
Saturday, 4 June 2016

Blood Donation Camp by Thalassaemia Children Welfare Association:305 Units of Blood Collected

By 121 News

Chandigarh 04th June:- Thalassaemic Children Welfare Association (Regd.), PGI, Chandigarh organizes several voluntarily Blood Donation Camps every year to collect 8000-9000 units of blood for its 430 thalassaemic children, for whom blood is "life line" for their survival. They need blood transfusion after every 2-3 weeks for whole of their lives for maintaining blood hemoglobin level around 10mg.

Out of these camps, six camps are organized at PGI, Chandigarh and one camp at GMCH-32 during summer months, when there is acute shortage of blood in these blood banks due to several reasons, so that our thalassaemics are not deprived of the regular blood supply for transfusion.

The third blood donation camp which is 153rd camp of the Association was organized by the Association today at the Zakir Hall of the PGI. In this camp 305 units of blood was collected for the PGI, Chandigarh. The camp was inaugurated by Gopal K. Wadhwa, Managing Director, Jullundur Hotel, Sector 22-B, & Hotel JH EI8HTEEN, Sector 18-D, Chandigarh. The chief guest Gopal K. Wadhwa, and his family also Donated the blood in the camp. The next camp which will be 154th Camp of Association will be organizes at Blood Bank, Level-2, Block-D, GMCH-32, Chandigarh on the eve of World Blood Donors Day on 12th June, 2016 (Sunday). The voluntary blood donors are welcome to participate in this camp for the welfare of the children suffering from this blood related disease.



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