Friday 31 July 2020

Rakshabandhan: ‘Gift a Titan Smile’ to Your Sibling and Celebrate the Bond of Love

By 121 News
Chandigarh July 31, 2020: Over the last few months, the lockdown has brought about a considerable change in all our lives in many unexpected ways. Staying at home has brought us closer like never before and made us appreciate the little things that our loved ones do, that make the greatest difference - be it recipes that your mothers gave you on a video call or the grocery that your brother had shipped to you while being in a different city or the fine French cuisine that you and your spouse tried to make for the very first time. This time has allowed us to reflect upon ourselves, nurture ourselves; and appreciate our family and closed ones more than ever before.

Known for its craftsmanship and design, Titan offers over a range of exquisite designs to choose from to gift your siblings; Titan Raga for the graceful and modern Indian woman, Purple for the style-conscious, Edge for the minimalist, Mechanical for the connoisseur and several more to choose from.

Speaking about this special initiative, Kalpana Rangamani, CMO, Watches & Wearables - Titan Company Limited said that with Rakshabandhan right around the corner, our initiative 'Gift a Titan Smile' is an attempt to create treasured memories for life and bringing a smile to your siblings. Titan presents a fine range of modern timepieces with exciting offers, making it an ideal gifting option for our customers. This new era of gifting is a welcome change that will bring us closer to our loved ones.

Pick your favorite timepiece from Titan this Rakshabandhan and capture precious memories with your siblings. Come, join us in the celebrations and shop from the wide range of watches across several collections; one for every kind of gifting moment, or relationship. This collection is available at the World of Titan stores, Helios, major department stores & authorized dealers all across India. Consumers can shop the collection online at

प्रिंस खुल्लर यूथ डेवलपमेंट बोर्ड के सीनियर वाईस चेयरपर्सन नियुक्त

By 121 News
Chandigarh July 31, 2020: पंजाब सरकार के खेल एवं युवक सेवा विभाग द्वारा प्रिंस खुल्लर को विभाग के अंतर्गत आने वाले यूथ डेवलपमेंट बोर्ड का सीनियर वाईस चेयरपर्सन नियुक्त किया गया है। इस सम्बन्ध में अधिसूचना जारी कर दी गई है।

ऊधम सिंह के शहीदी दिवस पर शहीद का दर्जा देने की पुरजोर माँग : चंडीगढ़ युवा दल

By 121 News
Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- शहीद ऊधम सिंह के शहीदी दिवस पर उनको शहीद का दर्जा देने की मांग पुरजोर तरीके से उठ रही है. चंडीगढ़ युवा दल ने सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से केंद्र सरकार से जल्द उन्हें शहीद का दर्जा देने की मांग की है. युवा दल के प्रधान विनायक बंगीआ व सयोंजक सुनील यादव ने इसके साथ ही शहीद ऊधम सिंह के वस्त्र और पिस्टल को इंग्लैंड से वापस लाने की मांग की है. इसके साथ ही युवाओ से मांग की है कि शहीद ऊधम सिंह को शहीद का दर्जा दिलाने के लिए आगे आएं  इस मौके पर युवा दल के सयोंजक सुनील यादव ने कहाँ की आज उधम सिंह जी की पुण्‍यतिथि है, मैं उन्हें नमन करता हूं और उनको श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता हूं । मैं चाहता हूं कि युवा उनको शहीद का दर्जा दिलवाने की मांग में मेरा साथ दे । एक पांच साल का बच्चा जलियांवाला काण्ड के नरसंहार को देखता है और 21 साल तक उस बात को अपनी छाती में एक आंदोलन के रूप में रखता है, फिर देश से बाहर जाकर जनरल डायर पर गोली चलाता है मैं समझता हूं कि शहीद का दर्जा देना ही वास्तव में यह उनको सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि है।

शहीद भगत सिंह युथ क्लब ने शहीद उधम सिंह की पुण्यतिथि पर मौली जागरा गांव में पौधारोपण किया

By 121 News
Chandigarh July 31, 2020: शहीद भगत सिंह युथ क्लब की और से शहीद उधम सिंह की पुण्यतिथि पर मौली जागरा गांव में क्लब के प्रधान बलकार सिंह विक्टर के नेतृत्व में पौधारोपण कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया इस मौके पर बलकार सिंह ने बताया कि शहीद उधम सिंह को 31 जुलाई,1940 में माइकल ओ डायर की हत्या के आरोप में पेंटनविले जेल में फांसी दे दी गई थी. सरदार उधम सिंह का नाम भारत की आजादी की लड़ाई में पंजाब के क्रांतिकारी के रूप में दर्ज है. उनका असली नाम शेर सिंह था और कहा जाता है कि साल 1933 में उन्होंने पासपोर्ट बनाने के लिए 'उधम सिंह' नाम अपनाया।
उधम सिंह का जन्म 26 दिसंबर 1899 को पंजाब में संगरूर जिले के सुनाम गांव में हुआ था. कम उम्र में ही माता-पिता का साया उठ जाने से उन्हें कई मुश्किलों का सामना करना पड़ा और अनाथालय में शरण लेनी पड़ी. लेकिन 1919 में हुए जालियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड के बाद उन्होंने पढ़ाई जारी रखने के साथ-साथ स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में कूदने का फैसला किया और अपनी जिंदगी आजादी की जंग के नाम कर दी. उस वक्त वे मैट्रिक की परीक्षा पास कर चुके थे।
आजादी की इस लड़ाई में वे 'गदर' पार्टी से जुड़े और उस वजह से बाद में उन्हें 5 साल की जेल की सजा भी हुई. जेल से निकलने के बाद उन्होंने अपना नाम बदला और पासपोर्ट बनाकर विदेश चले गए. लाहौर जेल में उनकी मुलाकात भगत सिंह से हुई. उधम सिंह भी किसी भी धर्म में विश्वास नहीं रखते थे।
13 मार्च 1940 को लंदन के कैक्सटन हॉल में ईस्ट इंडिया एसोसिएशन और रॉयल सेंट्रल एशियन सोसायटी की एक बैठक चल रही थी. जहां वो भी पहुंचे और उनके साथ एक किताब भी थी. इस किताब में पन्नों को काटकर एक बंदूक रखी हुई थी. इस बैठक के खत्म होने पर उधम सिंह ने किताब से बंदूक निकाली और माइकल ओ'ड्वायर पर फायर कर दिया. ड्वॉयर को दो गोलियां लगीं और पंजाब के इस पूर्व गवर्नर की मौके पर ही मौत हो गई. गोली चलाने के बाद भी उन्होंने भागने की कोशिश नहीं की और गिरफ्तार कर लिए गए. ब्रिटेन में ही उन पर मुकदमा चला और 4 जून 1940 को उधम सिंह को हत्या का दोषी ठहराया गया और 31 जुलाई 1940 को उन्हें पेंटनविले जेल में फांसी दे दी गई।
शहीद भगत सिंह युथ क्लब के प्रधान बलकार सिंह विक्टर ने कहा शहीदों की चिताओं पर ये कैसा मेला जिसमे शहीद का दर्जा दिलाने के लिए परिजनों और देश वासिओ को इतनी मशाकत करनी पड़ रही है।
इस मोके पर दलेर बरार, अजय कुमार, गौरव, जसविंदर सिंह, बलोचन मलिक, प्रिंस, जसमीत सिंह, परविंदर सिंह, अभिजीत भी मौजूद थे।

Prime Minister Dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat Can be Fulfilled by Fintech: Sanjay Dhotre

By 121 News

Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- Prime Minister dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat can be fulfilled by fintech said by Chief Guest Sanjay Dhotre, Union Minister of State for Education, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India today at CII Conference on Cashless and Digital economy. He opined that fintech should focus for long term and future considering finance should reach each and every person of India through technology and inclusion to be made priority. He emphasize on making financial transaction simple and easy going. He said that during COVID 19, Digital Payments played an instrumental role during this pandemic and cash transfer under PM Garib Kalyan scheme was possible due to digital payment infra.  

In his Keynote Address, Abhimanyu Munjal, Deputy Chairman, CII (Northern Region) and Joint Managing Director & CEO, Hero FinCorp Ltd said that digital economy is the most important gateway for innovation, competitiveness and growth in the country. He added that world is very dynamic and is continuously changing today and one of the fundamental drivers of change is digital transformation. He said that post demonetization the growth of digital payment infrastructure was phenomenal and continuously a boon for all during this pandemic. 

In his welcome address, Ashutosh Chadha, Conference Chairman and Vice President & Head South Asia, Public Policy & Government Affairs Mastercard said that true Digital inclusion will only be seen if every single citizen merchant and establishment is seamlessly and frictionlessly able to  adopt to digital commerce. He added that this requires creating a safe secure payment ecosystem, providing users with  multiple interoperable solutions and ensuring there is no concentration risk. 

Dr Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar, President, Aeris Communications in his address said that empowering Rural India with digital payments models will drive huge transparency in financial transactions, help in curtailing parallel economy & greatly improve ease of business. Indian FinTech's have a huge role to play here he added. We have second largest number of start-ups in the world and Indian entrepreneurs are capable to lead & transform digital payments in rural economy and further strengthening Atmnirbhar Bharat said by Dr Bhatnagar.  

In his theme address, Abhishant Pant, Founder, The Fintech Meetup said that India is one of the youngest country in the world. He added that the advantage of youth is best utilised when a curious mind is rightfully involved in enterprise creation. Startups therefore represent an interesting way to channelise this energy in a way that it leads to creation of Atmanirbhar Bharat.  He said that India is a dominant player in Fintech startup category and it is extremely important that this lead is further accelerated. He further appreciated CII conference as a great step in that direction of bringing all relevant stakeholders together.

Speaking at the Conference, Anirban Mukherjee, Chief Executive Officer, PayU India said India has a domestically developed payments infrastructure that is world class and we are hoping to further develop it together with our ecosystem partners. Our core focus continues to be digitization of all merchants in the country and building a broader fintech ecosystem he added. 

Ravi Rajagopalan, Managing Director & CEO, Empays Payment Systems India in his address said that COVID 19 has completely changed the world. He also said that health and safety, and localisation of purchase behaviour are the new normal. The big shift that has taken place towards digital behaviour in the last three months is probably the only silver lining to emerge in an otherwise challenging landscape.

The event marked the presence of experts from Airtel Payments, Bharatpe, Fino Payments,  Phonepe, SWIFT, BharatPe and others and attended by over 150 participants.

Webinar on Hepatitis Awareness organized by Desh Bhagat School of Nursing

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Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- Desh Bhagat University's School of Nursing observed World Hepatitis Day to raise awareness about Hepatitis viral. A webinar was organized to disseminate detailed information about Hepatitis – its causes, prevention, treatment and cure and aware students & staff members of the varsity about the disease. More than 250 students and community members attended the webinar.

Dr. Rajwant Kaur Randhawa, Director,Desh Bhagat School of Nursing, delivered an expert lecture on the risks associated with Hepatitis infection and easy remedial steps for prevention of the disease .She said viral hepatitis  is an inflammation of the liver that causes various problems like liver cancer and an early detection can cure the disease .

Dr. Zora Singh, Chancellor, Desh Bhagat University, said that approximately 40 crore people on this planet are living with hepatitis B and C and every year more than 1.5 million people lose their life due to these infections, better awareness about the infection and  available medical remedies can prevent us from the transmission.

Dr, Tejinder Kaur, Pro Chancellor, Desh Bhagat University appreciated the efforts of the staff members and guided students that prevention is better than cure and everyone must inculcate a healthy life style to live a better life.

Amway Strengthens the Health and Fitness Community: Launches ‘Fit Hai to Hit Hai’ Digital Sessions

By 121 News

Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- Keeping fitness at the forefront to encourage healthy living and embracing a healthy lifestyle, Amway India, one of the country's leading direct selling FMCG companies, launched its first-ever virtual fitness series ,'Fit Hai to Hit Hai'. Supporting the Government of India's initiative–Fit India Movement, the leading wellness brand continues to promote and spread awareness around healthy living, fitness, the importance of balanced diet and supplementation through various engagement activities. The hour-long session received participation from over 2000 direct sellers and consumers.

Commenting on the initiative, Gursharan Cheema, Senior Vice President, North & South, Amway India, said that the ongoing pandemic has led to a shift in consumer behavior, with a rise in awareness and appreciation for healthy living and strong immunity, consumers are exploring newer ways to remain fit. As a leading health and wellness brand, we have been at the forefront of promoting healthy living through various activities. We believe fitness is a lifestyle choice and goes beyond just physical. It has led to people becoming more conscious and aware to ensure their overall wellbeing, which is a great shift. In collaboration with our direct sellers, specifically health enthusiasts, we are building communities, bringing people together to engage and exchange knowledge on healthy living, benefits of a balanced diet along with the body's nutritional requirement for its proper functioning. In line with this, we have customized the 'Fit Hai to Hit Hai' to build deeper engagement with our direct sellers and consumers. We are ecstatic to see an overwhelming response for both the sessions from our direct sellers and consumers, especially the youth direct sellers.

After the success of the first session with Apoorva Chikara, an Ultrathon Runner, we organized the second session of the series with an engaging dialogue with Capt. Dharamveer Singh, TEDx speaker, runner, mountaineer and fitness enthusiasts. During the session, Capt. Dharamveer Singh shared his fitness mantras and health tips with the participants. He emphasized on the importance of a balanced nutrition-rich diet and the role of supplementation in helping achieve a healthy living. He highlighted Amway's Nutrilite range of dietary supplements make for a perfect choice to help optimally meet one's nutritional requirements for the proper functioning of the body.

The 'Fit Hai To Hit Hai' series is aimed at fostering the spirit of community building among its direct sellers and bringing together likeminded individuals who share common passions. These communities act as an important tool to encourage Amway direct sellers to move beyond traditional ways of interaction and bond over shared interests using social media as one of the platforms. Embracing the wave of digitization, Amway has scaled up these initiatives by making them virtual and reaching a larger set of consumers.

Amway's Nutrilite is the world's No. 1 selling vitamins and dietary supplements brand with a strong legacy of more than 80 years in the plant-based approach to supplementation. The Nutrilite range of dietary supplements are specially created to help urban Indians, who want to stay healthy, but often, unknowingly miss out on their daily requirements of vital nutrients. The products being focused in these sessions are Nutrilite All Plant Protein, Nutrilite Traditional Herbs Range, Nutrilite Omega, Nutrilite Daily, Nutrilite Cal Mag D, amongst others. 


Husn Purewal is Bringing Fire to the Floor with ‘Shantranj’

By 121 News

Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- Husn Purewal as beautiful as his name always bring something unique to the table. After giving back to back hit songs like Pyar Ho Gya, Berozgaar and Chitta Suit, he is back with another beat number 'Shatranj'. The song has alreadybeen released on stereo nation world's YouTube channel.

Jaggi Tohra has written the lyrics of the song, G Guri is the music director and the video of the song has been directed by Amar Hundal. This beat number has released under the official music label of Stereo nation. The entire project has been produced by Ranbir Grewal from Stereo Nation who has also produced Punjabi movie Laatu and Raja Dhaba.

On the occasion of the release of the song, Husn Purewal said that he is a firm believer in hard work and being true to your audiences. He wants to bring them what they love to hear and this song surely falls in that category. He will keep entertaining his fans which keep pushing him to do better and better.

Director of the song, Amar Hundal from Hundal Creations said that to direct such a peppy number, you need to give your brain some work. This track has wonderful lyrics and Husn Purewal's voice will suit the video of the song as well. It's like perfect matrimony.

Producer of the project from stereo nation said that at Stereo Nation, we wish to promote new forms of music and artists and that's why we go all out with our music. There's no better way to be futuristic than collaborating with the artists of the future.

'Shatranj' has already been released on the official YouTube label of Stereo Nation On 30th July 2020.

ईद उल जुहा यानि की बकरीद कल: इस बार गले मिलकर नहीं मना पाएगा बकरीद मुस्लिम समुदाय: बकरीद पर दी जाती है कुर्बानी, मुस्लिम समुदाय का खास त्योहार: कोरोना ने बकरीद का रंग भी किया फीका

By 121 News

Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- ईद उल जुहा यानि कि बकरीद कल शनिवार को है। इसको लेकर अबकी बार मुस्लिम समुदाय किस तरह इस बकरीद के त्योहार को मनाएगा। बकरीद मुसलमानों के सबसे बड़े त्योहारों में से एक है और इस दिन कुर्बानी देने की प्रथा होती है। लेकिन इस बार कोरोना की इस महामारी को लेकर सरकार द्वारा खास हिदायत दी गई है कि मुस्लिम समुदाय यह त्योहार अपने घरों में ही मनाए। 

चंडीगढ़ की सैकटर 20 स्थित जामा मस्जिद की बात करें तो इस त्योहार पर यहां पर हजारों की संख्या में मुस्लिम समुदाय के लोग एकत्र होकर एक दूसरे के गले लगकर ईद की वधाई देते हुए बकरीद मनाते आए हैं। लेकिन इस बार ऐसा नही होगा। कोरोना संकटकाल के चलते इस बार मुस्लिम समुदाय सेक्टर 20 जामा मस्जिद या शहर की किसी मस्जिद में इस का त्योहार नही मना पाएगा और ही ईद की नमाज अता कर पाएगा। सरकारी दिशा निर्देशों की पालना करते हुए सभी मुस्लिम भाईयों को कहा गया है कि इस बार बकरीद की नमाज अपने अपने घर पर ही अता करें। और बकरीद का पाक त्यौहार घर पर ही पारिवारिक सदस्यों के साथ मनाएं। इसके अलावा एक दूसरे को गले लगकर ईद की बधाई देने से भी परहेज करें।

जामा मस्जिद के इमाम मौलाना अजमल खान ने इस बार सारे मुस्लिम समुदाय को इस त्योहार को सादगी से मनाने की अपील की है। उन्होंने कहा है कि बकरीद का त्यौहार घर पर ही मनाएं, और अगर मस्जिद जाएं तो एहतियात बरतें गले मिलें, सामाजिक दूरी बनाकर रखें अपने आपको सैनिटाइज करते रहे। 

कोरोना के संक्रमण जिस तरह से फैल रहा है उसने सभी की जिंदगी को प्रभावित किया है कुछ दिनों बाद राखी है, जिसकी भी रंगत गायब है कई बहनें अपने भाईयों के पास नहीं जा पा रही हैं ऐसे में सभी कोरोना का जल्द से जल्द कोई इलाज निकले ऐसी ही दुआ कर रहे हैं ताकि यह भय का माहौल हटे और लोग फिर से एक दूसरे से हंसी खुशी मिल सके।

Got a Visa Rejection for Canada? Reapply Successfully with the Help of CAIPS

By 121 News
Chandigarh July 31, 2020:- Canada is a popular destination with a high scope of growth but at the same time, it is not easy to get an entry in the country. A large number of people applying for a visa to go to Canada can get their visa rejected and feel discouraged.To help you understand the root cause of it, Travel Tricks, one of the trusted names in the field of immigration is providing you with the valuable information that might be able to help you.

With an aim to educate and empower the youth planning to move abroad for a better future, Travel Tricks offers a streamlined pathway to turn your visa rejections into a success! So, considering the same, let us throw some light on dealing with Canadian visa refusals in a right way with the help of CAIPS Notes! Here are some questions we've addressed to help you get all the information you need.

What are CAIPS Notes ?

Firstly, Travel Tricks will help you know what exactly is CAIPS.

"Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System", known as CAIPS is a file check system used by all the Canadian Visa Offices for all kinds of visa processing.

Is CAIPS different from GCMS and FOSS?

These two are progressive terms for CAIPS file and are no different in terms of the procedure involved and the results produced. "Global Case Management System" is known as GCMS. It is a faster and automated system superseding CAIPS to improve the overall functioning and results. This service is available for applicants within and outside Canada. "Field Operational Support System", known as FOSS is a computerized version of the file records of the international visa applicants within Canada. You must also know that your CAIPS file, GCMSnotes or FOSS will provide your history of immigration and details of your past interviews to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC)and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).

What are the benefits of CAIPS Notes?

CAIPS notes have a detailed record of your previous visa filings. You can actually go through all the steps that were taken by the visa officer during the processing of your previous visa applications. Discovering the problems can help you to be extra careful with your future applications.

These are the five categories of visa applications, for which you can request to get your CAIPS file, GCMS or FOSS.

1.       Immigration Application/ Permanent Residency

2.       Student Visa Application

3.       Visitor Visa/ Tourist Visa Application

4.       LMIA based Work Permit Application

5.       Spouse Dependent Work Permit Visa Application

What is the procedure to appeal to the embassy to procure your CAIPS Notes?

The procedure is simple and hassle-free. All you need to do is follow the step wise instructions provided to you for filling and submitting the application form, also known as "Consent to Disclosure" form. Along with this, you have to submit a copy of your passport and the refusal letter.

At Travel Tricks, we provide you this service to make it an easier procedure to obtain your CAIPS notes as we complete this application process on your behalf.

How much time does  it take to obtain the CAIPS file?

Once you have made an appeal and submitted your documents to the embassy, you can expect the file to be delivered to you in an estimated time of 5 weeks. However, depending upon the file and case in consideration it can also take upto 6 weeks for the consulate to review and get back to you.

We hope this information proves to be helpful for your next Canada visa application. Understanding the benefits of applying for CAIPS/GCMS/FOSS notes is definitely going to get you a step closer to the successful visa processing and save you from getting a visa ban in the near future. Travel Tricks wishes you all the best to fulfill your Canadian Dream.

Thursday 30 July 2020

LIC of India Announces the Financial Results 2019-2020

By 121 News
Mumbai, July 30, 2020:-Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC of India), India's largest life insurer, has announced its audited figures for the year ended March 2020. 
New Business performance by the Corporation for the year ending March 2020 has 
shown a growth of 25.17 % in its first year premium by posting a highest ever figure 
of Rs 1,77,977.07 cr. Pension & Group Superannuation Business created history, crossing one lac crore and collected Rs 1,26,696.21 cr as New Business Premium Income as against Rs 90848.86 cr in the previous year corresponding period showing a growth of 
The Corporation as at March end 2020 collected Rs 3,79,062.56 cr of Total Premium Income as compared to Rs 3,37,185.40 cr collected during the corresponding period last year showing a very robust growth of 12.42%.
Total policy payouts amounted to Rs 2,54,222.27 cr for the period ending 31.3.2020 as 
compared to Rs 2,50,936.23 cr for the corresponding period last year, showing an 
increase of 1.31%. 
The Corporations Gross Total Income grew to Rs 6, 15,882.94 cr for the period ending 31.3.2020 from Rs 5, 60,784.39 cr as at the last corresponding period, showing a handsome growth of over 9.83 %. Total Assets of the Corporation stood at Rs 31,96,214.81 cr as compared to Rs 31,11,847.28 cr for the corresponding period last year thus posting a growth of over 
LIC has also been granting huge facilities for easy premium payments to its customers. 
It waived convenience fee on all policy related digital transactions using credit cards w.e.f December 01, 2019. This facility is available up to November 30, 2020.
LIC took every possible step to ensure that people stay covered through insurance 
during pandemic. For collection of premium all Digital channels were available 24X7 during the lockdown period.
LIC has always been proactive in settling death claims and goes every extra mile to 
find claimants and mitigate the financial hardship of the family of the deceased. Death 
claims arising due to COVID-19 are treated at par with other causes of death and 
payments are being made on an urgent basis. LIC have already settled COVID death 
claim under 561 Policies amounting to Rs.26.74 Crores. They have also relaxed the 
procedure and are getting requirements of death claim through e mail from their Club 
Agents/Development Officers.
To help customers further in this environment LIC is now accepting the Maturity 
Claim and SB requirements from customers by mail and settling the claims without 
original document.(Subject to some conditions).


By 121 News

Chennai, 30 July 2020:- Continuing to dominate the middleweight motorcycling segment (250cc-750cc), Royal Enfield added yet another feather to its cap as the Interceptor 650 and the Himalayan achieved new records in the UK. Royal Enfield's quintessential, modern classic roadster, the Interceptor 650 has been the best selling motorcycle in the UK for June 2020 (as per MCIA data for the more than 125cc motorcycles category). The Interceptor 650 has also been the highest selling naked style motorcycle in the UK for the last 12 months (as per MCIA data from June 2019 - June 2020), along with the Royal Enfield Himalayan at No.4. This is a remarkable feat, and a first-of-its-kind by any Indian two-wheeler manufacturer, selling in the UK. 

Speaking about this achievement Vinod K. Dasari, CEO Royal Enfield said that our vision is to expand and lead the middleweight motorcycling segment across the world. Towards this vision and further strengthening our position as a truly global brand, Royal Enfield has been consistently focusing on widening its footprint in international markets and creating engaging experiences for enthusiasts. Since its launch, the Interceptor 650 has been gaining momentum among consumers, and has won several awards globally. Dominating the mid-segment in the UK for a year, is a truly remarkable achievement that we are very proud of. We are equally delighted with the success of our adventure-tourer Himalayan which has been among the top 5 best selling middle-weight motorcycles in the UK consistently over the last 12 months.  This response from our customers in the UK has propelled Royal Enfield to become one of the fastest growing motorcycle brands in the UK.

Further speaking about the Interceptor 650, Vinod K. Dasari added that the Interceptor 650 marked the beginning of a new chapter and was the first truly global motorcycle from Royal Enfield. It has paved the way for us to grow from strength to strength; by building more awareness and aspiration for the brand in international markets, and by growing the 500cc+ category more than 4-times in India. Both, the Interceptor 650 and Himalayan have brought in a lot of first time buyers into Royal Enfield and we believe these motorcycles have a strong potential to grow our international markets.

Launched in September 2018, the Interceptor 650, the quintessential roadster, soon shot to popularity across global markets. Underpinned by an ethos of fun and approachability that make for pure riding experiences, the Interceptor 650 has emerged a true world-beater by winning several awards and accolades including Indian Motorcycle of the Year 2018, MCN's Best Naked Motorcycle of the Year 2019 and several other top honours. In India the Interceptor 650 has won almost all awards in its category, and has performed exceedingly well. Since its launch, the upper end (500cc and above) of the mid-sized motorcycling segment has grown over four times, between FY 2019 and FY 2020.

The Royal Enfield Himalayan has redefined adventure touring in India and across the world, and managed to carve a niche within the adventure touring segment. Inspired by Royal Enfield's 60 years of enduring history in its spiritual home - The Himalayas - the motorcycle has been an accessible and engaging option for riding enthusiasts.

This success of the Interceptor 650 and the Himalayan in the UK is also a testimony to the consistent efforts put in by Royal Enfield across its international markets to build more consumer touchpoints and curate deeper, more engaging experiences. Led by the Interceptor 650 and the Himalayan, Royal Enfield has recorded an overall volume growth of 96% across its international markets in FY20, with Europe registering 100% growth over last year. In the UK, Royal Enfield has made significant inroads in expanding its retail footprint to 67 customer touch points. The brand has also invested in expanding its marketing, sales and service teams to manage this growth. 

Honda Announces 2020 CBR 1000RR-R Fireblade & Fireblade SP

By 121 News
Chandigarh July, 30 2020: The wait is over for motorcycle enthusiasts to unleash their racing spirit. Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. today announced bookings open for its two brand-new variants CBR1000RR-R Fireblade and Fireblade SP in the super sports category. The CBR1000RR-R Fireblade and Fireblade SP will be introduced via the Completely Built-up (CBU) route in India.

Revealed at the 2019 EICMA Show in Milan, the 2020 CBR1000RR-R Fireblade and Fireblade-SP under Honda's super sports line-up are the most powerful Honda Fireblade to be ever introduced.

With an unwavering focus on circuit riding, unprecedented levels of performance and control, the 2020 Fireblade is created with extensive involvement of Honda Racing Corporation (HRC).

Leaning heavily on the engine and chassis technology of the RC213V-S 'street-legal MotoGP machine', with aerodynamics drawn from the RC213V MotoGP machine, both versions of the new Fireblade have been designed from ground up - in terms of engine, handling and aerodynamics - for outright track performance.

The Fireblade SP additionally gets second-generation Öhlins Smart Electronic Control (S-EC) suspension and user interface, New Brembo Stylema brake calipers- 330mm discs with 2-level ABS and a quick shifter.

Talking about the legacy of Fireblade and Honda's Premium Business plans, Atsushi Ogata, Managing Director, President & CEO, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. said that by introducing the best models from Honda's global line-up, we have proved our strong desire to take our racing DNA in India to another level. Legendary Fireblade has been synonymous for perfect handling, balance and sheer riding enjoyment for last 28 years.

Announcing the bookings open for 2020 Fireblade, Yadvinder Singh Guleria, Director - Sales and Marketing, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. said that taking forward the legacy, new Fireblade is drawn strongly on Honda's RC213V MotoGP machine. 'Born to Race' the motorcycle offers more power and an unprecedented level of track-focused performance. The riders will have a whole new level of experience with these extreme performance bikes. The bookings have opened today at Honda BigWing dealerships across India. The deliveries will start from end of August 2020 

Tata Steel' Nest-In Launches Agronest: India's First Smart Warehouse for Onion Storage

By 121 News
Chandigarh, July 30, 2020: Nest-In, Tata Steel's modular construction solutions brand, has launched a revolutionary onion storage solution 'Agronest' that is aimed at reducing spoilage of the onions to half of its current level.

This is a first-of-its-kind smart warehouse for onions developed with scientific backing and latest innovations and technology. The lack of scientific storage practices, non-standard designs and poor quality of material used for onion storage leads to over 40% loss of the produce inside the warehouse. With unpredictable weather and climate changes and the recent challenges of transport and movement, farmers face multiple challenges with respect to storage and maintaining a healthy shelf life for their produce. Over the years, farmers have suffered losses in quality and quantity of their produce, as the onion industry lacks proper storage facilities.

P. Anand, Chief, Services & Solutions, Tata Steel, said: that we strongly believe achieving self-reliance and self-sustainability in agriculture is critical to making India atmanirbhar. Inspired by this mission, our expert professionals are developing customised solutions for the agriculture sector. Climate change and environmental conditions affect the shelf-life of the farmers produce and lack of proper storage facilities lead to huge losses. We understood the problem here and our teams crafted a solution that is long-term and practical. We are committed to creating innovative products and solutions for our customers and enable a better tomorrow.

Given that the agricultural sector supports 70% of India's population and contributes to 50% of the GDP, the government is rapidly investing in Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). Tata Steel's Innovent team identified this white space in the market to build solutions in agri-infrastructure.

Taking a step forward to achieve this objective and support the backbone of the Indian economy, Tata Steel's Nest-In and Innovent teams have developed Agronest, a smart warehouse solution with a unique structural design that maximizes air flow, is spacious thus making it conducive for longer and safer storage of onions, and provides a cost-effective environment control to ensure minimal wastage. The warehouse has sensors installed for monitoring temperature, humidity and gas, thereby enabling early detection of spoilage of the produce.