and AC buses, citing significant improvements in their commuting experiences. They also commended the establishment of cycle tracks, acknowledging their positive impact on urban mobility.

Notably, in a significant development in the transport system, EV and AC buses have been introduced during the BJP's tenure.

In thoughtful conversations, senior citizens praised the 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme and said the recent extension, including all senior citizens over 70 years of age as promised in the BJP's manifesto, will provide a huge benefit to them.

Addressing the aspirations of Chandigarh's youth, Tandon articulated his vision of creating ample job opportunities across sectors within the city. He emphasized his goal of transforming Chandigarh into an "Aspirational City," ensuring that local talent will find employment in different sectors within the city and no need to relocate to other cities.

In concluding remarks, Tandon urged voters to elect BJP to take the city and the nation to new heights of development under PM Modi's leadership. He exhorted voters to participate in large numbers on June 1 to strengthen democracy and said that voting is not just a right; it is also a duty. With large participation, we should make the electoral process more participative.

Tradition of Martyrdom for Country Runs Deep in Congress, not in BJP: Tewari

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 16, 2024:- Senior Congress leader and INDIA bloc candidate from the Chandigarh parliamentary constituency Manish Tewari today asserted that unlike the Bharatiya Janata Party, which only talks about nationalism with its characteristic 'jumlebazi', the Congress party and its leaders have a tradition and history of martyrdom and sacrificing their lives for the nation.
Tewari reiterated the Congress' welfare guarantees including doubling the free monthly ration to the poor, paying Rs 8500 every month to poor families and guaranteed first year job for all graduates and diploma holders.
Replying to a question, during an interaction with reporters, that the BJP leaders were claiming that India had emerged stronger under the BJP rule, as compared to the Congress, Tewari retorted, "yes verbally, but not practically, as it had weakened actually", while referring to China still occupying India's land and the BJP leadership being timidly quiet.
He pointed out, it was during the Congress regime under late Ms Indira Gandhi that India divided Pakistan into two parts and created a new country, Bangladesh. He said, Ms Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi laid down their lives for the unity and integrity of the country.
Tewari, whose father Professor Vishwanath Tewari was also shot dead by Punjab militants during terrorism in Punjab, challenged the BJP leadership to quote one single example where their leaders have sacrificed their lives for the nation or made the country proud.
"Shouting slogans like Bharatmata Ki Jai from a safe distance and making it actually happen are two different things", he remarked, while asserting, "Congress believes in actually making Bharatmata victorious as it did in 1971".
He pointed out, it was the Congress that won freedom for the country and then integrated over 500 princely states into one nation. "The BJP was not even born that time", he pointed out, while adding, "and they still have the audacity to question Congress' contribution".
Reiterates Congress guarantees
During his 'padyatra' in the Motor Market, Tewari reiterated his party's guarantees aimed at public welfare. He said, the free ration given to poor families will be doubled once the INDIA government takes over after June 4.
He also announced that every poor family will receive Rs 8500 every month directly in the bank account of the eldest lady member of the family. 
Tewari also referred to the 'pehli naukri pakki' guarantee under which every fresh graduate and a diploma holder will get a guaranteed apprenticeship for one year with an assured income of Rs one lakh for that period. 
He said, unlike the BJP's 'jumlebazi' (fake promises) the Congress state governments in Telangana and Karnataka had already fulfilled the promises made to people, within days of taking over. Same will happen at the centre once the INDIA government assumes office after June 4, 2024.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने ड्डूमाजरा और मलोया में डोर टू डोर प्रचार देश से भाजपा के 10 साल के कुशासन को खत्म करना है: डॉक्टर रितु सिंह

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:--चंडीगढ़ संसदीय सीट से बहुजन समाज पार्टी की प्रत्याशी डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने आज अपने ड्डूमाजरा और मलोया चुनाव प्रचार के दौरान कहा कि ये चुनाव रितु सिंह का नहीं आपका अपना है। जब जनता का साथ हो और बुजुर्गो का आशीर्वाद हो तो सफलता मिलती है।

डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने ड्डूमाजरा और मलोया में डोर टू डोर प्रचार के दौरान घर घर जाकर लोगों से संपर्क साधा और अपने पक्ष में वोट करने की अपील की। रितु सिंह ने कहा कि देश से  भाजपा के 10 साल के कुशासन को खत्म करना है। भाजपा ने जाति व धर्म के नाम पर बांटने का काम किया है और कांग्रेस ने 70 सालों में देश की बर्बाद किया है। इस भाईचारे, देश के लोकतंत्र और संविधान को बचाने के लिए तानाशाह भाजपा सरकार को बाहर का रास्ता दिखाना है।

 उन्होंने मलोया में  जनसभा को संबोधित करते हुए बसपा के चुनाव निशान हाथी के सामने वाला बटन दबाने की अपील की।   उन्होंने कहा कि कांग्रेस और भाजपा सरकार ने कोई काम नहीं किया, चुनाव में जनता काम का हिसाब मांग रही है तो भाजपा और कांग्रेस बे सिर पैर की बात कर रही है, कोई काम करवाया हों तो काम पर बात कर सकती है। उन्होंने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री के संबोधन में अंहकार व बौखलाहट साफ नजर आने लगी है। कांग्रेस और भाजपा ने अपने शासन में किसी का भी भला नहीं किया। लोगों को गुमराह किए रखा, मंहगाई, बेरोजगारी और भ्रष्टाचार तेजी से बढ़ा उन्हें रोकने के बजाए खुला छोड़ दिया। इस अवसर पर उनके साथ बसपा वरिष्ठ नेता और पदाधिकारी भी मौजूद रहे।

डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने ड्डूमाजरा और मलोया में डोर टू डोर प्रचार देश से भाजपा के 10 साल के कुशासन को खत्म करना है: डॉक्टर रितु सिंह

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:--चंडीगढ़ संसदीय सीट से बहुजन समाज पार्टी की प्रत्याशी डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने आज अपने ड्डूमाजरा और मलोया चुनाव प्रचार के दौरान कहा कि ये चुनाव रितु सिंह का नहीं आपका अपना है। जब जनता का साथ हो और बुजुर्गो का आशीर्वाद हो तो सफलता मिलती है।

डॉक्टर रितु सिंह ने ड्डूमाजरा और मलोया में डोर टू डोर प्रचार के दौरान घर घर जाकर लोगों से संपर्क साधा और अपने पक्ष में वोट करने की अपील की। रितु सिंह ने कहा कि देश से  भाजपा के 10 साल के कुशासन को खत्म करना है। भाजपा ने जाति व धर्म के नाम पर बांटने का काम किया है और कांग्रेस ने 70 सालों में देश की बर्बाद किया है। इस भाईचारे, देश के लोकतंत्र और संविधान को बचाने के लिए तानाशाह भाजपा सरकार को बाहर का रास्ता दिखाना है।

 उन्होंने मलोया में  जनसभा को संबोधित करते हुए बसपा के चुनाव निशान हाथी के सामने वाला बटन दबाने की अपील की।   उन्होंने कहा कि कांग्रेस और भाजपा सरकार ने कोई काम नहीं किया, चुनाव में जनता काम का हिसाब मांग रही है तो भाजपा और कांग्रेस बे सिर पैर की बात कर रही है, कोई काम करवाया हों तो काम पर बात कर सकती है। उन्होंने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री के संबोधन में अंहकार व बौखलाहट साफ नजर आने लगी है। कांग्रेस और भाजपा ने अपने शासन में किसी का भी भला नहीं किया। लोगों को गुमराह किए रखा, मंहगाई, बेरोजगारी और भ्रष्टाचार तेजी से बढ़ा उन्हें रोकने के बजाए खुला छोड़ दिया। इस अवसर पर उनके साथ बसपा वरिष्ठ नेता और पदाधिकारी भी मौजूद रहे।

Sr Cong Leader & Two-time UT Mayor Subhash Chawla Joins Hands with Tandon

By 121 Newd

Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:-

In a big boost to the BJP  Senior Congress leader and two-time former Mayor Subhash Chawla, along with his son Sumit Chawla, joined the Bharatiya Janata Party at 'Kamlam' Sector 33, Chandigarh, here today.

Chawla's joining took place in the presence of  Saroj Pandey, National Vice President of Bharatiya Janata Party accompanied by BJP Chandigarh candidate Sanjay Tandon; Jitender Pal Malhotra, BJP State President, Devinder Singh Babla, Vice President and Amit Jindal General Secretary.

In a warm reception of a Congress stalwart into the BJP, Saroj Pandey that we welcome Subhash ji into the Bharatiya Janata Party and assure him that he will get much respect in the party. The exodus of many senior congress leaders is due to lack of the party's vision and conflicting ideologies within the INDIA Bloc. This will cause a decimation of the Congress party in India.

Tandon said that the Chandigarh BJP has been further strengthened with the joining of Subhash Ji, who has been the strongest pillar of the Chandigarh Congress. He has known him for 25 years and have interacted with him both at a political and as personal level. Subhash Ji, you will find an important place in the heart of the world's largest political party, the BJP. Moreover, Chawla Ji was impressed by PM Modi and his style of working, and therefore, he has joined our party.

Former Congress UT President Chawla expressed his dissatisfaction with the Congress-AAP coalition in Chandigarh, citing its detrimental effects on the Congress's standing in the city.

Subhash Chawla said that leaving the party, which he joined at 21, is a harsh decision for him to take. However, he can't ignore the damage AAP's presence inflicted on Congress in the recent UT MC election. AAP is a party which indulges in petty politics. And Congress's decision to join hands with AAP for the UT Lok Sabha seat will destroy its presence in UT in near future.

Notably, in 2022, Chawla resigned as the President of the Congress's Chandigarh unit.

Besides politics, Tandon Ji and he has a long-standing relationship. More importantly, there has been a long-standing demand in the city for a good local candidate who has a cordial relationship with its own people. He is certain that Tandon Ji will advocate for our issues in the parliament.

Highlighting Tandon's longstanding commitment to the city, Chawla lauded Tandon's selfless services. Chawla added that his dedication and commitment to the people of the city make him an ideal candidate.

Ramgarhiya Community Leaders Extend Support to Tandon

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:-
In a significant development, the Ramgarhia community in Chandigarh has pledged their support to BJP Chandigarh candidate Sanjay Tandon ahead of the Lok Sabha election during an event held at Sector 27, Chandigarh. The Ramgarhia community leaders pledged their full support to the BJP candidate and expressed their confidence in his ability to address the challenges facing the constituency while advocating for its residents on a national platform.

Sanjay Tandon said that he would like to thank the Ramgarhia community for this crucial support for my candidacy. In fact he is overwhelmed at the support he is getting from all sections of society, this will motivate him further to work even harder for Chandigarh's development.

Dr. Harcharan Singh Ranauta, President of the Ramgarhia Sabha Chandigarh, stated that the candidate's vision for Chandigarh resonates with the aspirations of the Ramgarhia community, and we are optimistic that under his leadership, the city will continue to prosper and flourish.

In concluding remarks, they extended gratitude to the candidate for his steadfast dedication to serving the citizens and the nation. The Ramgarhia community stands in solidarity with the candidate as he embarks on this journey towards representing Chandigarh in Parliament.

Tandon Says Congress Nominee Should Withdraw Candidature Due to Violations

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:-
As part of his election campaign, Sanjay Tandon, the BJP candidate for the Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat, addressed Jansabhas at Kajheri and Dhanas. Tandon strongly criticized the Congress nominee for displaying double standards regarding his views on the constitution.

Discussing the recent showcause notice issued to Congress candidate Tewari by the Chandigarh Election Commissioner for electoral violations, Tandon stated that Tewari, who claims to be the saviour of the constitution, is revealing his true colours by brazenly violating the election code of conduct.  Congress workers were found distributing guarantee cards to residents in order to influence them to vote in favour of the Congress. Due to this the Congress nominee should on moral grounds withdraw his candidature due to violations committed.

It is to be noted that the District Electoral Officer, Chandigarh, had sent a show cause notice to Tewari following numerous complaints received by the Election Department. 

Meanwhile, Tandon reiterated his commitment to resolving the longstanding issue of housing boards in Dhanas through a one-time settlement and promised to address the issue of Lal Dora in Kajheri once elected as MP. He also spoke about how the Modi government had made Ram Mandir in Ayodhya a reality. He also referred to how the Modi regime had successfully abrogated Art 370. He also said that the issue of 'need based changes' shall also be addressed. 

Meanwhile in a public gathering held in Dhanas many youth joined BJP. Tandon while welcoming the youngsters into the BJP fold said that the youth are getting motivated to join BJP due to the development agenda being propagated by PM Modi.

Sanjay Tandon Receives Blessings from Baba Bageshwar Dham

By 121 News

Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:-

Sanjay Tandon, the BJP candidate for Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat , met Sarkar Dhirendra Krishna Shastri ji of Bageshwar Dham in the city today and sought his blessings ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. Tandon met Dhirendra Shastri, who visited the city at the residence of a renowned devotional singer Kanhaiya Mittal in Sector 32, Chandigarh.

During a thoughtful conversation with Sarkar Dhirendra Shastri on spirituality and introspection, Tandon shared insights about his social work endeavors. He also expressed his unwavering devotion to Lord Hanuman, emphasizing that he has faithfully visited the temple for the past 40 years, regardless of circumstances.


Impressed by Tandon's devotion and commitment to societal welfare, Sarkar Dhirendra Shastri encouraged him to continue his social work and remain dedicated to serving society. The interaction served as a moment of spiritual reflection, reaffirming Tandon's commitment to both spirituality and community service.

Don’t Tell us what you are going to do, tell us what you have done in 10 years, Tewari challenges Tandon

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 15, 2024:- Senior Congress leader and INDIA bloc candidate from the Chandigarh parliamentary constituency Manish Tewari today asked the Bharatiya Janata Party to tell the people of Chandigarh what it had done for the 'City Beautiful' during the last ten years.
"Don't tell us again as what you are going to do, just tell us what you have done during last ten years", he told the BJP, while adding, "this is the time for the BJP to answer the questions of the people of Chandigarh and not make any fresh promises which end up in proverbial 'jumlas' like these ended up during last ten years".
Tewari reiterated that the Congress was committed to mass welfare and referred to the Mahalakshmi scheme under which every poor family across the country will receive Rs 8500 every month directly in the bank account of one of its lady members. 
He said that during the last ten years, about twenty crore families had again slipped below the poverty line. Direct monthly cash assistance of Rs 8500 will help to bring them out of the poverty, BJP government pushed them into, he observed. 
The former union minister said that the BJP can not run away from the answers anymore. He pointed out, unlike in other parliamentary constituencies which consist of assembly segments, an MP is the only legislative representative for Chandigarh. He said, the MP is as much accountable and answerable for local issues as s/he is for the national issues. 
Elaborating on the 'Mahalakshmi Scheme', Tewari said, poor families across the country will be identified, irrespective of their caste, creed or region and one lady member of the family will receive Rs 8500 every month.
He promised that the scheme will start from July 1, 2024 when the families will start receiving the cash directly after the INDIA bloc forms government at the centre once results are declared on June 4.
Padyatra in Sector 40, Kaimwala
Tewari carried out 'padyatras' in Sector 40 and Kaimbwala areas, where he met scores of people and interacted with them. He spoke about their problems and assured to resolve these immediately after the elections.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

A Grand Shri Ram Temple has been Built in Ayodhya, Now It is Mathura's Turn: Pushkar Singh Dhami

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 14, 2024:-
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said a grand temple of Shri Ram Lalla has been built in Ayodhya, now it is the turn of Mathura.

He said something different has happened in every period of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The BJP has fulfilled its promise made on Shri Ram Temple and Article 370.

Along with this, work is to be done on many other big schemes in the third term of Prime Minister Modi. Work will be done to bring these schemes on ground and the pace of development in the country will be further accelerated.

CM Dhami, who came to campaign for BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon on Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat on Tuesday, gave this reaction during a press conference at BJP state office Kamalam.

Dhami said he has done election tours in almost all the states from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Attock to Cuttack, but this time a different kind of enthusiasm is visible among the people.

Considering this election as their own election, every section of the society is eager to make Modi the Prime Minister for the third time.

He said that this wave is the result of Modi's continuous hard work day and night for 140 crore people without any rest. This is the best wave in the country in the last years.

It has been observed that where there are double engine governments, those states are progressing at double the speed. The schemes of the Central Government have reached the ground there.

In states, where there is no double engine government, the people of those states are not given full benefits of the schemes of the Central Government by those state governments.

Dhami also targeted the Aam Aadmi Party's Delhi and Punjab governments. He said in the Delhi state government, right from the Chief Minister to the ministers, the Chief Minister himself is on bail.

Both the Aam Aadmi Party governments came to power by lying to the public and now when it comes to fulfilling their promises, they are blaming others.

He also raised questions Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. He said he meets the people of Punjab less in his own state and more in Delhi's Tihar Jail. He said drug trade is increasing in Punjab. The resources of Punjab are not being utilized properly.

He said this election is to make India developed and the leader of the world. In the last ten years, Modi has got work done on many schemes. There has been a big change in the behavior that used to happen when we went to foreign countries ten years ago.

India's respect has increased all over the world. Today, historic decisions have been taken in the fields of innovation, skill development, education and sports. Border security has increased, schemes like triple talaq, Nari Shakti Vandan Bill, respect for heritage, beginning of celebrating Veer Bahadur Diwas in the memory of Sahibzadas of Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj, ropeway to reach Hemkund Sahib and making the difficult path easy are due to Modi government.

Dhami said that the last ten years of Prime Minister Modi's tenure were ones of innovation and reconstruction.

The CM said in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Modi had called for 300 seats, the public took his appeal seriously and worked to give more than 300 seats, but this time it is not just a slogan or an appeal, but it is the public's resolution to give more than 400 seats. The historic results will be visible on more than 400 seats in the country, including Chandigarh seat.

On arrival of the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand in the press conference, Chandigarh BJP President Jatinder Pal Malhotra, Vice-President Shakti Prakash Devshali, General Secretary Hukam Chand and Amit Jindal welcomed him.

Tandon's Roadshow Gets Huge Response

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 14, 2024:-
BJP candidate for the Chandigarh Lok Sabha  seat Sanjay Tandon conducted a massive roadshow at Sector-26 vegetable market here on Tuesday. A large number of people, including vegetable vendors, traders, and shop owners, participated with enthusiasm at the roadshow.

Addressing the shopkeepers and the general public, Tandon called upon them to vote with full enthusiasm on June 1st. He said that chandigarh is recognized as a beautiful city across the country, let us make it highest in voter turnout in India by achieving a record-breaking 90 percent voter participation. 

Highlighting the transformative policies spearheaded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, Tandon lauded the inclusive approach that has uplifted the most marginalized sections of society. He further bn said that nder Prime Minister Modi's leadership, the government has tirelessly worked to empower every citizen, ensuring that the dividends of progress reach even the remotest corners of our nation.

In his concluding remarks, Tandon assured to resolve the problems of the grain market once elected as an MP and termed the grain market the city's economic lifeline. During the event, the Grain Market Association Sector-26 announced its support for the BJP candidate. Later in the day, Tandon also attended a public meeting organized in Progressive Enclave Sector 50, where residents assured of giving their full support to BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon in the Lok Sabha elections.

INDIA Bloc - a Self Centred Alliance of Corrupt Parties: CM Dhami

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Chandigarh, May 14, 2024:-
The INDIA Alliance is a temporary coalition, as its members are fiercely contesting against each other in Punjab and slinging mud at each other, while they are conveniently in an unholy tie-up in Chandigarh. Have you ever witnessed such a self-serving and confounding alliance?, said Pushkar Singh Dhami, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, while addressing the gathering at Sector 46, Ramleela Ground, Chandigarh.

Hundreds of people dressed in traditional attire of Uttarakhand, including men, women, and youth, welcomed the Uttarakhand CM Dhami. The response was phenomenal as the public meeting venue was choc-a-bloc.

In a scathing attack, CM Dhami said this INDIA bloc faces ideological challenges, and their ulterior motive is to work for the so called main leaders' family interests, and not for the common people. Dhami declared that Uttarakhand has become the first state to implement the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which has received approval from the President. Now, the CAA will be implemented across India oncce the BJP government comes to power again.

The INDIA Bloc is against the CAA and has vowed to scrap it if it comes to power. In fact, the Congress is planning to implement Muslim Personal Law or Sharia. He even alleged that the Congress has its eyes on your savings and will snatch a part of it to give it to its favorite vote bank. The Congress has been accused of reallocating the OBC quota from Muslims by including them in the OBC category. He labeled the INDIA Bloc a selfish alliance in which everyone aspires to become Prime Minister.

BJP candidate Sanjay Tandon today said that on the first of June, we have to decide whether we want a PM who is tough and unwavering or one who is helpless. Under strong leadership, the world now looks at India with much respect.

Reiterating his commitment, Tandon promised to resolve the issues of housing boards through one-time settlement and resolve the issues of Lal Dora. Outlining his vision, he assured to bring Metro to resolve the traffic issues of the city after being elected as MP. Tandon also highlighted Ram Mandir construction, scrapping of Article 370, Shiv Shakti - The point where the moon lander of Chandrayaan-3 landed.

In a fervent call, Dhami said that over the past decade, Kirron Kher has dedicated herself to serving Chandigarh. Now, it's time for Sanjay Tandon to carry forward this legacy of service under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Modi. Tandon is a dedicated leader and will resolve all longstanding issues of the city after winning the election. So, he urge you to vote in support of Sanjay Tandon for the development of the city.

Lauding the Modi government's significant initiatives for the Sikh community, Dhami underscored major projects like the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor, Veer Bal Diwas, and the development of roads leading to Hemkund Sahib to streamline the pilgrimage experience for devotees. Dhami further highlighted that from bolstering our infrastructure to enhancing healthcare and education, India has witnessed remarkable progress under the transformative leadership of Prime Minister Modi. With India now ranked as the 5th largest economy globally, Prime Minister Modi's vision has propelled our nation to new heights. Furthermore, initiatives such as Jan Dhan Yojana, and Ayushman Bharat have brought tangible benefits to the poorest sections of our society.

Prominent BJP leaders present included Davinder Babla, Ramvir Bhatti, Shakti Devshali, Bhupinder Sharma, Heera Negi, Ravinder Pathania, Sunita Bhatt, Shanti Bhaguna, Anand Prakash Sharma, Prakash Chand Baluni, Veerpal Singh Negi, Arvind Baluni, Budhi Chand Nautiyal, Gopal Benjwal, Kuldeep Rawat, Ravinder Malik, and others.

BJP attacks Manish Tewari on 'Voter Bribery'

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 14, 2024:-
The District Election Officer and Returning Officer of Chandigarh have issued a show cause notice to Congress candidate Manish Tewari following multiple complaints received by the Election Department. Allegations suggest that workers affiliated with the Indian National Congress have been involved in the production Congress Guarantee Cards  and filling of these in various Chandigarh localities, including Maloya, Daria, Kishangarh, Manimajra, Bapu Dham Colony, EWS Flats Dhanas, Ram Darbar, Indra Colony, etc. These cards purportedly gather crucial voter information by enticing individuals to vote in favor of the Indian National Congress in exchange for promised benefits.

A spokesperson for the BJP, Chandra Shekhar, State General Secretary, remarked, "This exposes the true nature of the Congress. The party has a track record of disregarding the constitution, and this is yet another instance of the same.  

Tewari's Congress is enticing voters with false promises in exchange for votes, showing a blatant disregard for ethical conduct in elections. We have consistently been stating that Tewari's claims of upholding constitutional values are hollow. It is abundantly clear that Tewari is actively involved in violating constitutional principles and promoting corrupt electoral practices."

श्री मद्भागवत महापुराण कथा के चौथे दिन श्री कृष्ण जी का जन्म उत्सव धूमधाम से मनाया गया

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 14, 2024:-श्री सनातन धर्म मन्दिर सैक्टर 11 चंडीगढ़ द्वारा श्री मद्भागवत महापुराण की कथा महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी यमुना पूरी जी महाराज (कनखल, हरिद्वार वाले), के मुखारविंद हो रही हैं।  आज चौथे दिन की कथा में श्री कृष्ण जी का जन्म उत्सव कथा और भजनों द्वारा धूम धाम से मनाया गया। 
इस अवसर पर 
नंद के आनंद भयो, जय कन्हिया लाल की ,,,,,,,,,
जय हो नन्द लाल की ।
नन्द के आनंद भयो,
जय कन्हिया लाल की ,,,,,,,,,

नाचना श्याम दे नाल नच लेन दे आज मनु नच लेन दे,,,,

बांके बिहारी की देख जट्टा मेरो मन रह गयो लता बट्टा,,,,,,,,

इस अवसर पर मंदिर के प्रधान सचिव सहित समस्त कार्यकारणी के साथ समस्त शर्मा परिवार उपस्थित रहे। कथा के उपरान्त प्रसाद वितरित किया गया।

Mind Tree School Shines Bright with Stellar Results in CBSE Class 10th results

By 121 News

Mohali, May 14, 2024:-In a display of academic prowess and dedication, Mind Tree School has once again distinguished itself with outstanding results in the Central Board of Secondary Education 2023-24.

Rishik Chawla, whose stellar performance has clinched him the coveted first position in the board examinations, topped the charts.  With an impressive score of 97.20% and a record of accomplishment of excellence, Rishik has set a shining example for his peers. Ojasvi Sood has earned the well-deserved second position in the examination with an outstanding performance of 97%. Rounding off the top three performers is Palakjeet Kaur, whose exemplary performance of 96.40% has earned her the prestigious third position in the examination. Their exemplary performances reflect their unwavering commitment to academic excellence and their ability to rise to the occasion under pressure. Their dedication, hard work, and determination have propelled them to this significant milestone, earning them recognition and accolades from all quarters.

With an impressive school average of 86.76%, the School has once again demonstrated its commitment to nurturing academic excellence and fostering a culture of learning and achievement. What sets the School apart is not only its high average but also the remarkable percentage of students who have excelled in the examination. With a flawless record of all students surpassing the 70% mark, Mind Tree School has solidified its reputation as a trailblazer in the field of education. A staggering 96% of students have scored above 75%, showcasing the school's dedication to ensuring that every student reaches their full potential and achieves academic success. An outstanding 39% of students have achieved scores above 90%, demonstrating not only their academic prowess but also their ability to excel in the most challenging of circumstances. These top performers serve as an inspiration to their peers and a testament to the school's commitment to fostering a culture of excellence and achievement.

The exceptional performance of all the students underscores the dedication, hard work, and relentless pursuit of excellence instilled within the school's academic ethos. It is a testament to the collaborative efforts of students, teachers, and parents, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that each student receives the support and guidance needed to succeed. The school's exceptional performance has not only brought pride and recognition to its students but has also reaffirmed its position as a leading institution committed to nurturing and empowering young minds.

Monday 13 May 2024

SBI General Insurance Appoints Jaya Tripathi as Head - Key Relations Group to Sharpen Focus on Banks and other Financial Institutions

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 13, 2024:- SBI General Insurance, one of India's leading general insurers, has announced the appointment of Ms. Jaya Tripathi as Head – Key Relations Group. In her new role, Ms. Tripathi will lead the expansion of new business opportunities and partnerships, drive sales team growth, and deepen partner relationships to enhance profitability.

With a diverse background spanning general insurance, fashion retail, and tourism, Ms. Tripathi brings an array of experience to her new position. Her extensive background includes holding senior leadership roles at renowned organizations such as Mahindra Holidays, ICICI Lombard, Forevermark Diamonds (De Beers Group), and Aditya Birla Group, where she has significantly contributed to business and strategic development. Ms. Tripathi holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (Marketing) from Symbiosis International University.

Rakesh Kaul, CBO, SBI General Insurance, said that we are delighted to welcome Jaya to the SBI General Insurance family. We are confident that with her extensive experience and proven track record, she will play a pivotal and indispensable role in driving our business goals forward.

Commenting on her appointment, Ms. Jaya Tripathi said that she is excited to join SBI General Insurance as the Head – Key Relations Group. In this new role, she look forward to leveraging her  experience to drive strategic partnerships and contribute to the company's growth.

Ms. Tripathi's appointment reflects SBI General Insurance's commitment to strengthening its leadership team and delivering value to its partners and customers.

SBI General Insurance Appoints Jaya Tripathi as Head - Key Relations Group to Sharpen Focus on Banks and other Financial Institutions

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 13, 2024:- SBI General Insurance, one of India's leading general insurers, has announced the appointment of Ms. Jaya Tripathi as Head – Key Relations Group. In her new role, Ms. Tripathi will lead the expansion of new business opportunities and partnerships, drive sales team growth, and deepen partner relationships to enhance profitability.

With a diverse background spanning general insurance, fashion retail, and tourism, Ms. Tripathi brings an array of experience to her new position. Her extensive background includes holding senior leadership roles at renowned organizations such as Mahindra Holidays, ICICI Lombard, Forevermark Diamonds (De Beers Group), and Aditya Birla Group, where she has significantly contributed to business and strategic development. Ms. Tripathi holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (Marketing) from Symbiosis International University.

Rakesh Kaul, CBO, SBI General Insurance, said that we are delighted to welcome Jaya to the SBI General Insurance family. We are confident that with her extensive experience and proven track record, she will play a pivotal and indispensable role in driving our business goals forward.

Commenting on her appointment, Ms. Jaya Tripathi said that she is excited to join SBI General Insurance as the Head – Key Relations Group. In this new role, she look forward to leveraging her  experience to drive strategic partnerships and contribute to the company's growth.

Ms. Tripathi's appointment reflects SBI General Insurance's commitment to strengthening its leadership team and delivering value to its partners and customers.

इंगरसोल रैंड और आदिउशमा इंजीनियर्स ने कस्टमर कनेक्ट प्रोग्राम की मेजबानी की

By 121 News
Chandigarh, May 13, 2024:- इंगरसोल रैंड और आदिउशमा इंजीनियर्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड ने एक कस्टमर कनेक्ट कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया, जिसका उद्देश्य बिजनेस लीडर्स को प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करने और ऊर्जा बचाने के बेहतर तरीकों को समझने में मदद करना है।

इंगरसोल रैंड के विशेषज्ञों ने तेल-मुक्त प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करने, ऊर्जा बचाने और वास्तव में काम करने वाली ऊर्जा-बचत योजनाएं बनाने के नए तरीकों पर चर्चा की।

इस कार्यक्रम में सिप्ला, हेल्थकैप्स, वालेस फार्मा, पैनासिया बायोटेक जैसी अग्रणी कंपनियों सहित उपस्थित लोगों ने भाग लिया। उन्होंने अपने काम को और अधिक कुशल बनाने, उत्पादकता में सुधार और पर्यावरण के प्रति दयालु होने के बारे में बातचीत की।

कार्यक्रम में कुछ प्रमुख विषयों पर प्रकाश डाला गया, जैसे मशीनों को सर्वोत्तम तरीके से काम करने के लिए सही भागों का उपयोग करना, हवा के रिसाव को ढूंढना और ठीक करना, और ऊर्जा बचाने के लिए कंप्रेसर से गर्मी का उपयोग करना। इन वार्ताओं से पता चला कि उद्योग जगत के लिए व्यवसाय करते समय पर्यावरण के बारे में सोचना कितना महत्वपूर्ण है।

आदिउशमा इंजीनियर प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के निदेशक और इंगरसोल टेरिटरी लीडर - भारत और मध्य पूर्व, श्री मनोज कुमार जैन ने कहा कि यह कार्यक्रम स्मार्ट प्रौद्योगिकी के उपयोग, ऊर्जा संरक्षण और स्थिरता के प्रति हमारी सामूहिक प्रतिबद्धता को प्रदर्शित करता है।

उन्होंने कहा कि यह कार्यक्रम दिखाता है कि उद्योग ग्रह की देखभाल के साथ-साथ बेहतर काम करने के नए तरीके खोजने के बारे में गंभीर है और टीम वर्क और ज्ञान साझा करने से हर कोई बदलाव ला सकता है और उद्योग को और भी बेहतर बना सकता है।