
Friday 5 June 2020

SONY SAB TV: Harshad Arora aka Alok Rejoices New Experiences While Staying at Home

By 121 News
Mumbai June 05, 2020:-Television artists are always seen keeping up with a demanding schedule to keep the show going and entertain their fans. While following the stay home and stay safe mantra for the last two months, artists have been making the best and productive use of their time at home. Such has been the experience of the immensely talented actor, Harshad Arora, from Sony SAB's Tera Kya Hoga Alia, who is sharpening his culinary skills and spending the time with his pet cat, who is recently rescued.

Harshad talking about his experience of staying at home and rescuing a cat, he said that one of the positive things to happen to me during this phase is that I rescued and adopted a cat. He was in a bad shape when I found him but the entire experience of bringing him to good health and taking care of him has been beautiful. I have been very preoccupied with playing with him and initially making regular visits to the vet to ensure his speedy recovery.

Harshad, adding further on his culinary skills that this phase has made me try everything that I had never done before like sweeping the house, washing the dishes and trying my hands-on cooking. I can finally call myself an amateur cook now and a pro at cleaning the house. I feel I have aced the recipe of making Bhindi.

Sharing his fitness routine at home, Harshad said that he starts his day with basic stretches, Surya Namaskar and pushups followed by an evening run keeping all the safety measures in mind. All these activities help me to be agile and healthy.

While missing the shoot life, Harshad shared that initially he was relieved that the time off from shoot will be a much needed break but now I cannot wait to back in front of the camera. Although, a lot will change on the sets and a lot of safety measures will be kept in place. It won't be same as before but I am eagerly looking forward to this new normal of shoot life.

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